Cool facts about cats and dogs.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему

Устинова Татьяна Васильевна

Презентация содержит занимательный материал о кошках и собаках.


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Слайд 1

Animals in our life.

Слайд 2

Cool facts about cats.

Слайд 3

Pet cats come from the same family as lions , tigers , leopards.

Слайд 4

If you have a pet, you know, of course, that most cats hate water. But Turkish cats love swimming. Some of them even go fishing!

Слайд 5

The longest cat in the world is a cat called Snowbie. He lives in Scotland. Snowbie is 103 centimetres long!

Слайд 6

Cats can see very well in the dark — six times better than people.

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Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours a day .

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Some people like to dress their cats. But cats HATE it .

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In the Middle Ages cats weren’t so lucky. People thought they were witches! So they killed them. There was a time when cats almost disappeared in Europe.

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Egyptians loved their cats so much that they couldn't die without them. Scientists often find mummies of cats in Egyptian pyramids

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The world’s first с afe for cats and their owners, of course,- opened in New York in 2004. The name of the café is Meow Café and it has a very strict rule: “No dogs!”.There are six kinds of cat food on the menu.

Слайд 12

Do this quiz and find out. 1.Do you talk to your cat? 2.Do you play with your cat every day? 3.Do you buy presents for your cat? 4.Is there a picture of your cat on the wall of your room? 5.Does your cat sleeps on your head, do you like it? 6.If your cat sleeps on your head, do you like it ?

Слайд 13

Amazing doggie facts.

Слайд 15

A dog’s nose can feel more than 2 million smells.

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This is the Yorkshire terriere – one of the smallest dogs too. Such small dogs are called « tea cups » because of their size.

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Most dogs can swim very well , but bassets can not. Their legs are too short.

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This dog from Great Britain has the longest ears in the world. Each ear is 29,2 centimetres long!

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When Dalmatian puppies are born they have no black spots. They are white.

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When puppies are born they are helpless. They can’t see or hear, they can’t sit or stand, and they can’t bark.

Слайд 21

Usually you can’t take your dog to a cafe, but in some countries there are special cafes for dogs-and their owners, too.

Слайд 22

Some people like to dress their dogs. They go to special dog shops and buy clothes for their pets. Do you think dogs like it ?

Слайд 23


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