разработка урока к учебнику Enjoy English М.З.Биболетова
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект открытого урока по теме «Our hobbies»
для 6 «А» класса
по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой «Enjoy English» (5 – 6)
учитель Гонченкова М. В.
Цель урока: совершенствование речевых навыков по теме «Хобби», формирование потребности в организации своего свободного времени.
Задачи урока:
1. практические:
- совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи по теме «Хобби»;
- совершенствовать навыки чтения с извлечением необходимой информации;
- развивать навыки аудирования и перевода.
2. образовательные:
- активизировать лексический материала по теме « Хобби»;
- обеспечить употребление глаголов в Present Simple, Past Simple и Present Perfect.
3. развивающие:
- развивать умения находить необходимую информацию в воспринимаемом на слух тексте;
- развивать языковую догадку учащихся;
- развивать навыки орфографии;
- развивать способность общаться на английском языке;
- развивать умения пользоваться опорами.
4. воспитательные:
- воспитывать интерес и уважение к стране изучаемого языка;
- научить рационально организовывать свой досуг;
- воспитать уважительное отношение к хобби своих одноклассников;
- снизить стрессогенные факторы при помощи физкультминутки.
Место урока в системе: раздел 8, УМК М.З. Биболетова (5-6 класс).
Формы: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная, игра.
Приемы: аудирование, чтение, письмо, говорение.
Тип урока: комбинированный с использованием ИКТ.
Оборудование: ИКТ, проектор, доска, учебники, тетради.
Используемые средства ИКТ: презентация Power Point, проигрыватель Windows Media.
Ход урока:
Организационный момент
Good morning, pupils! I am very glad to see you. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Is it winter now? Is it autumn now? What season is it now? Look through the window and tell me, please, what is the weather like today?
Ok. Thank you. It is time to start our lesson and let,s do it with reciting a poem. Look at the board (слайд: cтихотворение). Here is a short poem. You should know it, but at first listen to me, and then we,ll read it all together. Good. Who wants to recite it by yourself?
Фонетическая зарядка
I like to read,
I like to play,
I like to study every day,
I like to jump,
I like to run,
I like to draw,
Because it`s fun!
Very good. Thank you. Now have a look at these pictures and try to name different activities (to play football, to read, to jump, to play computer games - cлайд с картинками). Good. Think over, what will we speak about today? Сan we name these activities in a word? You are quite right. Today we continue our talk about hobbies and the topic of our lesson is «Our hobbies».
Проверка домашнего задания
Your home task was also connected with hobbies. So, open you workbooks on p.70 and find ex. 6. Let,s check it. The words in this task are mixed and you should put them in the correct order and make up sentences (cлайд с д/з).
Check yourself:
1. Doing sports is very popular in my family.
2. How do you keep fit?
3. Which type of music is your favourite?
4. Do your parents like jogging?
5. We play rugby or football every weekend.
Well done! Now let,s play a game «Snowball» (мяч). I will name one word about hobby, the first pupil will repeat it and add another word, the next pupil will repeat two words and one more. The last pupil will repeat the chain of all the words.
So, let`s continue our lesson. I want to ask you a question. What is a hobby? Can you give the definition?
Pupil 1: A hobby is an activity that you like to do.
-Yes, you are right. Maybe any other variants?
Pupil 2: A hobby is that you enjoy or like to do in your free time.
Pupil 3: A hobby is your favourite activity that you are interested in.
All your answers are right. People all over the world have hobbies. Look, I have got a letter from Steve Reddin (слайд фото и письмо Стива). Let,s read it. Besides, there is a compact disk with Steve,s speaking about his hobby. Listen to it and name his hobby. But at first look here. There are some words that can be difficult for you (снятие трудностей: незнакомые слова на доске с переводом).
Open your T/b at p. 149 and find ex.16. Open your copy-books, write down the date. Listen to his speaking once more and complete the following sentences. The first letter of the missing words has been written for you.
I have a big c____________ of coins. 2. No we do it t__________. 3. There are more than 200 coins from d___________ countries in our collection. 4. Collection coins isn`t e_________, you know. 5. You s___________ know much about different c_________ and their p_______. 6. I haven`t got any m________ Russian coins in my c____________.
Check yourself (слайд на доске): 1) collection 2) together 3) different 4) easy 5) should, countries, people 6) modern, collection .
Now exchange your copybooks and check your partner,s work (взаимоконтроль).
If you have no or the only one mistake, your mark is 5, 2-3 mistakes – 4, more than 4 – 3.
Ok, return copybooks to their owners. Then I,ll look through your works and give marks.
Let,s continue and have a short rest. Please, stand up. Do you like sport? Show me how you play different sport games.
- How do you play basketball?
- How do you play volleyball?
- How do you play tennis?
- How do you ski?
- How do you play football?
- How do you skip?
- How do you run?
- How do you sit down?
Now it,s time for working in groups. I want you to divide into two groups. The first group will sit here, and the second – here (групповая работа). I,ll give you a text about hobbies, but the tasks for the first and for the second groups will be different. The task is under the text, but also there are some new words with translation. Read them all together before you start to read the text.
The task for the 1 group is to «Continue the sentences». You should find them in the text. For the 2 – to «Answer the questions». You have 5 minute to do it (работа со слабыми учениками: индивидуальное чтение текста).
So, are you ready? Good. Let,s read the text in chain with the translation. Kate, start reading, please….Arina, please, read the text for us once more and we listen to you. Thank you, your reading is quite nice, but you have done some mistakes, so your mark is 4.
Now let,s check the tasks (слайды: проверка выполнения заданий).
