презентация Keep fit
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Презентация (с видеоматериалом) к заключительному уроку по теме "Спорт. Здоровье"
видео Sports in Britain
видео Berezhnaya_Sikharulidze
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Addiction - зависимость What addictive habits do you know? Smoking Drinking alcohol Taking drugs Playing computer games
WHY? Teenagers get involved with alcohol and drugs for many reasons (причины) . Some examples include: Curiosity (любопытство) : They want to know what it feels like to be drunk. Peer pressure (давление сверстников) : Their friends are doing it . Acceptance (одобрение) :Their parents or role models are doing it. Defiance (вызов, сопротивление) : They want to rebel (восставать) against social rules. Risk-taking behaviors : They need to send out a call for help. Boredom (скука) : They feel they’ve done everything exciting. Independence (независимость) : They want to make their own decisions. Pleasure (удовольствие) : They want to feel good .
ALCOHOL A small amount of alcohol can make the person feel relaxed. With more alcohol , people cannot control their behaviour (поведение) , and their movements are more clumsy (неуклюжий) . When people have too much alcohol they get sick (тошнота) , they are not in full control of their minds and bodies, and they can not think clearly. Some people become angry and they can hurt (причинять боль) other people, including people in their family.
Alcohol can cause damage to the brain (мозг) , liver (печень) and stomach (желудок) . People can become alcohol-dependent because it is addictive. Many car accidents involving young drivers are caused by alcohol. People can die from alcohol poisoning when they drink too much alcohol.
DRUGS Some drugs are given to people by doctors to make them healthy. These are called prescription drugs . Some drugs are natural and can be found in some kinds of food or plants that are not a normal part of a persons diet. Some drugs are illegal which means it is against (против) the law (закон) to buy, sell or use them. They are very addictive. At least you will NEVER be the same and you will NEVER be healthy. It’s the most probable that you die from it.
SMOKING People who smoke have to put up (мириться, терпеть) with a lot of bad things to continue their smoking: Their hair, clothes and breath smell of smoke. Teeth and fingers go yellow Skin looks unhealthy and grey. Their sense of smell and taste are affected. They are ten times more likely to get heart disease and lung (легкие) disease. In many countries laws (законы) have been made so that there are few places left where they can smoke in public. People often feel: anxiety ( беспокойство) and depression headaches and fatigue (усталость)
In only a short time after quitting (quit - бросать) smoking : taste and smell improves skin improves lungs begin to repair themselves people have lots more money
Nowadays there are computers in every school and nearly every home. We can find things out quickly using search engines. We can use them to write, create, keep pictures, scan documents or photos, store our work or memories in files, and play games. We can join other people online to chat or play games. We can read the news or watch things happening around the world as it happens. How did people ever manage before computers?
But you can get … hand injuries (повреждение, травма) from pressing buttons on a computer or games controller obesity (полнота, ожирение) caused by sitting around for a long time and not having enough physical exercise muscle and joint (сустав) problems, leading to headaches, neck or back pain (боль) from sitting too long е yestrain (зрительное напряжение, боль в глазах) , when eyes get tired of staring at a screen
COMPUTERS Are they good for you?
RULES: Have breaks from the computer and move your body around. Have time limits for the computer so that you talk and play with others.
In my opinion "I think computers are good because: it's quicker than writing it's neater you can research lots of things you can check your spelling and grammar you can download pictures and diagrams to add to your work ."
In my opinion " You can present your work in different ways to make it more interesting. You can play games ." " You can download music, e-books and movies - if mum lets you." Computers are great but the human body is not designed to sit down all day so get out and get active ! What do you think about computers? Are they useful or harmful? Do you follow the rules working on a computer?
sport What do you think about sport? Is it really useful? Can it help you to keep fit or to avoid any addiction? Is it fun? Do you go in for sport? What do you know about sport in Britain?
Let’s watch Sports in Britain Answer the questions Wembley is for: 1.football matches 2. tennis 3. golf Wimbeldon is for: 1.football matches 2. tennis 3. golf St.Andrew’s is for: 1.football matches 2. tennis 3. golf
1.Are there many public swimming pools in Britain? 2.The most popular sport in GB is: Cycling Walking Rugby 3. The most popular path is... 4.Croquet is … game British Scottish French 5.Curling is … game British Scottish French the Pennine walk
Match the two columns
Homework dialogue Do you play sport? How often do you go in for sport? Do you like swimming?/skiing/skating? Did you play basketball yesterday? and etc.
sport Fitness F feeling good I interested in your life T trying to improve N never feeling bored E energetic S sleep is good for you S stay fit and be happy By Eva B .
There is nothing impossible Berezhnaya first competed with Oleg Shliakhov for Latvia and won gold at the 1995 Trophée de France. While training together in January 1996, she suffered a serious injury, leaving her partly paralyzed and unable to speak. She recovered rapidly and began competing again in November 1996 with new partner, Anton Sikharulidze. Within two years of the accident, Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze had established themselves as one of the best pair teams in the world. Their Olympic gold medals are shared with Canadian pair Jamie Salé and David Pelletier. Work hard and win
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