Внеклассное мероприятие для начальной школы "Весёлый алфавит"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке для учащихся 2-х классов


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Предварительный просмотр:


                                        Внеклассное  мероприятие

                  “ MERRY  ABC”                  15 марта 2014 год

Тема: Весёлый алфавит.

Цели: привитие интереса к английскому языку, развитие творческих способностей учащихся.

Форма проведения: праздник.

Возраст: уч-ся 2-х классов, 3-х,  4-х,6-х,7-х.

Место проведения: кабинет № 14

 Ведущие Лютаревич Софья ,Логинова Валерия     7 класс

Р1: Good afternoon, boys and girls.

P2: Hello, kids

P1 :We are very glad to see you, your teachers, our guests.

P2: We see a lot of children at our holiday

P1; But why?

P2: Don”t you know that today the students of the 2nd form have a holiday of Merry ABC.?

P1: Really? I’m glad to hear it. Now they know the ABC, they can read and speak  English. That’s wonderful.

P2: Yes, yes. And today they’ll show us their knowledge of English.

P1: But I see other boys and girls at our holiday. What are they doing there?

P2: Oh, they know English better than the students of the 2nd form. And they want to show how they can speak  English.

P1: Well, I see. Let’s start our holiday.

(на экране показывают буквы A,B,C)


            1.A is for apple,

                             It is in the tree.

                            Will you jump a little

                            And pick it up  for me?

 2.   B  is for ball.

         The ball is red and blue.

         Let”s take it up, my dear,

         I want to play with you.


                                   3.C is for cat.

                                      The cat lives in the house

                                      It doesn”t like to eat sweet cakes

                                      But it can catch a mouse.


Now let’s listen to a play “A Cat And a Mouse”

Performed  by Крючкова Таня  и  Коваленко Саша.          

P2: Well, thank you, the girls. Now let’s go on.


4.D  is for dog.

The dog is very Smart.

It likes to run, it likes to jump.

With children in the yard.

                 5.  E is for egg.

                 It’s yellow and white

                  And it is for eagle

                  That flies so high.

6. F is for fish

It swims in the sea.

It has a worm for dinner

And doesn”t like tea.

7. G is for girls.

She has a nice hat.

She has a nice coat,

Do you like that?

8. H is for honey

It is so sweet.

“Let”s take a little honey’’-

Says  my brother Pete.

                                                                  9.   I is for ice

                                                                       The ice is very cold.

                                                                       I is for ice-cream

                                                                      Loved by young and old.

10. J is for jam.

The jam is on the plate.

“May I try a little”-

Asks little Kate.


And now let’s listen to a poem

         “My friend Jane and me”

 Recited by Вересов Егор и Евстигнеев  Никита.


11    K is for  kitten.

It is gay and funny.

It likes to drink milk,

But doesn”t like honey.

You see the letter Kk. Now let’s have a break and listen to the play


                “Three Little Kittens

Performed by    Боев Сергей

                Береснёва  Даша

                Саитова Алина

                Клочков  Кириллл

                Кузина  Алина.

              THREE   LITTLE  KITTENS  

                            P1-   Tree little kittens            

Lost their mittens,

And they began to cry.

1st kitten:        Oh, Mother dear!

2nd kitten:        We very much fear

3rd kitten (crying)

                       That we have lost our mittens!


      Mother               Lost  your mittens

                 You naughty kittens!

                Then you will have no pie.

(The kittens go away.)

        Children           The three little kittens

                       Found their mittens

                      And they began to cry.

(The kittens run in.)

 Kittens (together):

Oh, Mother dear!

                                   See here,

                                   See here:

                                   We have found our mitten

   Mother                Found  your mittens?

                             You are good  kittens

                             Put on your mittens

                              And  you  will have some pie.

12. L- is for  lorry.

We see them in the streets

“ I am a lorry-driver’”-

Says my uncle Pete

  P1: L  -Let’s listen to the poem “ Letter” recited by Леонова Алевтина и Найдёнова Лера                                     


                                                                            13.    M is for monkey.

                                                                              It can climb a tree.

                                                                              It has two bananas

                                                                             For you and one for me.

14.      N is for nose,

 N is for nest,

 N is for never,

 N is for next.

                                                                 15. O is for orange

                                                                       It is sweet and juicy.

                                                                      “Give me, please, an orange”-

                                                                        Says my sister Lucy.

 I see you are tied. Let’s do your morning ex-es.

