"Притяжательный падеж имен существительных"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Lesson Plan
Coursebook: M. Z. Biboletova "Enjoy English" for 2 class, Unit 3, Lesson 40.
Aim: To acquaint the students with the use of nouns in the Possessive case.
New Language: The Possessive case, Ann’s cat.
Revision: Has she got….?, Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Stage | Aim | Activities of teachers | Activities of students |
I. Organization stage | Welcomes students, asks "How are you?" | Welcome teachers. | |
II. Warm-up. | To revise the words, the structure: Have you got a pencil? | Says the words: a box, a pencil, a pen, a pencil-box, a rubber, a book, a workbook, a cat with a hat, a hat for a cat, what, who ever saw. Acquaints the pupils with the poem about the cat, Textbook page 69, ex. 1: asks the pupils to listen to the poem and to repeat it after the speaker (the poem is accompanied by facial expressions and gestures) Asks the pupils to see what is there in the cat’s box and to recall the question, wich help ask her what she has got in the box (Have you got a pencil?). | Repeat the basic words after the teacher then listen to the poem and repeat it after the speaker. Look at the picture and name the question (Have you got a pencil?). Then execute ex. 2, page 69 |
III. Problem’s formulation | To introduce the theme To predict the theme of the lesson | Offers to look at the rule and to predict what will be the theme of the lesson and to formulate its purpose | Look at the rule. Try to formulate the theme and the purpose themselves |
IV. The solution of the problem Time: 6 minutes | To develop grammatical skills | Explains the activity: Let’s do ex. 3, p.69. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the nouns in the Possessive case Let’s do ex. 2, p. 36 in the Workbook Look at the pictures and say whom these things belong to. | Execute ex. 3, p. 69, ex. 2, p. 36 Workbook Work with the pictures |
V. The physical minute Time: 3 minutes | Have a rest. | Hands up!Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake! Stand up on the tiptoes! Turn around!Step aside! Step left! Step right! Turn around and sit down! | Execute the physical minute |
VI. Primary consolidation | To consolidate the acquired knowledge during group and pair work | Asks the pupils to do page 70, ex. 5, 6 | Execute page 70, ex. 5, 6 |
VIII. Reflection | Evaluation of their own activities | Offers the pupils to play the game "The trick" | Play the game "The trick" |
IX. Homework | Explains homework. P. 70, ex. 5, P. 36, ex. 4 (Workbook) | Write homework. P. 70, ex. 5, P. 36, ex. 4 (Workbook) |
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