Audio-visual aids in teaching monologue
статья по английскому языку на тему
Using of audio-visual aids in teaching is an important factor. Students thinking about how to compose sentence, forget the general text. These aids help them not to lose the logic of the text.
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Audio-visual aids in teaching monologue
Modern life proves that speaking foreign language is an important skill for the person of XXI century. The world has been changed. It's informational situation, relations need intercourse on professional and civil levels. People use language for communication and this knowledge and skills they have to develop so as to be able to act effectively in social and professional spheres. So one of the main tasks of modern school is to help pupils to pass in modern life.
To make learning English more successful all the methodologists are searching more effective ways of teaching. Forming and developing monologue is very difficult for pupils, so as they haven't got enough practice in daily life. Using a great help in aids will help in achieving results in this matter. Aids will prompt so as to express much of what pupils want. Using such supports will help them to express their thoughts, opinions through grammatical and lexical material for saying exactly what pupils would like to.
For more successful and effective monologue forming and development aids must be complex, help pupils with structure, form, and pith. They can contain basic sentence patterns memorized phrases, group of a few words, formulas. Composing supports teacher ought find the most relevant information in text related to the topic or personal interests and identify the main ideas and points.
The aids of the first level for teaching prepared monologue can be a text, a microtext, a logical structural scheme, a scheme, a table. Such supports ensure a logical order bond, necessary choice of lexical and grammatical material. The aids of the second level for teaching prepared monologue are pictures, series of pictures, a plan, schemes, block-schemes. They help to notice and remember significant points, present a clear, flowing description in a style appropriate to the context. The third level of teaching prepared monologue, is describing experiences, events, dreams, hopes, ambitions. It is a fluently natural speech, an expression of viewpoint on topical issue without much conspicuous searching for words, giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options, the construction of a chain of reasoned arguments using some complex sentence forms. So aids must have reminding character to help pupils to independent speech.
Only making themselves familiar with prepared monologue pupils can achieve any success in unprepared monologue when they express the idea spontaneously, fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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