Please, Пастушин Данил will show morning ex-es

         Hands up, hands down,

         Hands on hips

         Sit down.

         Stand up.

         Hands to the sides

         Band left, band right

         Hands on hips

         One, two, three hop,

         One, two, three stop.

P2: Thank you , children. Please, sit down.  And go on.

P1:  ,P.

  16. P -is for  puppy

        And also for pig.

        They like to play together

        Merry, small and big.


 P2 -  P -is for pig.  And I see 3 little pigs at ourholiday. Let’s listen to the play about their adventures.

The play is performed by  

                           Бикерова Амина

                          Насырова Настя

                            Ищенко Марина

                            Неугодова  Милана

                            Шагидулин Дмитрий

                                    THREE LITTLE PIGS

Characters: Naff -Naff Big Bad Wolf

 Snuff-Snuff Children Niff-Niff

Scene I

(Three little pigs are sitting up under an oak-tree.)

One of the Children: Once upon a time there lived three little pigs.

Naff-Naff (standing up and coming forward): Hello, boys and girls! I am Naff-Naff.

Children: Hello, Naff-Naff!

Snuff-Snuff (coming up): Good morning, boys and girls! I am Snuff-Snuff.

Children: Good morning, Snuff-Snuff. We are glad to meet you.

Niff-Niff (coming up): Good morning, boys and girls. And I am Niff-Niff.

 Three Pigs (together): We are three merry little pigs.

К        (Dancing round the tree and singing):

Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

                                         Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf?

Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf,


N f f-Naff: Now stop dancing and listen to me/

(Snuff-Snuff and Niff-Niff stop dancing and singing.)

Niaff-Naff: Winter is coming. In winter Big Bad Wolf is very hungry.

We must make a house -and live there together.

 Niff-Niff: Oh, no! Winter is not coming. We have time to play  and sing!

"Snuff-Snuff: Yes, yes, we have time to play and sing!

‘Naff-Naff: As you like. I shall go and make a house (goes away).

Snuff-Snuff: I shall go and make a house, too (goes away).

 N i f f - N i f f:Then I shall go and make a house, too.

One of the Children: Niff-Niff is making a house of grass. Snuff-Snuff is making a house of sticks. And Naff-Naff is making a house of bricks.

N i f f - N i f f (comes dancing and singing):

I have made my house of grass,

House of grass, house of grass.

I have made my house of grass,



. Snuff-Snuff (comes dancing and singing):

I have made my house of sticks,

House of sticks, house of sticks.

I have made my house of sticks,


Na f,f -Naff (comes with a big hammer in his hand): My house is not  ready yet.. I must go and finish my house .of-bricks. Good-by children.

Children: Good-bye, Naff-Naff.

Niff-Niff and Snuff-Snuff (dancing and singing):

We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf.

We aren’t afraid of -Big Bad Wolf, Tra-la-la-la-la-la

Scene II(Comes in the Wolf

Wolf: My name is Wolf

Children: Go away, Big Bad Wolf

Wolf: Hush, children! I see two nice little pigs.        Oh,        I        am        very hungry

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Children: Go away, Big Bad Wolf!

One of the Children: The Wolf runs after the two little But he cannot catch them. They run to the house very        quikly.

Oh, here is the Wolf near Niff-Niff’s house.

Wolf: Ha! Ha! Niff-Niff, let me in!

N i f f - N i f f: Oh, no, I won’t!

Wolf: I shall puff and puff and blow your house down.

One of the Children: He blows and blows and he blows the house down. Niff-Niff runs to Snuff-Snuff’s house. The-Wolf runs after him. Niff-Niff comes in.

Wolf: I’ll catch you, silly little pigs!

Children: No, you won’t, Big Bad Wolf!

Wolf: Snuff-Snuff, let me in.

Niff-Niff and Snuff-Snuff: Oh, no! Go away, you Big Bad Wolf!

Wolf: I shall puff and puff and blow your house down.

Niff-Niff (to Snuff-Snuff): Your house is bad, too. Let’s run to Naff-Naff. His house is made of bricks.

One of the Children: The Wolf blows and blows and he blows the house down.

The little pigs run to Naff-Naff’s house.

Niff-Niff: Oh, Brother, save us!

Snuff-Snuff: Big Bad Wolf wants to eat us up.

N a f f - N a f f: Don’t be afraid. My house is made of bricks.        Come in!

Wolf: Open the door and let me in.

All {together): No, no! Go away, Big Bad Wolf.

Wolf: Then I shall puff and puff and blow your house down.

