Урок-ролевая игра "Международный конгресс: Защита окружающей среды"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Этот урок направлен на воспитание ативной жизненной позиции учеников в вопросах экологии.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок-ролевая игра "Международный конгресс «Protection of environment»"
- Обучающий аспект: систематизировать и обобщить лексические знания учащихся по теме «PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT»
- Развивающий аспект:
- развивать навыки монологической речи, активизировать навыки диалогической речи;
- развивать самостоятельность в коммуникативной деятельности, поддерживать и поощрять развитие творческих способностей учащихся.
- Воспитывающий аспект:
- воспитание активной жизненной позиции учеников в вопросах экологии;
- воспитание экологической этики, умения любить и понимать прекрасное в природе.
Оборудование: магнитофонная запись, видеофильм, индивидуальные карточки, плакаты с экологической тематикой.
План урока:
1. Речевая зарядка (визитная карточка учащихся);
2. Аудирование текста (почему мы говорим об экологии?);
3. Просмотр видеофильма (экологическая ситуация на планете);
4. Чтение текста;
5. Обсуждение экологических проблем;
6. Практика ведения диалога (работа в парах);
7. Проверка домашнего задания (что мы должны сделать, чтобы сохранить мир?);
8. Выявление творческих способностей;
9. Исполнение песни (мы сохраним планету);
10. Домашнее задание (собрать материал об экологической ситуации местожительства);
11. Итог урока (выставление оценок, мнения учащихся об уроке).
Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! Today we are going to have a talk and discuss the problem of environment protection. The theme of our lesson is «Protection of Environment. There is an international Congress in our school. The theme of Congress is;
«The Earth is our Home»
The scientists from different continents are coming here. They are;
1) Речевая зарядка:
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2) Аудирование текста: « An Apple as the World». (Рисунок 1)
Teacher: We shall discuss many important problems connected with our theme. With the help of film you will exchange your opinion about this global problems how to protect our Earth ,how to prevent further pollution of the atmosphere. Let us watch the film about ecology.
3) Просмотр видео фильма
На музыкальном фоне учащиеся читают стихотворение:
What have they done to the World?
What have they done to the seas, my friend?
What have they done to the seas?
What have they done to the rivers, my friend?
What have they done to the trees?
What have they done to our land, my friend?
This land which is ours from our birth.
What have they done to our forests, my friend?
What have they done to the skies, my friend?
Skies that are blue and so clear.
What have they done to the skies, my friend?
What have they done to the air?
Teacher: Dear friends! Just now you saw the film about the environmental situation in our planet. As this problem is global I want you to read the text about the earth on which we are living now. The earth is our home we must take care of it Each of us must do everything possible to keep the land air and water clean.
4). Чтение текста: «Keep Our Environment clean»
Teacher:You have just read the text of document connected with ecological situation of our planet. I want you to discuss this situation. Please, be active in our discussion. Who wants to be the first?
Практика монологической речи. Обсуждение экологических проблем.
Student 1: I want to be the first. For a long time too little attention was paid to the environment. Today the situation is quite different. People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the environment, so I want to speak about ACID RAINS. Acid rain is extremely harmful to plants, rivers and lakes , and the creatures that live in them. In some places it is killing forest. It pollutes the water that animals and people need to drink. Its very important for us to stop making acid rain. One good way to do that is to drive our cars less. Another good way is to save energy. The less energy we use, the less could those power plants will have to burn.
Student 2: I fully agree with you, but I want to tell some words about AIR POLLUTION. Until about 150 yeas ago, the air was pure and clean-perfect for the people and animals of the earth to breath. Then people started building factories. Those factories and many of things they make ,like cars, put a lot of harmful gases into the air. Then people started driving cars, which added more pollution to the air. Today the air is so polluted in some places that its not always safe to breathe! Many cities around the world have air filled with a pollution called «smog».This is so strong in some places that the air ,which should be a beautiful blue, actually looks brown.
