Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Портрет Уэльса" в 6 классе по УМК Афанасьевой О.В., Михеевой И.В.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Данный конспект урока "Портрет Уэльса" может быть использован педагогами английского языка, работающими по УМК Афанасьевой О.В., Михеевой И.В. (6 класс). Содержание урока ориентировано на развитие мотивации учеников к изучению иностранного языка и на формирование умений во всех видах иноязычной речевой деятельности, развитие общих учебных умений и навыков, получение учащимися опыта учебной, познавательной, коммуникативной, практической и творческой деятельности.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Портрет Уэльса" в 6 классе по УМК Афанасьевой О.В., Михеевой И.В. | ||||||
время | этапы | формы | взаимодействие | Деятельность учителя/ речь учителя | Деятельность учеников | Средства обучения |
2 мин |
Цель: постановка цели, задач урока, распределение ролей Итог: цель определена, задачи поставлены, роли распределены | фронтальная | Учитель-класс | Good morning, pupils. I’m very glad to see you, sit down please. Well, pupils, do you like to travel? I offer you to make a journey. What country would you like to visit? … Right. Let’s make a journey to Wales. The topic of our lesson is “The portrait of Wales”. The aim of the lesson is to make and present projects about Wales. | Pupils greet the teacher. | Интерактивная доска, компьютер |
7 мин |
Цель: актуализация знаний по теме Итог: выявлены первоначальные знания учащихся по теме | фронтальная | Учитель-класс Учитель-ученик | To find out what you know about Wales I’d like to start our conversation with the statement “Though visitors don’t need passports to cross the border from England into Wales, they soon realize that they are entering a country with its own geography, culture, traditions and language”. How do you understand these words? Is Wales an interesting country? Is it full of traditions? Would you like to visit it? Well, I agree with you. Wales is an unusual country, there are so many wonderful places there. Well, on the screen you see two columns with the beginning and the end of the sentences, your task is to match them. Now look it through. Then be ready to present your answer in a chain. You have 1 minute for it. Well, are you ready? …, match the 1st sentence and read it … (дети по цепочке соединяют начало и конец предложений, читают их). You are right. Well done, I see you know Wales quite well.
| Pupils explain the meaning of the statement, answer the teacher’s questions. P1: Wales belongs to Great Britain and visitors don’t need passports to cross the border from England into Wales. This country is full of wonders. P2: To my mind, Wales is a beautiful country. It’s worth visiting. P3: I’ve never been to Wales but I’d like to visit it. P4: Cardiff is the capital of Wales. P5: The national symbol of the country is a leek or a daffodil. | Интерактивная доска, компьютер |
1,5 мин (фильм)+ 1,5 мин (лексика)+ 5 мин (работа с текстом) |
Цель: детальное понимание услышанного Итог: заполнение текстов на карточке | Групповая, фронтальная | Учитель-класс Учитель-ученик | To find out some more detailed information about this beautiful country I offer you to watch a video “ Visit to Wales”. But first of all I’d like to draw your attention to the screen. Here are some new words. Listen and repeat them after me. Stunning - wonderful Diverse - different Attraction - sight To house – to include Cardiff castle St. Fagans – National History Museum While watching the film your task is to complete the texts you have on your desks and be ready to read them after all (Приложение 1). Let’s watch the video. Well, pupils, I give you one more minute to complete your texts. Well, It’s time to check your task. Now you will read your text one by one. …, start. Well, good of you. Well done, you are so clever. | Pupils repeat the vocabulary after the teacher, watch the video, complete the texts | Интерактивная доска, компьютер |
20 мин |
Цель: создание мини-проектов Итог: защита мини-проектов | Групповая, фронтальная | Учитель-класс Учитель-ученик Ученик-ученик | We have learnt much about Wales today. To sum up all the information about this country, let’s make mini projects “Welcome to Wales”. You have all necessary illustrations in your computers, use MPP, choose the pictures you need to create your projects and title them. After all be ready to present your projects and express your opinion about the projects of your classmates according to the criteria. (Приложение 2) You have 12 minutes for this work. Start making your projects. (Включить музыку.) I see you are ready. The first group, present us your project. (1 группа защищает проект). It’s a colourful project, I think. What is your opinion about this project? Do you like it? 2 project. What would you like to add to this project? Express your opinion about this project. 3 project . What is your opinion about this project? A good project, I think. I agree with your opinion. …, mind your grammar mistakes. Well, pupils, your projects are informative and interesting enough. Thank you for your work. | Pupils create mini projects “Welcome to Wales”. Pupils present their projects and express their opinion about the projects of other classmates according to the criteria. | Интерактивная доска, компьютер, нетбуки для каждой группы |
3 мин |
| фронтальная | Учитель-класс | At home find some interesting and additional information about traditions and customs of Wales to your projects. A few minutes are left. Let’s sum up. What have you learnt about Wales at our lesson? Do you like our journey? Would you like to visit this country? Well, your marks for today’s lesson are … I have enjoyed working with you today, good bye. | Pupils sum up, share their opinions about the lesson. |
Приложение 1
There are 641 castles, 3 … and 750 miles of stunning coastline. … million people live there. And eleven million … are grown on the farms. It takes you two hours to get Wales from London by … or car. Cardiff has a diverse … with speakers of 94 … Of course there are many wonderful attractions in Wales. We suggest to visit … It’s the most successful castle of the 19th… There is one more place of interest in Wales, it’s the National History Museum of …. It is a large open-air … housing dozens of original buildings from Welsh … .
Приложение 2
1. Create your project (Title “Welcome to Wales” (1st slide), geographical position, capital, language, places of interest).
2. Present it.
3. Evaluate the projects of your classmates.
- Geographical position
- Capital, language
- Places of interest
Time of speaking:
- 2-3 minutes.
Expressions to evaluate the projects:
In my opinion, this project is … (well-prepared, colourful, boring).
I think the content is … (informative, various, interesting, dull).
I think this project is excellent / good/ boring.
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