 One of the Children: The Wolf blows and blows but cannot blow the house down. Naff-Naff opens the window and knocks the Wolf on the head with a big stick. The Wolf runs away.

(All the "pigs” and the children form a circle and begin to dance and


We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf.

We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,



But I know that P is  for postcard also.

Let’s listen to the poem  “ A postcard “ recited by

                      Белова Катя и Обуваева Катя.

P2: Q, R ,S,T.

17. Q is for queen.

      Who likes to eat ice-cream.

                                                               18. R is for rose.

                                                                     They may be white and red.

                                                                    “It’s for my  dear mother”-

                                                                      Says my brother Ted.

19. S is for school,

      That go every day,

     We learn to read, we learn to write,

      And also like to play.

                                                               20. T is for Tick and for Tock

                                                                    “Tick- tock”- says the clock.

But I know another word- Turnip

Let’s listen to the play “ The Turnip” performed by


       Рассказов Стёпа

       Сунцова Дарья

       Анчекова Катя

       Чуприкова Даша

       Лукутина  Саша

       Вишнякова Ирина

       Дубоносова Маша.


                            THE TURNIP                              


The Turnip



Gra n’d d a u g h t er

Grandfather: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen-garden. I want to pull it out. (Pulls the turnip.) One, two, three! It is too big for me. Granny, come here! Help me, please!

Grandmother: All right’ Grandfather. I’m coming.

Grandfather and Grandmother (pulling together): One, two, three! ... One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it’s too big for us!

Grandmother: Granddaughter, Granddaughter, help us, please!

G r a n d d a u g h te ri All right, Granny. I’m coming.

Grandfather,        Grandmother        and Granddaughter

(pulling together): One, two, three! ... One, two, three!        ...        One, two,

three! (No result.) Oh, it’s too big for us!

G r a n d d a u gh t e r: Dog, Dog, help us, please!

The Dog: All right, Granddaughter. I’m coming.

Grandfather, Grandmother,        Granddaughter and

the Dog (pulling together): One, two, three! ... One, two,        three!        ...

One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it’s too big for us!

The Dog: Cat, Cat, help us, please!

The Cat: All right, Dog. I’m coming.        Grand f.a the r,        Grandmother,        Granddaughter,        the

Dog and the Cat (pulling together): One, two, three! ... One, two, three! ... One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it’s too big for us!

The Cat: Mouse, Mouse, come here! Help us, please!

The Mouse: All right, Cat. I’m coming.

Grandfather,        Grandmother,        Granddaughter,        the

Dog, the Cat        and the Mouse        (pulling together): One,        two,

three! ... One,        two, three! ... One,        two, three! (Fall down. The Turnip (standing up): Here I am! All (together): Oh! What a big turnip we have!

All (together): Oh! What a big turnip we have!


The Turnip (standing up): Here I am!

All (together): Oh! What a big turnip we have!


P1: U,V,W

21. U is for umbrella

That”s useful in the rain.

They may be green and yellow.

And useful every day.

                                                                     22. V is for van

                                                                           Which carries milk and rolls

23. W is for window,

For wardrobe and for walls.

   P 1:  Now Let’s listen to the song about a brave captain    performed by the girls of the 7th form.

                     The Song  “ Captain Brave”


Once there lived a captain brave,

And he crossed the ocean wave,

And he called on many lands

On his way

Fifteen times he tried to sink,

Sharks could catch him on the brink,

But he never, really never gave a wink!

                                         And in trouble, and in war

                                        Always sang the captain brave on sea and shore:

Captain brave, captain brave,

Give a smile, sir.

Because a smile is a flag of a ship.

Captain brave, captain brave,

Cheer up, sir,

For the sea surrenders only to the quick!


Once the captain while a way

Far a cross the distant bay

Madly fell in love to his great dismay.

Fifteen times he felt he blushed

He was pale and then he flushed,

But he never smiled and everything seemed hushed.

                                            Sad and grim,

                                             he grew slim,

                                             he had no one who could sing this song to him.

Captain brave, captain brave,

Give a smile, sir.

Because a smile is a flag of a ship.

Captain brave, captain brave,

Cheer up, sir,

For the sea surrenders only to the quick!

P2: X,W,Z.

24. X is for xylophone

                                                                      25. Y is for yard.

26. Z is for zebra.

    To ride it”s very hard.

 Z is the last letter of our alphabet. And we’ll sing the song about the ABC.

P1: Well, kids, it’s a pity, but our holiday is over.

