конспект урока
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
план-конспект урока "Окружающий мир"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Ход урока
1.Организационный момент
Good morning boys and girls. Nice to see you. How are you today? Who is on duty today? Who is absent?
Цитата на доске о природе
The crying Earth, the weeping shores ( Плачущая Земля, рыдающие берега)
We've turned animals‘kingdoms to dust (Мы превратили царство животных в
2.Постановка учебной проблемы
Teacher: And now look at our board and try to guess what we are going to talk about
today? ( цитата/)
-What is the theme of our lesson today?
S1 S2 S3… (учащиеся сообщают о том, что тема урока « Окружающая среда»
T:The topic of our lesson is “Environment». We live in the world that is full of the beauty of nature. And how do you understand the word “Environment”?
Pre –reading task
1. Discussion
Now I suggest you to discuss the title of the topic in 2 minutes.
2. Prediction
Now, I will give you 4 sentences, and you task is to say weather is True or False
1/We have to learn to use the environment carefully (True)
2 /We do not have environmental problems. (False)
3. /Common people could change their attitude towards the environment (True)
4/ The territories of Russia suffer many environmental problems (True)
3. Write 2-3 questions, what you would like to know of the topic. It should be: general, special and alternative.
2. While-reading
1. Now we will read the text. During the reading this text you should give me the main idea of the each paragraph in 1-2 sentences.
You should to cross out the words which were mentioned in the text, as soon as you finish you should say”BINGO’’
Task: As soon as you finish crossing out the words which were mentioned in the text, you should say ”BINGO’’.Try to be the first one!
Acid rain 4 | Oceans 8 | Floods 7 | Common 10 | Natural recourses 11 |
World 2 | Land 5 | Global warming 7 | Realize 11 | Environment 3 |
Change 9 | Wildlife 6 | Hurricanes 8 | Health 9 | Life 1 |
Environmental Protection
Man have always wanted to make his life easier. He invented machines and mechanisms which have been working — and polluting the world we live in. There are many consequences of damaging the environment. One of them is acid rain.. Waste gases cause acid rain, this leads to forest damage and reduces the resources of forestry industry.
Another one is water shortage. It comes from abuse of lands in agriculture. The third one is destroying the ozone layer of the Earth through pollution from factories and plants. The fourth one is damage to water and soils. The fifth one is damage to wildlife: many species of plants and animals can disappear. The sixth one is the greenhouse effect and global warming — that is, an increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans. Global warming can lead to rises in sea levels, and extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, and hurricanes, and global climate change. Lastly, the most serious danger is the result of all these consequences. This is the danger for the life and health of the man.
The most important thing common people could do is to change their attitude towards the environment. We should realize that natural resources are not unlimited and destroying them may result in destroying life on Earth.
3. Post-reading
1. What was your question at the first part of our lesson, did you find the answer?
2. Arrange the sentences in the logical order.
a) One of them is acid rain (2)
b) The fourth one is damage to water and soils.(4)
c) Man have always wanted to make his life easier (1)
d) Another one is water shortage (3)
e) This is the danger for the life and health of the man.(5)
Read the types of pollution and fill it with the columns:
Oil split in oceans, cutting forests, hyperactive fishing, burning leaves in spring and autumn, poaching, car exhaust fumes, smoking, burying waste or house hold trash.
Water pollution | Air pollution | Land pollution |
oil split in oceans hyperactive fishing | cutting forests burning leaves in spring and autumn, car exhaust fumes, smoking | cutting forests poaching, burying waste or house hold trash |
Environmental Protection
- The planet were people live(earth)
2. Something that cannot be without lightening (thunder)
3. A strong wind (tornado)
4. Place were people spend their time with children (park)
5. The warmer season of the year (summer)
6. Easy wind (breeze)
7. Phenomenon when the Earth is shaking (earthquake)
8. The weather without water (drought)
Work in groups
Give some pieces of advice how to be safe in a hurricane, an earthquake a flood (orally or in a written form)
-turn off the gas
-switch off the electricity
T: -I think you are tide and now try to relax watching this amazing video.
-Try to repeat these movings or simply do some exercises to the music.
Hands up, hands down Bend left, bend right
-Hands on hips. Please sit down. One two three-hop!
-Hands up to the sides. . One two three-stop!
( видеоклип для физкультминутки http://www.youtube.com/v/QcvmJTH84KA )
6 Заключительный этап урока:
T: Thanks’ for your work. I think you’ve worked hard.
-And now your marks for the lesson: ……………………………….
-At the end of our lesson some little questions:
-What issues have we solved today?
-What have you learned at today’s lesson?
-Which activities do you find more difficult or more interesting?
-As for your home task you should write a short personal letter to your pen-friend
and tell him or her what your favourite weather is, how it makes you feel and
why. You should also ask your friend a question about his visiting a wildlife
-I think you should use ing- forms, Infinitive and some idioms like these: to feel under the weather
-to be on cloud nine
-to be a bolt from the blue
-to see which way the wind blows
-to save up to a rainy day
-I wish you to know how to work well, hard and have some good skills that will
help you to succeed in life.
-Bye for now. Our lesson is ove
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