Игра "Своя игра" по теме "Страны"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Анпилогова Юлия Александровна

В этой игре учащимся предлагается продемонстрировать свои страноведческие знания по четырём странам - Россия, Канада, США и Австралия. Эта игра подойдёт для учащихся старшей школы.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

своя игра

Слайд 2

Russia 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Canada 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 The USA 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Australia 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

Слайд 3

Russia 10 What is the largest city in Europe? Answer: Moscow

Слайд 4

Russia 15 Who founded Moscow? Answer : Yury Dolgorukiy

Слайд 5

Russia 20 Who is the head of state in Russia? Answer : the President

Слайд 6

Russia 25 When is the Student’s Day celebrated in Russia? Ответ: January, 25

Слайд 7

Russia 30 What American State belonged to Russia in the past? Answer : Alyaska

Слайд 8

Russia 35 Who established Moscow University? Answer: Queen Elizabeth I at the advice of M. Lomonosov

Слайд 9

Russia 40 When was Moscow University established? Answer : in 1755

Слайд 10

Russia 45 How many Moscow’s buildings look exactly the same? Answer: 7

Слайд 11

Russia 50 How many time zones is the territory of Russia made up? Answer: 9

Слайд 12

Russia 5 5 When was the Russian Federation established? Answer: in 1991

Слайд 13

Canada 10 What is the capital of Canada? Answer: Ottawa

Слайд 14

Canada 15 What are the main cities in Canada except its capital? Answer: Montreal and Toronto

Слайд 15

Canada 20 What are the official languages in Canada? Answer: English and French

Слайд 16

Canada 25 Who discovered Canada? Answer: Samuel de Champlain

Слайд 17

Canada 30 What is the name of one of the Great Lakes? Answer: Ontario

Слайд 18

Canada 35 What is the symbol of Canada? Answer: Maple leaf

Слайд 19

Canada 40 Who is the head of state in Canada? Answer: The British Queen

Слайд 20

Canada 45 Choose the Canadian flag Answer:

Слайд 21

Canada 50 Who gave Canada its name? Answer : The First Nations

Слайд 22

Canada 55 Who chose the capital city, Ottawa? Answer: Queen Victoria

Слайд 23

The USA 10 Who discovered America? Answer : Christopher Columbus

Слайд 24

The USA 15 What is the capital of the USA? Answer: Washington

Слайд 25

The USA 20 Who is the head of state in the USA? Answer: the President

Слайд 26

The USA 25 How many states are there in the USA? Answer: 50

Слайд 27

The USA 30 What is the political system in the USA? Answer : Democracy

Слайд 28

The USA 35 Who was the first American President? Answer: George Washington

Слайд 29

The USA 40 When do Americans celebrate the Independence Day? Answer: July, 4

Слайд 30

The USA 45 Which is the largest state in the USA? Answer: Alyaska

Слайд 31

The USA 50 Answer: Rhode Island Which is the smallest state in the USA?

Слайд 32

The USA 55 What is the nickname of the American flag? Answer: Stars and Stripes

Слайд 33

Australia 10 Who discovered Australia? Answer: James Cook

Слайд 34

Australia 15 What city is the largest and oldest in Australia? Answer: Sydney

Слайд 35

Australia 20 What is the capital of Australia? Answer: Canberra

Слайд 36

Australia 25 What season is it in Australia when it is summer in Russia? Answer: winter

Слайд 37

Australia 30 Who is the head of state in Australia? Answer: The British Monarch

Слайд 38

Australia 35 What is the most unusual building in Sydney? Answer: Sydney Opera House

Слайд 39

Australia 40 Who were the first European settlers in Australia? Answer: British convicts

Слайд 40

Australia 45 Choose the Australian flag Answer:

Слайд 41

Australia 50 Why are Australians very good sportsmen? Answer: Australians are practically born in water

Слайд 42

Australia 55 What natural disaster is one the biggest problems in Australia? Answer: Bush fire

Слайд 43