Развитие диалогической речи (резервное задание)
And now, pupils, answer my questions, please.
- Do you have a hobby?
What is your (your mother’s, your father’s, your sister’s, your brother’s, your friend’s) hobby?
- How often do you do it?
- When do you do it?
- Who do you do it with?
The next task. Read these dialogues, say what hobbies they are about. Then make up your own dialogues and act them. (раздать диалоги, прочитать, ответить на вопросы, составить и рассказать собственные диалоги)
- P1: Do you have a hobby?
P2: Yes? I do. My hobby is fishing. What about you?
P1: I have a hobby too. My hobby is sport. I like sport very much.
P2: That’s great.
2. P1: Have you got a hobby?
P2: Yes, I have. My hobby is dancing. And, I hope, you have a hobby too. What is your hobby?
P1: I m fond of playing football. I like football very much.
P2: That’s wonderfull.
3. P1: Have you got a hobby?
P2: Yes, of course. My hobby is painting. And what is your hobby?
P1: My hobby is listen to music. I like rock very much.
P2: It’s wonderful.
4. P1: Have you got a hobby?
P2: Yes, of course. My hobby is coocking. And what is your hobby?
P1: My hobby is sport. I like roll skating.
P2: That’s great.
5. P1: What do you prefer to do in your free time?
P2: I like sport very well. Do you have a hobby?
P1: Yes, I do. My hobby is playing computer games.
Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок, домашнее задание
Now, it is time to make a conclusion of our lesson. There are many people on our planet and also many hobbies. The hobbies are different as well as we are! So, today we’ve spoken about our hobbies. Do you like the lesson? What was new for you? What was the most interesting task for you? Why?
Ok. Open, please, your record books and write down you home task. You should make up stories about your hobby using the information from the plan. Then I,ll look through and check your stories and we,ll send them to Steve Reddin to Great Britain.
The plan:
My hobby is …
It helps me…
I can…
My hobby is very interesting because …
I think it is …
Well, it was very pleasant to work with you today. As for me, I am glad to see that you have done a good job, you worked hard and were active at the lesson. Now your marks: …. excellent marks, …..good. Others try to be more active and you will get good marks next lesson.
- Stand up!
- The lesson is over.
- Good buy. See you tomorrow.
We choose a hobby according to our character and taste. When we have a hobby our life becomes more interesting. Very often our hobby helps us to choose our future profession because we learn a lot of new things.
Many people are interested in music. Others like to read and collect books. People living in cities and towns like to be closer to nature, and they spend their free time in the country. Many of us like travelling. This hobby helps to learn history and traditions of different countries. Both grown-ups and children are fond of sports. This hobby helps them to be strong and healthy. But now more and more people prefer to stay at home and play computer games. They can spend hours in front of their computers and it is not good for their health.
So, our hobbies are different as well as we are!
The plan:
My hobby is …
It helps me…
I can…
My hobby is very interesting because …
I think it is …
We choose a hobby according to our character and taste. When we have a hobby our life becomes more interesting. Very often our hobby helps us to choose our future profession because we learn a lot of new things.
Many people are interested in music. Others like to read and collect books. People living in cities and towns like to be closer to nature, and they spend their free time in the country. Many of us like travelling. This hobby helps to learn history and traditions of different countries. Both grown-ups and children are fond of sports. This hobby helps them to be strong and healthy. But now more and more people prefer to stay at home and play computer games. They can spend hours in front of their computers and it is not good for their health.
So, our hobbies are different as well as we are!
The plan:
My hobby is …
It helps me…
I can…
My hobby is very interesting because …
I think it is …
The plan:
My hobby is …
It helps me…
I can…
My hobby is very interesting because …
I think it is …
The plan:
My hobby is …
It helps me…
I can…
My hobby is very interesting because …
I think it is …
The plan:
My hobby is …
It helps me…
I can…
My hobby is very interesting because …
I think it is …
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Check yourself: 1. Doing sports is very popular in my family. 2 . How do you keep fit? 3. Which type of music is your favourite ? 4. Do your parents like jogging? 5. We play rugby or football every weekend .
Hi, my dear pen friends !!! My name is Steve. I live in Britain. My family is not large : my mother, my father and I. B ut I have a lot of friends and a very interesting hobby. I w ant to tell you about my hobby in details.
Check yourself 1 ) collection 2 ) together 3 ) different 4 ) easy 5 ) should, countries, people 6 ) modern, collection
Read the text, translate and do the task Hobbies. We choose a hobby according to our character and taste. When we have a hobby our life becomes more interesting. Very often our hobby helps us to choose our future profession because we learn a lot of new things. Many people are interested in music. Others like to read and collect books. People living in cities and towns like to be closer to nature, and they spend their free time in the country. Many of us like travelling. This hobby helps to learn history and traditions of different countries. Both grown-ups and children are fond of sports. This hobby helps them to be strong and healthy. But now more and more people prefer to stay at home and play computer games. They can spend hours in front of their computers and it is not good for their health. So, our hobbies are different as well as we are !
Continue the sentences : 1. When we have a hobby … 2. Many people are … 3. People living in cities … 4. Both grown-ups … 5. But now … 6. So , our hobbies …
Answer the questions : 1. Does your life become more interesting if you have a hobby ? 2. What kinds of hobbies do you know ? 3. What is your hobby ? 4 . Are you fond of travelling ? 5 . What hobby helps us to become strong and healthy ? 6 . O ur hobbies are different, aren't they ?
Write a story about your hobby using the plan : My hobby is … It helps me… I can… My hobby is very interesting because … I think it is …
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