План урока учебник Spotlight 10 (Modal verbs/ For – and – against essays).
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
На уроке совершенствуются навыки употребления модальных глаголов и развиваются навыки написания зссе.
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План урока
учебник Spotlight 10
Тема урока: Modal verbs/ For – and – against essays.
Практическая: совершенствование грамматических навыков, закрепление знаний по модальным глаголам, формирование у учащихся умений в письменной практике и в написании эссе.
Развивающая: развитие умения аргументировать и доказывать свое мнение, тренировка памяти, развитие способности концентрировать внимание и распределять его, развитие ассоциативного мышления, воображения.
Образовательная: расширение знаний в использовании модальных глаголов, изучение основыных принципов написания эссе, использование английского языка для повышения общей культуры учащихся.
Воспитательная: формирование уважительного отношения к иностранному языку как средству межкультурного общения; развитие умения работать коллективно.
Задачи урока:
1 Повторить употребление и значение английских модальных глаголов, выполнить упражнения на тему модальные глаголы. (1-ый урок)
2 Выполнить проверочный тест на тему модальные глаголы. (1-ый урок)
3 Приступить к изучению основных принципов написания эссе. (2-ой урок)
4 Проанализировать вариант эссе, данный в учебнике и выполнить задания по данному эссе. (2-ой урок)
Оснащение урока: учебник Spotlight 10, рабочая тетрадь, Power Point презентации.
Этап урока | Речь учителя | Предполагаемая речь учеников | Записи на доске |
Организационный момент (5мин) | Good morning, everybody! I’m glad to see you! Take your sits, please. Let me introduce myself. My name is Ulyana Viktorovna and I’m a student of 5th course in Kemerovo State University. In February and March I’ll be your English teacher. And now I’d like to get to know you. Please, one by one say you name and something about you. And as for me I am fond of sports I like riding my bike in summer and I like Alpine skiing in winter. Also I am fond of traveling. I’ve been to England, Europe and I’ve lived 2 years in the United States of America. Now, please, tell me about you. Students tell about themselves. I ask some questions:
| Good morning! My mane is … I am fond of … | Feb,7th |
Сообщение темы и цели урока (2мин) | Today we are going to revise your knowledge on modal verbs. We will do several exercises and then we will write a test. And at the second lesson we will learn how to improve our writing skills and we will learn how to write an essay. | ||
1.Презентация по модальным глаголам, выполнение упражнений (18мин) | Now let's revise your knowledge on modal verbs. (Включаю презентацию и озвучиваю её). Now, open your books on page 172, exercise #3 start with number 3, please. (Ученики по очереди озвучивают правильные ответы, если они ошибаются, то разбираем и переводим предложение вместе). Well done! | 3. A: Guess what? I’ve just won a holiday to Bali. B: No way! You must be joking! | |
2.Выполнение проверочного теста (20 мин) | Now let’s do a test. (Я раздаю проверочные тесты по двум вариантам). | ||
3. Ознакомление с новым материалом на тему For - & -Against essays. (10мин) | Now we are going to improve your writing skills. And we will learn what is For - & - Against essay. Let’s watch a presentation. (Включаю презентацию и озвучиваю её. В конце презентации задаю вопрос: Where can for - & - against essays be found? ) | They can be found in articles, in newspapers, in magazines and in school assignments. | |
4. Выполнение упражнений. Практика навыка диалогического общения (15мин) | Now open your books on page 72, please. Let’s start with exercise #2. (Один из учеников читает задание). Can you find key words? We are going to work in pairs. You should ask each other these 3 questions and answer them and then swich. | Banning traffic from city centres, teacher, write essay, school magazine, arguments for and against. What will the essay be about? What style will you write it in? | |
5. Дотекстовый этап. Работа с заголовком.(2мин) | Look at the title of the essay, please. What do you think this essay is going to be about? | I expect to read about cars in city centres. | |
6. Текстовый этап. (10мин) | Ok, now let's read the essay and translate it and we will see if you were right or not. So, were your ideas correct? Good job! | Yes\No | |
7. Логическое понимание эссе (5мин) | Now let’s match the paragraphs with the headings. |
| |
8. Работа с эссе и упражнениями. | Task on page 73 exercise 3. Now please, find the topic sentences in the essay on page 72. Which sentences support them? Suggest alternative ones. Please, look at exercise 4. You should match the topic sentences to their supporting sentences. Look them through and match. Now let’s check. Tell me your answers, please. Now let’s do exercise 6 a. Look through the list of linkers. Which of them can you find in the essay on page 72? What is the purpose of each one? Replace them with suitable alternatives. Exercise 6 b. You should choose the correct linkers. I give you 2-3 minutes and then we will check. Exercise 7. Which of the following phrases can we use to express: - agreement - disagreement - both Could you please, read “Beginnings and endings” and translate it. (Прошу одного из учеников прочитать информацию в рамке) Now please, read the extracts below and say whether they are beginnings or endings. What techniques have the writers used to make their writing more effective? | Topic sentences: there are many positive aspects to banning cars from city centres; On the other hand, banning cars totally from city centres would have its disadvantages. Supporting sentences: To begin with, it would help to drastically reduce air and noise pollution; Firstly, it would be very inconvenient for millions of people. Alternatives: To start with, it would reduce traffic jams. To begin with, it would make shopping awkward. 1 – c 2 – a 3 – b However – nevertheless To begin with – Firstly In addition – also Firstly – to begin with Also – what is more Although – however For this reason – as a result However/ also Not only/ but All in all On the one hand/ on the other hand
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Домашнее задание.(3мин) | Write an essay about: 1. Some young people believe that while at school we should concentrate on studying, others think that working part-time has many advantages. 2. Some people prefer to eat out. However many people still like to cook meals at home. 3. Some people believe that animals without owners should have the right to live on the streets in cities. Others say that they could be dangerous and should be collected and found new homes, or even put down. 4. According to a number of surveys people watch TV too much, which has a negative effect on their health. 5. Some people believe that children are given too much free time. They feel that this time should be used to do more school work. What is your opinion? How do you think children should spend their free time? (It should be 100-150 words) See you tomorrow! Good-bye! | Good-bye! |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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