    Good luck.

P2: Good by, children. See you soon.


Предварительный просмотр:


                                        Внеклассное  мероприятие

                  “ MERRY  ABC”                  15 марта 2014 год

Тема: Весёлый алфавит.

Цели: привитие интереса к английскому языку, развитие творческих способностей учащихся.

Форма проведения: праздник.

Возраст: уч-ся 2-х классов, 3-х,  4-х,6-х,7-х.

Место проведения: кабинет № 14

 Ведущие Лютаревич Софья ,Логинова Валерия     7 класс

Р1: Good afternoon, boys and girls.

P2: Hello, kids

P1 :We are very glad to see you, your teachers, our guests.

P2: We see a lot of children at our holiday

P1; But why?

P2: Don”t you know that today the students of the 2nd form have a holiday of Merry ABC.?

P1: Really? I’m glad to hear it. Now they know the ABC, they can read and speak  English. That’s wonderful.

P2: Yes, yes. And today they’ll show us their knowledge of English.

P1: But I see other boys and girls at our holiday. What are they doing there?

P2: Oh, they know English better than the students of the 2nd form. And they want to show how they can speak  English.

P1: Well, I see. Let’s start our holiday.

(на экране показывают буквы A,B,C)


            1.A is for apple,

                             It is in the tree.

                            Will you jump a little

                            And pick it up  for me?

 2.   B  is for ball.

         The ball is red and blue.

         Let”s take it up, my dear,

         I want to play with you.


                                   3.C is for cat.

                                      The cat lives in the house

                                      It doesn”t like to eat sweet cakes

                                      But it can catch a mouse.


Now let’s listen to a play “A Cat And a Mouse”

Performed  by Крючкова Таня  и  Коваленко Саша.          

P2: Well, thank you, the girls. Now let’s go on.


4.D  is for dog.

The dog is very Smart.

It likes to run, it likes to jump.

With children in the yard.

                 5.  E is for egg.

                 It’s yellow and white

                  And it is for eagle

                  That flies so high.

6. F is for fish

It swims in the sea.

It has a worm for dinner

And doesn”t like tea.

7. G is for girls.

She has a nice hat.

She has a nice coat,

Do you like that?

8. H is for honey

It is so sweet.

“Let”s take a little honey’’-

Says  my brother Pete.

                                                                  9.   I is for ice

                                                                       The ice is very cold.

                                                                       I is for ice-cream

                                                                      Loved by young and old.

10. J is for jam.

The jam is on the plate.

“May I try a little”-

Asks little Kate.


And now let’s listen to a poem

         “My friend Jane and me”

 Recited by Вересов Егор и Евстигнеев  Никита.


11    K is for  kitten.

It is gay and funny.

It likes to drink milk,

But doesn”t like honey.

You see the letter Kk. Now let’s have a break and listen to the play


                “Three Little Kittens

Performed by    Боев Сергей

                Береснёва  Даша

                Саитова Алина

                Клочков  Кириллл

                Кузина  Алина.

              THREE   LITTLE  KITTENS  

                            P1-   Tree little kittens            

Lost their mittens,

And they began to cry.

1st kitten:        Oh, Mother dear!

2nd kitten:        We very much fear

3rd kitten (crying)

                       That we have lost our mittens!


      Mother               Lost  your mittens

                 You naughty kittens!

                Then you will have no pie.

(The kittens go away.)

        Children           The three little kittens

                       Found their mittens

                      And they began to cry.

(The kittens run in.)

 Kittens (together):

Oh, Mother dear!

                                   See here,

                                   See here:

                                   We have found our mitten

   Mother                Found  your mittens?

                             You are good  kittens

                             Put on your mittens

                              And  you  will have some pie.

12. L- is for  lorry.

We see them in the streets

“ I am a lorry-driver’”-

Says my uncle Pete

  P1: L  -Let’s listen to the poem “ Letter” recited by Леонова Алевтина и Найдёнова Лера                                     


                                                                            13.    M is for monkey.

                                                                              It can climb a tree.

                                                                              It has two bananas

                                                                             For you and one for me.

14.      N is for nose,

 N is for nest,

 N is for never,

 N is for next.

                                                                 15. O is for orange

                                                                       It is sweet and juicy.

                                                                      “Give me, please, an orange”-

                                                                        Says my sister Lucy.

 I see you are tied. Let’s do your morning ex-es.

Please, Пастушин Данил will show morning ex-es

         Hands up, hands down,

         Hands on hips

         Sit down.

