Открытый урок английского языка в 5 классе на тему "Faces of London" (по учебнику Биболетовой М.З.)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Урок проводился в качестве обобщающего по теме "Town life. London".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок английского языка
Класс: 5
Учитель: Паршина Е.А.
Тема: "Faces of London"
Задачи урока:
- Активизация изученной учащимися лексики по теме «Town life. London»;
- Совершенствование грамматических навыков;
- Совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи;
- Совершенствование навыков неподготовленной речи;
- Совершенствование навыков работы в группах;
- Совершенствование навыков аудирования.
Цель: обобщить пройденный материал по теме: «Faces of London».
Планируемые результаты (формируемые УУД):
- личностные: воспитывать культуру общения, развивать языковую догадку, интерес к стране изучаемого языка; формировать коммуникативную компетентность в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками;
- метапредметные: формировать у обучающихся способности к систематизации ранее приобретённых знаний; формировать умение систематизировать новые знания; формировать умение работать в парах, группах и индивидуально; научиться извлекать нужную информацию из текста.
- предметные: систематизировать знания по теме “Лица Лондона”, применять их в речевой ситуации.
Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная, групповая.
Технологии: личностно-деятельностная, коммуникативная, групповая.
Метод: коммуникативный.
Средства обучения: УМК Биболетовой М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубаневой Н.Н. «EnjoyEnglish 5», тематическая наглядность в форме компьютерной презентации, проектор, интерактивная доска, интернет - ресурсы, картинки, карточки с заданиями, карточки для рефлексии.
I этап. Вводно - мотивационный этап
T.: Good morning, children! Sit down, please! We are glad to see you! We are having an unusual lesson today. Look at the smartboard and try to guess what we are going to speak about. (На доске слайды с изображением видов и достопримечательностей Лондона).
T.: Yes, right you are! The theme of our today’s lesson is “FACES OF LONDON”. Today we are going to revise our material on this topic. We’ll do some exercises, watch films, work in groups, act out dialogues, play and sing the songs.
II этап. Основной этап.
1.Просмотр видео и работа в группах
T: Let’s take a plane and go on an imaginable trip to London. We arrive at Heathrow Airport and go to see London. But before going we must find some keys to this magic city which will show us the way there. You’ll watch the video and do the task. Your task is to find out which things are connected with these numerals. If you find all the answers, we’ll get the keys. You will work in groups.
(Учащиеся смотрят видео – отрывок о Лондоне и выполняют задания на листочках по восстановлению текста. Затем следует фронтальная проверка выполнения задания).
1747 | Until this year there was only one bridge over the Thames |
29 | Bridges there are now |
7 million | People live in London |
1863 | The Undergraund started |
20 million | Tourists come to London every year |
11 million | Tourists come to London from abroad |
2. Исполнение песни.
T.: Well done. We’ve found all the keys and now we can take a double-decker bus and go on our tour. But it’s merrier to travel with a song. Let’s sing the song “Do you live in London?”
(Учащиеся исполняют песню под музыку).
Do you live in London? Do you like it here?
Do you eat fish and chips? Do you watch TV?
Do you drive on the right side? Do you have a car?
Do you go to Oxford? Is it far?
Do you learn computers? Do you dance and sing?
Do you know Prince Charles? Do you know the Queen?
Do you like the Beatles? Do you play handball?
Please, tell us, tell us all!
3. Совершенствование навыков диалогической и монологической речи.
P 1: Welcome to London, everyone! London is the largest city in Europe. And it’s one of the most famous and interesting cities in the world. There are lots of places to visit: different museums, theatres, cinemas. London has got many places just for fun too: the London Eye, the London Zoo and many lovely parks and squares.
P 2: There are also many stadiums in London. London is the host of the Summer Olympic Games – 2012. There is a big Olympic Park in London.
P 1: Fantastic! There is so much to see and learn!
P 3: Have you ever seen Big Ben?
P 4: Yes, I have. I visited London last year.
P 3: Oh, did you? I haven’t been there. Is it worth seeing?
P4: Yes, certainly. Big Ben is really a bell. The bell is over 2 metres tall and chimes every quarter of an hour.
P 3: Yes, and the tower of Big Ben is a symbol of London and Britain.
P5: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Houses of Parliament?
P6: Sure! It stands beside the River Thames. You can go on a boat from Westminster and see London from the river.
P5: Do the country’s leaders really speak in the Houses of Parliament?
P6: Yes, they do. They are the voice of the British people.
P7: What are you going to do on Sunday morning?
P8: I don’t know yet.
P7: Have you ever been to Westminster Abbey?
P8: No, I’ve never been there. Is it worth seeing?
P7: Yes, of course! Westminster Abbey was built by King Edward in 1065. But the legend says that St Peter founded it. Some famous people are buried there.
P8: OK, let’s go then! See you on Sunday morning then!
P9: Excuse me, I’m looking for the Tower of London. Could you tell me where it is, please?
P10: It’s just in front of you!
P9: I heard it has a long and cruel history.
P10: Oh, the Tower is very old. It was a fortress, a royal palace, and a prison. Today it’s a museum.
P9: Do the famous black ravens live there?
P10: Yes, and there is an ancient legend that the Tower and Great Britain will fall if the ravens ever leave the fortress.
P9: Is there famous Tower Bridge next to the Tower?
P10: Yes, there is. And we know a funny song about it.
P9: Great! Let’s sing it!
4. Физминутка: Учащиеся исполняют песню (караоке) «London bridge is falling down» (с движениями).
P1: Do you know what square is the symbol of London?
Ps: Trafalgar square.
