Irregular verbs. Урок на запоминание неправильных глаголов прошедшего времени.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 класс) на тему
This is a complete lesson plan with its worksheets to help your students in memorizing Past Simple irreguler verbs. By the end of this lesson students
· will be more familiar with the irregular-verbs forms
· will be able to identify, spell, produce and utilize Past Simple regular & irregular verbs
will be able to describe their week-ends in past tense.
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Templates for the course assignment lesson plan
Lesson plan cover page | |
Country | Ukraine |
Name | Olga Vladymyrova |
Workshop title | Language. Teaching grammar. |
Brief description of context, location and time (size of classroom, facilities/resources available, time of day, lesson length, etc) – 50 words maximum | In 20 sq.m classroom there are 3 pupils’ desks in front of the whiteboard, 1 whiteboard. We have 45 min lesson in the afternoon after school lessons. |
Brief description of learners (how many, age, level, special needs/behavioural issues, etc) – | They’re 6 pupils from the 5-th class who are weaker than their classmates. We do 3-4 additional lessons every month to work through needed material. The students are highly motivated, but have some difficulty with learning English, they enjoy teasing and competing that creates positive and productive atmosphere. |
Brief description of the new idea and why chosen | I’d like to use a new activity “Irregular-Verbs Gym”- example of using multiple intelligence and TPR in which learning irregular verbs is combined with doing physical exercises. I think it’ll be interesting as it’s a kind of competition and TPR-activity, also everybody will practice verbs as the activity involves everybody.
Templates for the course assignment lesson plan continued
Lesson plan cover page | |
How does the lesson fit with syllabus/timetable? | It’s an additional lesson beside school planned lessons to help weak students get better in irregular verbs forms (especially past simple). They’ve already learnt them at 3 school lessons – past simple positive, yes/no questions, a table of irregular verbs. |
Learning outcome | By the end of this lesson students
Materials and references (attach worksheets) | Flashcards, handout “Vocabulary & Story” (Oxford University Press, English File 1, Student’s book), worksheet 1 |
Anticipated problems |
Proposed solutions |
Lesson procedure | ||||
Time | Teacher activity | Student activity | Interaction | Stage aim |
Stage 1 10 min
Stage 2 10 min Stage 3 7 min Stage 4 10 min 3 min Stage 5 5 min | Warm-up activities Divides students in 3 pairs (one couple at one desk) and explains the activity Distributes a printed hand-out “Vocabulary & Story” (1 for each couple) Review activities Shows flashcards and pronouns 3 forms of each verb Distributes printed worksheet №1 to every couple and asks them to match 3 forms (Present Simple, Past simple and Past Principal) of each verb from 3 columns. Games “Speed word “game – teacher says the first form of the verb (one to each couple), a couple must say the second and the third forms TPR-activity “The Irregular-Verbs Gym”. A)Teacher asks students to stand up and watch her. Then say the first form of an irregular verb that has all three different forms (“write”), carrying out a specific movement at the same time (Stretches her arms high above her head). Then say the past form (“wrote”), make a different movement (touches her shoulders), and finally say the past participle form (“written”), again making another – again different – movement (touches her knees). B) Then teacher selects an irregular verb where past and past participle forms are the same, e.g. find, and ask students to work through it. C) Then get them to do an irregular verb where all three forms are the same, e.g. put; they will need to make only one single movement. D )Carries on practicing with all the 20 irregular verbs planned to consolidate. Story time Gets the students sit down, asks them to read a “Last Saturday” story ( a different story to each couple from the printed hand-out “Vocabulary & Story”), write the missed words form the story and then present the ready story to the rest of the group. Asks students to detect the verbs in Past Simple from the texts and say them loudly. Conclusion & relaxation Asks the students to come to the whiteboard and write answers to the questions written on the whiteboard:
| Brainstorm: in limited time (2 minutes) couples say as more typical weekend activities as they can. Fill the first part of the hand-out – look at the images and write the missed verbs (infinitive form) Repeat after the teacher Match the verbs Each couple answers (Student 1 says the Past Simple form and S2 says the Past Principal form) and gets points on the whiteboard. a)Say the forms and carry out the actions with teacher. Then they work alone through other irregular verbs in the same way: “give, swim, go, do” without teacher. B)Students say the forms and carry out just two first movements, then practice other verbs: meet, feel, think, tell.C)Students say the forms and make just the first movement. Practice cost, shut.D ) Students must say the forms and make 3, 2 or 1 movement. Read the story, write the missed words and present the ready story to the class. Detect verbs in Past Simple from the texts and say them loudly. Write answers on the whiteboard. | Teacher-students Pair work (Student – Student) Teacher- Students Pair work (Student – Student) Teacher – Students Teacher - Students Pair work (Student – Student) Group work (Students – Students) Teacher-students | Motivate students, engage their attention and dispose them to the work. Refresh knowledge of 20 chosen irregular verbs and prepare students for the main tasks (stage 3 and 4). Consolidate the knowledge and practice orally the above mentioned 20 irregular verbs forms. Refresh the students after being sitting, practice the 20 irregular verbs orally focusing on correct pronunciation and grammar form. Work through the text focusing on vocabulary and speaking, be able to identify the Past Simple verbs from the text. Resume the work done in the lesson. |
Templates for the course assignment reflection
Reflection | |
What went well? Why? (refer to the learners, learning outcomes and stage aims, lesson procedures, tasks / activities and materials) | When I taught this lesson the students were very engaged in the material I printed out for them and the tasks. Because the vocabulary (week-end activities) was directly connected to the learnt grammar points (Past Simple & Irregular verbs) my students seemed to realize the immediate importance of learning and using it. So, they completed all the tasks. Also, the students appeared to be enthusiastic about the new activity (The Irregular-Verbs Gym) because it allowed them to use what they had been learning in class and also to move a little bit. I never had to ask them to stay focused because they were all working together and seemed to be intrinsically motivated to complete all the given exercises. Similarly, they did quite well on their written exercises (stage 2-matching the verbs and stage 4 – completing the story), also the answers on the whiteboard (stage 5) were clear enough, which leads me to believe that they had been well learned the 20 chosen irregular verbs and practiced the usage of Past Simple. So, I can say that the aims of the lesson and the stages’ aims were picked up. |
What didn’t go well? Why? (refer to the learners, learning outcomes and stage aims, lesson procedures, tasks / activities and materials) | At the stage 5 we met a difficulty with my students - first they could not reflect and write answers for given questions in English. I could see that they have got the meaning of the questions, as well as they have understood the rule itself by they were not able to write the answers in English as they couldn’t produce the summary in L2. So we had to use L1 to summarize the rule and then we translated what we have sad into English. So, with by using partly L1 and with my help the students finally did a reflection for this stage in English and wrote it on the board. |
What changes will I make next time? Why? | When I teach this lesson again, I will encourage the use of the language more by asking my students to ask each other what they did last Saturday or by writing a story about themselves or their peers (after have being asking them). Also I would ask my students to write the correct verbs (3 forms) down on the flashcards. I think I would possibly add some more activities for writing and spelling, such as a category dictation (for example, divide a page on 2 columns – I did and I didn’t do, and write the verbs I say in one of the columns depending on what they did last Saturday or didn’t do), bingo-game, spelling lists, typing words etc. When I do “The Irregular-Verbs Gym” again with these students, I will let one of the students to come in front of the class and say the verbs instead of the teacher, I think it will engage students to produce verbs. Then we’ll do that with other students. |
Course assignment: _ Date: _
Result | |
Moderator’s comments, advice and suggestions | |
Moderator: _
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