         Stand up.

         Hands to the sides

         Band left, band right

         Hands on hips

         One, two, three hop,

         One, two, three stop.

P2: Thank you , children. Please, sit down.  And go on.

P1:  ,P.

  16. P -is for  puppy

        And also for pig.

        They like to play together

        Merry, small and big.


 P2 -  P -is for pig.  And I see 3 little pigs at ourholiday. Let’s listen to the play about their adventures.

The play is performed by  

                           Бикерова Амина

                          Насырова Настя

                            Ищенко Марина

                            Неугодова  Милана

                            Шагидулин Дмитрий

                                    THREE LITTLE PIGS

Characters: Naff -Naff Big Bad Wolf

 Snuff-Snuff Children Niff-Niff

Scene I

(Three little pigs are sitting up under an oak-tree.)

One of the Children: Once upon a time there lived three little pigs.

Naff-Naff (standing up and coming forward): Hello, boys and girls! I am Naff-Naff.

Children: Hello, Naff-Naff!

Snuff-Snuff (coming up): Good morning, boys and girls! I am Snuff-Snuff.

Children: Good morning, Snuff-Snuff. We are glad to meet you.

Niff-Niff (coming up): Good morning, boys and girls. And I am Niff-Niff.

 Three Pigs (together): We are three merry little pigs.

К        (Dancing round the tree and singing):

Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

                                         Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf?

Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf,


N f f-Naff: Now stop dancing and listen to me/

(Snuff-Snuff and Niff-Niff stop dancing and singing.)

Niaff-Naff: Winter is coming. In winter Big Bad Wolf is very hungry.

We must make a house -and live there together.

 Niff-Niff: Oh, no! Winter is not coming. We have time to play  and sing!

"Snuff-Snuff: Yes, yes, we have time to play and sing!

‘Naff-Naff: As you like. I shall go and make a house (goes away).

Snuff-Snuff: I shall go and make a house, too (goes away).

 N i f f - N i f f:Then I shall go and make a house, too.

One of the Children: Niff-Niff is making a house of grass. Snuff-Snuff is making a house of sticks. And Naff-Naff is making a house of bricks.

N i f f - N i f f (comes dancing and singing):

I have made my house of grass,

House of grass, house of grass.

I have made my house of grass,



. Snuff-Snuff (comes dancing and singing):

I have made my house of sticks,

House of sticks, house of sticks.

I have made my house of sticks,


Na f,f -Naff (comes with a big hammer in his hand): My house is not  ready yet.. I must go and finish my house .of-bricks. Good-by children.

Children: Good-bye, Naff-Naff.

Niff-Niff and Snuff-Snuff (dancing and singing):

We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf.

We aren’t afraid of -Big Bad Wolf, Tra-la-la-la-la-la

Scene II(Comes in the Wolf

Wolf: My name is Wolf

Children: Go away, Big Bad Wolf

Wolf: Hush, children! I see two nice little pigs.        Oh,        I        am        very hungry

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Children: Go away, Big Bad Wolf!

One of the Children: The Wolf runs after the two little But he cannot catch them. They run to the house very        quikly.

Oh, here is the Wolf near Niff-Niff’s house.

Wolf: Ha! Ha! Niff-Niff, let me in!

N i f f - N i f f: Oh, no, I won’t!

Wolf: I shall puff and puff and blow your house down.

One of the Children: He blows and blows and he blows the house down. Niff-Niff runs to Snuff-Snuff’s house. The-Wolf runs after him. Niff-Niff comes in.

Wolf: I’ll catch you, silly little pigs!

Children: No, you won’t, Big Bad Wolf!

Wolf: Snuff-Snuff, let me in.

Niff-Niff and Snuff-Snuff: Oh, no! Go away, you Big Bad Wolf!

Wolf: I shall puff and puff and blow your house down.

Niff-Niff (to Snuff-Snuff): Your house is bad, too. Let’s run to Naff-Naff. His house is made of bricks.

One of the Children: The Wolf blows and blows and he blows the house down.

The little pigs run to Naff-Naff’s house.

Niff-Niff: Oh, Brother, save us!

Snuff-Snuff: Big Bad Wolf wants to eat us up.

N a f f - N a f f: Don’t be afraid. My house is made of bricks.        Come in!

Wolf: Open the door and let me in.

All {together): No, no! Go away, Big Bad Wolf.

Wolf: Then I shall puff and puff and blow your house down.