P1: Right you are! It’s well-known all over the world. Please, name 6 things which Trafalgar square is famous for.
(Возможные варианты ответов:
- It’s situated in the centre of London.
- It’s famous for Nelson’s Column.
- There are 4 lions at the bottom of the column.
- You can see lovely fountains and historical monuments there.
- In December there is a 50-metre Christmas tree in the center of the square.
- Different cultural festivals take place in the square. )
5. Просмотр видеоролика о музее Мадам Тюссо.
P2: Can you guess what museum it is?
Ps: Madame Tussaud’s
P2: What can you see in the museum?
P11: It’s the famous waxworks museum. It was founded in 1830.
P12 : There are a lot of wax figures of famous people there: actors, film stars, pop singers, sportsmen, writers, poets, scientists and politicians.
P11: You can even take photos with them. Have you ever stood next to the Queen?
P12: There is a special place for the Queen and the Royal family.
P11: It’s fantastic! I would like to visit this museum one day!
- Работа по картинке, работа с учебником:
P1: And now would you like to ride the London Eye? Look at the pictures (p.111, textbook) and say what the tourists are doing. Use Present Continuous,
Use: Ride the London Eye, see London from above, sit on the bench inside the capsule, laugh loudly, take photos of London, listen to music, shoot a video, talk on a mobile phone, enjoy the trip.)
Учащиеся составляют фразы по картинке.
P1: Say whether the following sentences are true or false. If they are false, please, correct them. (p.111, textbook). Work in groups.
(На слайде утверждения:
- The London Eye is situated in the country but you can see London if the weather is fine.
- The London Eye is a big wheel and it can carry a lot of people every day.
- The trip on the London Eye takes more than an hour.
- Tourists can’t take photos on the London Eye.
- There is a shop below the London Eye where tourists can buy souvenirs.)
Проверка выполнения задания.
III этап. Заключительный этап.
- Викторина (конструирование предложений).
P1: Our trip came up to the end. Let’s remember what we know about London, what London is famous for. Look at the smartboard. Your task is to complete the sentences.
(На слайде:
- London is the capital of … (England)
- More than … million people live in London. (7)
- … lives in Buckingham Palace.(The Queen of England)
- … is in the centre of London. (Trafalgar Square)
- The most interesting museum is … (The Tower of London)
- The largest clock is … (Big Ben)
- London is situated on … (The Thames)
- … is one of the London’s most famous symbols. (Tower Bridge)
- … is the most famous English church (Westminster Abbey)
- … are the buildings where the British Parliament sits (the Houses of Parliament)
P1 и P2 по очереди читают фразы, а группы дают ответ.
- Рефлексия.
T.: You’ve seen many places of interest; you’ve found many interesting facts about London. Did you enjoy our excursion? Did you like our lesson? You have paper hands of different colours. If you like our lesson, please show red, if not – green.
3. Оценка работы учащихся на уроке
Thank you for the lesson. You worked well today. Your marks are only excellent.
- Домашнее задание (задание записано на доске)
T.: Next time we’ll walk through London parks with you. Look at the blackboard and write down your home task for the next lesson: exercise 117, page 120 (read and translate), exercise 118 ( answer the questions).
T.: All of you dream of visiting London and let’s hope that some day our dream will come true and we’ll see one of the greatest cities in the world. Our lesson is over. Good-bye, my friends.
Предварительный просмотр:
“Do you live in London?” Do you live in London? Do you like it here? Do you watch TV? Do you have a car?
Do you dance and sing? Do you know the Queen? Do you play handball? | “Do you live in London?” Do you live in London? Do you like it here? Do you watch TV? Do you have a car?
Do you dance and sing? Do you know the Queen? Do you play handball? |
“Do you live in London?” Do you live in London? Do you like it here? Do you watch TV? Do you have a car?
Do you dance and sing? Do you know the Queen? Do you play handball? | “Do you live in London?” Do you live in London? Do you like it here? Do you watch TV? Do you have a car?
Do you dance and sing? Do you know the Queen? Do you play handball? |
Предварительный просмотр:
“London bridge is falling down” London bridge is falling down, Falling down, falling down, London bridge is falling down, My fair lady! Build it up with sticks and stones, Sticks and stones, sticks and stones, Build it up with sticks and stones, My fair lady! Sticks and stones will all fall down, All fall down, all fall down, Sticks and stones will all fall down, My fair lady! Build it up with wood and clay, Wood and clay, wood and clay, Build it up with wood and clay, My fair lady! Wood and clay will wash away, Wash away, wash away, Wood and clay will wash away, My fair lady! Build it up with iron and steel, Iron and steel, iron and steel, Build it up with iron and steel, My fair lady! Iron and steel will bend and bow, Bend and bow, bend and bow, Iron and steel will bend and bow, My fair lady! London bridge is falling down, Falling down, falling down, London bridge is falling down, My fair lady! | “London bridge is falling down” London bridge is falling down, Falling down, falling down, London bridge is falling down, My fair lady! Build it up with sticks and stones, Sticks and stones, sticks and stones, Build it up with sticks and stones, My fair lady! Sticks and stones will all fall down, All fall down, all fall down, Sticks and stones will all fall down, My fair lady! Build it up with wood and clay, Wood and clay, wood and clay, Build it up with wood and clay, My fair lady! Wood and clay will wash away, Wash away, wash away, Wood and clay will wash away, My fair lady! Build it up with iron and steel, Iron and steel, iron and steel, Build it up with iron and steel, My fair lady! Iron and steel will bend and bow, Bend and bow, bend and bow, Iron and steel will bend and bow, My fair lady! London bridge is falling down, Falling down, falling down, London bridge is falling down, My fair lady! |
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