Творческий проект по английскому языку “Youth problems”
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Данный творческий проект предлагается в помощь учителям английског языка, для проведения творческого урока в старших классах(9-10),с предварительной подготовкой творческих проектов по данной теме.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Творческий проект по английскому языку
“Youth problems”
- Активизация изученного материала по теме: «Проблемы молодежи»;
- Закрепление изученных речевых структур;
- Тренировка навыков грамматики и лексики.
- Активизировать внимание молодежи на современных проблемах;
- Развивать чувство ответственности по отношению к своим родителям и друзьям;
- Задуматься о своем месте в современном обществе;
- Повысить интерес к изучению английского языка.
- Карточки с предлагаемыми ответами и очки;
- Призы, сделанные руками детей;
- Колокольчики для двух команд;
- Презентации (видеопроектор)
Ход урока:
- Вводная часть:
- Организационный момент: Приветствие, ознакомление учащихся с целями и задачами урока.
- Good morning, boys and girls! Today we'll play the game "One hundred to one". We have got two teams: "Generation Y" and "Pepsi Generation".
Капитаны команд представляют своих игроков: His name is... и т.д.
Listen, please, the rules of the game: по одному ученику из каждой команды выходят и отвечают на вопрос. Право ответа будет у той команды, которая назовет верхнюю строчку.
II. Основная часть урока:
– Let's start. The topic of our game is "Teenagers and Their Problems". Listen to the rules attentively. I want one pupil from each team to go to the blackboard. The simple game! First participants, come here, please! Listen to the question and ring the bell.
- Позвоните в колокольчик, если знаете ответ.
1) What irritates teenagers in their relations with parents?
(Варианты ответов представлены на карточках):
а) absence of freedom (39)
- having too much control (28)
- criticizing (20)
- interesting into teen’s affairs (10)
- asking stupid questions (3)
Участники команды отвечают до тех пор, пока не допустят ошибку. В этом случае ход переходит другой команде.
- The team "Generation Y" has... points.
Счет показывается на доске.
Музыкальная пауза – песня "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean".
Поют все учащиеся.
"My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean"
My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
My Bonnie lies over the sea,
My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.
Chorus: Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me.
Bring back, bring back,
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.
Last night as I lay on my pillow,
Last night as I lay on my bed,
Last night as I lay on my pillow,
I dreamed that my Bonnie was dead. Chorus.
Oh, blow you winds over the ocean,
Oh, blow you winds over the sea,
Oh, blow you winds over the ocean,
And bring back my Bonnie to me.
The winds have blown over the ocean,
The winds have blown over the sea,
The winds have blown over the ocean,
And brought back my Bonnie to me.
Chorus: Brought back, brought back,
Brought back my Bonnie to me, to me.
Brought back, brought back,
Have brought back my Bonnie to me.
– Thank you very much! You can sing songs very well. Now it's time for the double game. All your points will double. Second participants, come here! Listen to the question and ring the bell.
2. What do teenagers enjoy most?
(варианты ответов представлены на карточках):
- hanging out with friends (40)
- listening to music (25)
- sport (23)
- dancing (7)
- eating tasty things (5)
The team "Pepsi Generation" has... points. Let's have a rest! Let's recite poems.
Away from you, I hold hands with the air,
Your imagined untouchable hand. Not there,
Your fingers braid with mine as I walk.
Far away in my heart, you start to talk.
I squeeze the air, kicking the auburn leaves,
Everything suddenly gold. I half believe
Your hand is holding mine, the way
It would if you were here. What do you say?
In my heart? I bend my head to listen, then feel
Your hand reach out and stroke my hair, as real
As the wind caressing the fretful trees above.
Now I can hear you clearly, speaking of love.
Carol Ann Duffy
Calendar of Clothes
January is a time for coats, for caps and fir-lined boots.
February likes hats with flaps and zipped up coloured ski suits.
March can do with anoraks and jeans and wooly tops.
April needs a change of clothes for sun and wind and raindrops.
May brings cotton tee-shirts with jumpers still on hand.
By June the skirts are skimpy, shorts are short for playing on sand.
July comes along in bathing trunks, and caps with dark green shades.
August gets the sunsuits out with balls and buckets and spades.
September, and it's back to school, uniform, shirt and stripy tie.
October brings scarves out again as leaves whirl up in the sky.
November means turned-up collars against win and fog and storm.
December shakes out party frocks. Christmas fun keeps everyone
Moira Andrew
-Thank you very much. The next task for you is the game for 3.
All your points will increase in 3 times. Third participants, come here! As you see young people have their likes and dislikes. And now it’s time to listen to the task.
3. What do teenagers hate?
(варианты ответов представлены на карточках):
- doing homework (35)
- getting up early (29)
- household chores (22)
- feeling tired (11)
- going to school on Saturday (3)
– So, the winner is the team "Generation Y". Thank you. Clap your hands! Let's play the contrary game. Listen to the task.
– Посовещайтесь командой и решите, какой ответ будет самым непопулярным. На обдумывание вам дается 1 минута.
4. What does school mean for teens?
(варианты ответов представлены на карточках):
a) a place to get a good education (100)
b) they meet their friends there (200)
c) school opens the door to the future (300)
d) it's our second home (400)
e) it shapes their life (500)
– So, the team "Pepsi Generation" is the winner. Clap your hands! Let's play the final game.
Один участник выходит, второй отвечает на вопросы. Затем первый участник выходит и отвечает на те же вопросы. Повторяться нельзя – в этом случае команда громко хлопает и нужно сказать что-то другое. Вместе оба участника должны набрать 200 очков.
Let's start.
Вопросы для финальной игры:
- What places of interest do teens usually visit?
- What kinds of sport are popular among teenagers?
- What music do teens prefer?
- How do young people get information?
- What professions are popular among teenagers?
Предполагаемые ответы и баллы (представлены на карточках):
1. a) discos (40)
b) parks (29)
с) museums (16)
d) theatres ( 10)
e) churches (7)
2. a) football (40)
- athletics (28)
- swimming (17)
- basketball (8)
- tennis (2)
3. a) pop music (35)
b)rock music (32)
c)jazz (12)
d)classical music (13)
e)folk music (8)
4. a) they watch TV (37)
- they read newspapers and magazines (22)
- they read advertisements in the street (18)
- they ask their relatives and friends (14)
- they listen to the radio (9)
5. a) a manager (38)
b) a lawyer (26)
c) an accountant (15)
d) a doctor (11)
e) a shop assistant (10)
Первый участник отвечает на вопросы, помощник отмечает его вариант ответа; подсчитываются очки. Затем выходит второй участник и отвечает на эти же вопросы. Команда помогает определить названные слова аплодисментами. Каждому участнику дается 30 секунд.
– Excellent! You have more than 500 points! You have won! Clap
your hands and step your feet! Now let's sing a song together.
Do All the Good You Can
Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.
– Thank you for the game. Good-bye.
III. Заключение:
- Подведение итогов урока;
- Награждение победителей (объявляются оценки).
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