Тест на знание герундия
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Чубакова Наталья Леонидовна

Тестовые задания по теме Герундий. Англ.яз. Несколько экземпляров на одной странице для удобства распечатывания на каждго ученика


Microsoft Office document icon Герундий. Тесты36.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Write down the sentences opening the brackets using either gerund or infinitive

1 He keeps (go) to the south. 2 Would you mind (comе) again in a day or two? 3 She could not (help) smiling. 4 I cannot deny (take) part in this quarrel. 5 Though Tom was tired, he went on writing the report. 6 I avoided (speak) to them about that matter. 7 She couldn’t help (cry). 8 They want children (laugh). 9 She denied (be) at home this evening. 10 He enjoyed (talk) of the pleasures of traveling. 11He gave up (smoke) a few years ago. 12 Please, stop (laugh) at him. 13 Do you mind my (ask) you a difficult question?14 We stopped (talk) to him. 15 I don’t mind (wear) this dress.

Write down the sentences opening the brackets using either gerund or infinitive

1 He keeps (go) to the south. 2 Would you mind (comе) again in a day or two? 3 She could not (help) smiling. 4 I cannot deny (take) part in this quarrel. 5 Though Tom was tired, he went on writing the report. 6 I avoided (speak) to them about that matter. 7 She couldn’t help (cry). 8 They want children (laugh). 9 She denied (be) at home this evening. 10 He enjoyed (talk) of the pleasures of traveling. 11He gave up (smoke) a few years ago. 12 Please, stop (laugh) at him. 13 Do you mind my (ask) you a difficult question?14 We stopped (talk) to him. 15 I don’t mind (wear) this dress.

Write down the sentences opening the brackets using either gerund or infinitive

1 He keeps (go) to the south. 2 Would you mind (comе) again in a day or two? 3 She could not (help) smiling. 4 I cannot deny (take) part in this quarrel. 5 Though Tom was tired, he went on writing the report. 6 I avoided (speak) to them about that matter. 7 She couldn’t help (cry). 8 They want children (laugh). 9 She denied (be) at home this evening. 10 He enjoyed (talk) of the pleasures of traveling. 11He gave up (smoke) a few years ago. 12 Please, stop (laugh) at him. 13 Do you mind my (ask) you a difficult question?14 We stopped (talk) to him. 15 I don’t mind (wear) this dress.

Write down the sentences opening the brackets using either gerund or infinitive

1 He keeps (go) to the south. 2 Would you mind (comе) again in a day or two? 3 She could not (help) smiling. 4 I cannot deny (take) part in this quarrel. 5 Though Tom was tired, he went on writing the report. 6 I avoided (speak) to them about that matter. 7 She couldn’t help (cry). 8 They want children (laugh). 9 She denied (be) at home this evening. 10 He enjoyed (talk) of the pleasures of traveling. 11He gave up (smoke) a few years ago. 12 Please, stop (laugh) at him. 13 Do you mind my (ask) you a difficult question?14 We stopped (talk) to him. 15 I don’t mind (wear) this dress.

Write down the sentences opening the brackets using either gerund or infinitive

1 He keeps (go) to the south. 2 Would you mind (comе) again in a day or two? 3 She could not (help) smiling. 4 I cannot deny (take) part in this quarrel. 5 Though Tom was tired, he went on writing the report. 6 I avoided (speak) to them about that matter. 7 She couldn’t help (cry). 8 They want children (laugh). 9 She denied (be) at home this evening. 10 He enjoyed (talk) of the pleasures of traveling. 11He gave up (smoke) a few years ago. 12 Please, stop (laugh) at him. 13 Do you mind my (ask) you a difficult question?14 We stopped (talk) to him. 15 I don’t mind (wear) this dress.

Write down the sentences opening the brackets using either gerund or infinitive

1 He keeps (go) to the south. 2 Would you mind (comе) again in a day or two? 3 She could not (help) smiling. 4 I cannot deny (take) part in this quarrel. 5 Though Tom was tired, he went on writing the report. 6 I avoided (speak) to them about that matter. 7 She couldn’t help (cry). 8 They want children (laugh). 9 She denied (be) at home this evening. 10 He enjoyed (talk) of the pleasures of traveling. 11He gave up (smoke) a few years ago. 12 Please, stop (laugh) at him. 13 Do you mind my (ask) you a difficult question?14 We stopped (talk) to him. 15 I don’t mind (wear) this dress.

Write down the sentences opening the brackets using either gerund or infinitive

1 He keeps (go) to the south. 2 Would you mind (comе) again in a day or two? 3 She could not (help) smiling. 4 I cannot deny (take) part in this quarrel. 5 Though Tom was tired, he went on writing the report. 6 I avoided (speak) to them about that matter. 7 She couldn’t help (cry). 8 They want children (laugh). 9 She denied (be) at home this evening. 10 He enjoyed (talk) of the pleasures of traveling. 11He gave up (smoke) a few years ago. 12 Please, stop (laugh) at him. 13 Do you mind my (ask) you a difficult question?14 We stopped (talk) to him. 15 I don’t mind (wear) this dress.

Write down the sentences opening the brackets using either gerund or infinitive

1 He keeps (go) to the south. 2 Would you mind (comе) again in a day or two? 3 She could not (help) smiling. 4 I cannot deny (take) part in this quarrel. 5 Though Tom was tired, he went on writing the report. 6 I avoided (speak) to them about that matter. 7 She couldn’t help (cry). 8 They want children (laugh). 9 She denied (be) at home this evening. 10 He enjoyed (talk) of the pleasures of traveling. 11He gave up (smoke) a few years ago. 12 Please, stop (laugh) at him. 13 Do you mind my (ask) you a difficult question?14 We stopped (talk) to him. 15 I don’t mind (wear) this dress.

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