Внеклассное мероприятие об искусстве граффити
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке предназначено для формирования у подростков правильного отношения к граффити как к искусству, а не " маранию " стен. Кроме того, тренируются навыки говорения и понимания иноязычной речи.
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Предварительный просмотр:
10 класс
Ведущий: Hello, dear guests! Welcome to our studio!
Not long ago, I was taking a casual stroll around the city with my camera. I didn’t
have anything specific in my mind to capture, just wanted some time to be alone.
Being alone sometimes is good, it makes you observe details that you usually look
past. One of the many details that caught my eye was actually graffiti.
Please, give us the screen.
(На экране появляются фотографии граффити в разных местах города: на заборах, на домах, на машинах, на общественном транспорте и т.п.)
Discussing graffiti provokes a lot of opinions. The story of graffiti tells us a lot
about social history, the hip-hop movement and even artists in the world.
So, the topic of today’s talk is “URBAN GRAFFITI: ART OR VANDALISM?”
Let me introduce you our guests, the guests in our studio:
- These are two young people who enjoy graffiti and are good at making it.
- These are our experts who know everything or more than everything about
- And our audience.
Let us start! Welcome our first speaker A. What is graffiti for you?
Молодой человек (1): Graffiti! Of course it is art! Suppose that Leonardo, Monet, Picasso
or any of the recognized artisans of Western European culture were alive in the
present day. Then, suppose that one of these famous artists decided to paint a
masterpiece on the side of your house or on your front door, or on a wall in your
(Фотографии и видео искусства граффити на дорогих машинах, на . . .
Would Picasso or Monet’s markings be graffiti or art, or vandalism
or graffiti art?
Ведущий: It depends. . .
Молодой человек (1): But I would claim that those markings are art in the form of graffiti.
Молодой человек (2): I would say that we are improving the look of fences or walls by
making colourful paintings on them.
(Фотографии и видео красиво разрисованных заборов, стен зданий и т.п.)
Зритель из зала: But today with the advert of spray paints, it has involved into a
modern-day crime known as vandalism.
Зритель из зала: Vandalism is the crime of maliciously creating marking on private
and public walls without the consent of the owner.
Зритель из зала: Graffiti is used by gang members to announce and mark their presence
in a certain area.
(Фотографии и видео уродливых рисунков на государственных зданиях в центре города)
Ведущий: Wait a minute. Please, calm down. Let’s listen to our experts.
Эксперт (1): Graffiti is nothing new. The concept is ancient. The art of inscribing drawings,
carvings or words in any surface had its beginnings from the ancient civilization.
Graffiti in the form of inscriptions were found in ancient paintings, walls,
sepulchers and catacombs. Nowhere is graffiti more pronounced than in Ancient
Rome and Egypt.
(Фотографии древних рисунков)
Эксперт (2): In the modern world graffiti is used as a medium of self-expression. Thus,
modern graffiti signified the signs of the times.
Take, for example, the phrase “Kilroy was here” (graffiti during the II World War).
(Фотография всемирно известной надписи “Kilroy was here”)
It appeared in an amazing variety of places and countries. In 1969 one person in
рarticular made graffiti famous and inspired people to start “tagging”.
Ведущий: What is “tagging”?
Молодой человек (1): Tagging means writing the nickname in an artistic way. A lot of
people began to copy this style.
(Фотографии и видео различных вариантов “tagging”)
Зритель из зала: They write on any surface they can find: sidewalks, stop signs,
bus stops, billboards, trains, rooftops, overpasses!
Зритель из зала: They use anything that leaves a mark by scratching, painting, drawing,
sticking and stenciling their names on everything!
Зритель из зала: They write their names with sharpies, paint pens and even shoe polish.
(Фотографии аэрозолей, красок, мелков и т.п.)
Ведущий: Please, stop shouting! Let’s move further and discuss the question “why do
people graffiti?”
Эксперт (1): Some people do it to be rebellious; some people do it just to vandalize things.
Молодой человек (2): And other people do it to be a little bit more creative.
Молодой человек (1): The real or legal graffiti artist (as we are) have sought to distance
ourselves from gang graffiti.
Эксперт (2): The main difference between the gang graffiti and graffiti art lies in the
purpose of their graffiti. Graffiti artists do it for self-expression while gang members
do it to mark their territory.
Эксперт (1): Graffiti is also criticized for being too hard to understand. But, certainly,
this cannot keep graffiti art from being art anymore than the obscurity of abstract art
or Picasso’s cubism prevents either one of those hard to understand art forms from
being considered as art.
Зритель из зала: Some graffiti vandals say they are improving the look of ordinary fences
and walls, but what about drawing and tagging in the trains, on the bus stops, on
the bridges. . .
(Фотографии разрисованных вагонов поезда, трамваев, метро, остановок и т.п.)
Зритель из зала: Graffiti vandals often show how stupid they are by risking falling from
bridges or trains while graffiting. Some die, others suffer horrific injures. . .
Зритель из зала: Our government spends a lot of money on cleaning up graffiti.
The main aim is to minimize “tagging” and encourage creative street art in the
right place.
(Фотографии людей, смывающих граффити)
Ведущий: Let’s sum up! For some people graffiti is art and a way of self-expression.
For others it’s vandalism. But if the local authorities encouraged graffiti by
designating public walls for it, so graffiti would be an effective method of
discouraging vandalism.
Look, how it works!
(На глазах у зрителей молодые люди рисуют небольшой красивый рисунок на «сером заборе», показывающий искусство граффити)
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