 One of the Children: The Wolf blows and blows but cannot blow the house down. Naff-Naff opens the window and knocks the Wolf on the head with a big stick. The Wolf runs away.

(All the "pigs” and the children form a circle and begin to dance and


We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf.

We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,



But I know that P is  for postcard also.

Let’s listen to the poem  “ A postcard “ recited by

                      Белова Катя и Обуваева Катя.

P2: Q, R ,S,T.

17. Q is for queen.

      Who likes to eat ice-cream.

                                                               18. R is for rose.

                                                                     They may be white and red.

                                                                    “It’s for my  dear mother”-

                                                                      Says my brother Ted.

19. S is for school,

      That go every day,

     We learn to read, we learn to write,

      And also like to play.

                                                               20. T is for Tick and for Tock

                                                                    “Tick- tock”- says the clock.

But I know another word- Turnip

Let’s listen to the play “ The Turnip” performed by


       Рассказов Стёпа

       Сунцова Дарья

       Анчекова Катя

       Чуприкова Даша

       Лукутина  Саша

       Вишнякова Ирина

       Дубоносова Маша.


                            THE TURNIP                              


The Turnip



Gra n’d d a u g h t er

Grandfather: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen-garden. I want to pull it out. (Pulls the turnip.) One, two, three! It is too big for me. Granny, come here! Help me, please!

Grandmother: All right’ Grandfather. I’m coming.

Grandfather and Grandmother (pulling together): One, two, three! ... One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it’s too big for us!

Grandmother: Granddaughter, Granddaughter, help us, please!

G r a n d d a u g h te ri All right, Granny. I’m coming.

Grandfather,        Grandmother        and Granddaughter

(pulling together): One, two, three! ... One, two, three!        ...        One, two,

three! (No result.) Oh, it’s too big for us!

G r a n d d a u gh t e r: Dog, Dog, help us, please!

The Dog: All right, Granddaughter. I’m coming.

Grandfather, Grandmother,        Granddaughter and

the Dog (pulling together): One, two, three! ... One, two,        three!        ...

One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it’s too big for us!

The Dog: Cat, Cat, help us, please!

The Cat: All right, Dog. I’m coming.        Grand f.a the r,        Grandmother,        Granddaughter,        the

Dog and the Cat (pulling together): One, two, three! ... One, two, three! ... One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it’s too big for us!

The Cat: Mouse, Mouse, come here! Help us, please!

The Mouse: All right, Cat. I’m coming.

Grandfather,        Grandmother,        Granddaughter,        the

Dog, the Cat        and the Mouse        (pulling together): One,        two,

three! ... One,        two, three! ... One,        two, three! (Fall down. The Turnip (standing up): Here I am! All (together): Oh! What a big turnip we have!

All (together): Oh! What a big turnip we have!


The Turnip (standing up): Here I am!

All (together): Oh! What a big turnip we have!


P1: U,V,W

21. U is for umbrella

That”s useful in the rain.

They may be green and yellow.

And useful every day.

                                                                     22. V is for van

                                                                           Which carries milk and rolls

23. W is for window,

For wardrobe and for walls.

   P 1:  Now Let’s listen to the song about a brave captain    performed by the girls of the 7th form.

                     The Song  “ Captain Brave”


Once there lived a captain brave,

And he crossed the ocean wave,

And he called on many lands

On his way

Fifteen times he tried to sink,

Sharks could catch him on the brink,

But he never, really never gave a wink!

                                         And in trouble, and in war

                                        Always sang the captain brave on sea and shore:

Captain brave, captain brave,

Give a smile, sir.

Because a smile is a flag of a ship.

Captain brave, captain brave,

Cheer up, sir,

For the sea surrenders only to the quick!


Once the captain while a way

Far a cross the distant bay

Madly fell in love to his great dismay.

Fifteen times he felt he blushed

He was pale and then he flushed,

But he never smiled and everything seemed hushed.

                                            Sad and grim,

                                             he grew slim,

                                             he had no one who could sing this song to him.

Captain brave, captain brave,

Give a smile, sir.

Because a smile is a flag of a ship.

Captain brave, captain brave,

Cheer up, sir,

For the sea surrenders only to the quick!

P2: X,W,Z.

24. X is for xylophone

                                                                      25. Y is for yard.

26. Z is for zebra.

    To ride it”s very hard.

 Z is the last letter of our alphabet. And we’ll sing the song about the ABC.

P1: Well, kids, it’s a pity, but our holiday is over.

    Good luck.

P2: Good by, children. See you soon.


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