Student 3: By the way, I must say about WATER POLLUTION. The planet Earth is mostly water. Oceans cover the biggest part of it-and there are lakes, rivers, streams, and even water underground .All life on Earth –from the little bugs to the biggest whale-depends on this water. Its precious. But we are not doing a very good job of keeping water clean. In many places, the water has become polluted. The rivers and lakes are polluted by garbage or by poisonous chemicals which are dumped right into them. Underground water can be polluted by gasoline or about other harmful liquids that seep into the ground.
Students 4, 5, 6. We want to speak about such problems as:
1.Too much garbage.
2. The cutting out our forests.
3. The ozone holes.
На этом дискуссия заканчивается. Звенит колокольчик, объявляя перерыв в работе конгресса. Появляется журналист с микрофоном.
What rules can you suggest to protect the environment?
Student 1: It is a difficult problem.
Журналист: What must we do?
Student 2: We must keep the water clean.
Student 3: We must keep the air clean.
Student 4: We must keep all leaving creatures.
Student 5: Use paper not plastic because plastic cannot be recycled, will never decompose.
Student 6: Do not throw your old batteries in the trash, take them to a recycling center.
Student 7: Turn out the lights when you are not using it.
Student 8: Let us keep the Earth green and healthy and full of millions of wonderful animals.
Раздается шум, появляется ученица, выполняющая роль WOODZY OWL. В руках у нее таблички с лозунгами, которые она раздает ученикам. Участники конгресса принимают участие в демонстрации.
WOODZY OWL: Hello, friends. I am a WOODZY OWL. I can help you to save our, earth. Attention, please!
First of all:
1. When you hike leave the place clean.
2. Use your head. Smart people recycle aluminum, paper and grass.
3. Be a friend to fish. Don’t throw rubbish into their homes.
4. Plant the trees to create homes for birds squirrels, and other small animals.
5. Grow the different flowers for to enjoy.
6. We think about the future of the planet. So I suggest to spend the Holyday of Earth day in our school in our village. Do you know this holiday?
The 22 of April is the day of Earth, which is celebrated around the world. Join us and clean the Earth. Make the world a better place. Taking care of the Earth is everybody’s business.
Участники конгресса проговаривают лозунги:
Protect the environment from industrial pollution |
Stop the danger of environmental disaster |
Attract more public attention to environmental problems |
International cooperation is necessary to create a system of ecological security |
All woods are home to animals. So, behave as quests |
Make an environmental programmer in your school. Carry it out. |
The protection of nature means the protection of our Mother land |
The Earth is our home. Don’t pollute it. |
Nature is the source of peoples life. |
Take part in environmental activities |
Звучит магнитофонная запись с шумом прибоя и пением птиц. Дети читают стихотворения собственного сочинения (проверка домашнего задания). Ученики 8 «Б» МОУ СОШ № 14, Краснодарский край, ст. Кавказская.
«How beautiful is our Planet»
How beautiful is our Planet,
How beautiful is blue sky,
How beautiful are spring flowers
And winter snow, and autumn rain,
And summer shining sun
O, Mother Earth, I’m in love with you,
I love your rivers, valleys, hills and seas,
Your songs and dances, birds on trees
The fields, the trees, the grass, the sky,
The silver moon that’s sailing by
How beautiful are flowers sweet and
stars of night !
And song of birds and whispering of wind
Such lovely things to hear and see
Belong to you, belong to me
How beautiful is all, which we can see.
Учитель предлагает членам конгресса подвести итоги работы встречи самостоятельно, и надеется, что мнение учителя и членов конгресса совпадут. Учащиеся выражают свое отношение к данному уроку. Как итог звучит песня:
«Kids for Saving Earth Promise Song»
The Earth is my home,
I promise to keep it healthy and beautiful
I will love the land, the air, the water and all leaving creatures.
I will be a defender of my planet, united with friends,
I will save the Earth.
United with friends, I promise to keep it,
United with friends, I will love the land,
United with friends, I’ll be a defender,
I will save the Earth
We shall save the Earth.
Teacher: Our short discussion is over. But I’m sure that you’re real friends of out planet. You will try to keep the land, air and water clean, because the Earth is our home.
Домашнее задание: Сообщение на тему: Экологические проблемы местности, где я живу.
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Урок английского языка на тему "Защита окружающей среды"
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