Сценарий праздника к Дню Святого Валентина на английском языке
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Праздник стал очень популярен в последнее время. Сценарий пригодится творческому учителю английского языка.
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Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
средняя образовательная школа №234
Адмиралтейского района
сценария праздника ко дню Святого Валентина
на английском языке.
Составитель: Трошина Н.В.
- Развитие коммуникативной компетенции
- Совершенствование речевых навыков
- Знакомство с традициями англоязычных стран
- Знакомство с творчеством английских поэтов
- Повышение интереса к предмету
- Воспитание культуры общения в коллективе
- Организация досуга учащихся
- Ведущий
- Любовь
- Эрос
- Чтецы (3 чел.)
- Исполнители песен (2 чел.)
- Исполнитель танца
- Участники сценки (3 чел.)
- Участники викторины (2 группы по 6 человек)
Звучит песня «Битлз» : "All You Need Is Love"
На сцену выходит ведущий: Our party is devoted to the well-known holiday: St. Valentine's Day
St. Valentine's Day is neither a national holiday nor especially religious, despite the fact that it is named in honor of two early Christian martyrs named Valentine. Still it is hard to imagine American holiday calendar without the heartfelt expressions of love exchanged on that day between sweethearts, good friends, acquaintances and spouses of many years. Whatever the appropriate sentiment and regardless of reciprocation, people take the time and trouble to send a message to those people in the focus of their attention. However, yellow roses are also popular on that day as a sign of friendship and forget-me-nots always make sense.
Flowers or anonymous messages from someone shy or tender-hearted may be signed simply "from a secret admirer"
Americans of all ages love to send and receive valentines and to hear and sing the thousands of new and traditional love songs which flood television and radio programs on that day.
In the days leading up to Valentine's Day schoolchildren typically make valentines for their teachers and classmates and put them in large decorated mailbox. When the big day arrives, the teacher opens the box and distributes the valentines into eager hands. As the students excitedly read their message, refreshments are prepared and then they have a small party. Let's begin our party.
As the members of the world famous band said: "Love is all we need" Звучит песня Битлз
Появляется «Любовь» - королева праздника: Among all the red hearts, birds and love letters, candies, chocolates and kisses which comprise valentine symbolism, Cupid or Eros is unquestioned favourite in personifying the spirit of the day. According to Greek tradition, Cupid was the eternity child- like son of Venus, the godless of love. His mother gave the arrows special power and that is why if Cupid shot you with his arrow you would fall in love with your first person you met. Many famous people wrote about love. All you know the Pushkin's poems about love Some of students have prepared songs and poems to our teachers and their classmates
На сцену выходят чтецы: звучит стихотворение А.С.Пушкина «Я Вас любил...» на английском языке:
I loved you once. My love for you, it may be, Within this heart of mine is still aglow; But let it not concern you any longer; I would not have it pain you anymore. I loved you once - so hopelessly, in silence, By shyness now, then jealousy beset. My love for you has been so true, so tender, As God my grant, another's may prove yet.
«Любовь» объявляет песню Звучит песня Love Is..."
LOVE IS... (by Greg Scelsa)
Love is ... a tender feeling, Love is ... a way of being, Love is ... just showing someone you care. Love is ... helping with the dishes, Love is ... feeding your pet fishes, Love is ... just giving from your heart. Love is so very simple, It's not a mystery. When you treat those around you The very same way You want them to treat you. Love is .. .your baby sister, Love is ... playing with her, Love is ... holding her when she cries. Love is ... sharing your candy, Love is ... being all that you can be, * Love is ... lending a helping hand When someone needs you. Love is ... L-O-V-E Love is ... For you and me
Oh! Love is the greatest thing in the world.
На сцену выходит чтец. Звучит стихотворение Р.Бернса "My love Is Like a Red, Red Rose"
My love Is Like a Red, Red Rose
О my Luve's like a red, red rose, That's newly sprung in June;
- my Luve's like the melodie That's sweety play'd in tune.
As far art thou, my bonnie lass, So deep in luve am I; And I will love thee still, my Dear, Till a'the seas gang dry.
Till a'the seas gang dry, my Dear, And the rocks melt wi'the sun:
- will love thee still, my Dear, While the sands о'life shall run.
And fare thee weel, my only Luve! And fare thee weel, a while! And I will come again, my Luve, Tho'it were ten thousand mile!
Выходит исполнитель лирического танца
Ведущий объявляет сценку из рассказа О'Генри "Two Gifts"
The two gifts
by O.Henry
Сцена 1
Della: I’m Della. My husband Jim and I live in New York in a small room on the top floor of a high building. We work very hard, but there never is any money in the house: for all it went to pay the grocer, the butcher, the baker. And the rent is eight dollars a week. Вздохнула. It is the eve of New Year’s Day. I want to give Jim a present. He has a gold watch which he received from his father and I’d like to give him a watch chain for it. Считает деньги. One dollar and eighty seven cents to buy a present for Jim. Садится и плачет. Потом вскакивает, подбегает к зеркалу и распускает волосы. Снова собирает их, надевает шляпку и выбегает.
Сцена 2.
Магазин, за столом мадам Софрони. Входит Делла.
Della: Will you buy my hair?
Madam: Let me see it.
Делла снимает шляпу, волосы падают. Мадам поднимает их рукой, как бы взвешивая.
Madam: 20 dollars.
Della (вздохнув): Give me the money.
Сцена 3.
Делла на сцене (в парике)
Della: I hope Jim will not kill me. But what could I do, - oh, what could I do with a dollar and 87 cents?
Дверь открывается, входит Джим. Он смотрит на Деллу и замирает.
Della: Jim, darling! Don’t look at me like that: I sold my hair because I wanted to give you a present. My hair will grow again. It grows very fast. Say: “A Happy New Year”, Jim, and let us be happy. You don’t know what a beautiful present I have for you.
Джим вздыхает, вынимает из кармана пакет и бросает его на стол.
Jim: If you open that package, you will understand.
Делла разворачивает пакет. Там гребенки. Она любуется ими. Потом выкрикивает:
Della: Oh, Jim, I will give you your beautiful present. Она протягивает ему цепочку. Isn’t it a beautiful chain? Give me your watch: I want to see how it looks on it.
Джим не отвечает. Он падает на диван, кладет руки под голову и улыбается:
Jim: Della, I sold my watch to get the money to buy your combs. Пауза. Is the coffee ready?
Ведущий объявляет песню "Down In the Valley" (Traditional)
Down in the valley, The valley so low, Hang your head over, Hear the wind blow.
Hear the wind blow, love, Hear the wind blow. Hang your head over, Hear the wind blow. Roses love sunshine Violets love due Angels in Heaven Know I love you
Know I love you, dear, Know I love you. Angels in Heaven Know I love you Writing this letter Containing three lines, Answer my question: Will you be mine?
Will you be mine, love, Will you be mine? Answer my question: Will you be mine? If you don't love me, Love who you please. Put your arms 'round me Give my heart ease.
Give my heart ease, love, Give my heart ease. Put your arms 'round me, Give my heart ease.
На сцену выходит «Любовь» и объявляет начало викторины: When two
people fall in love with each other they experience both joy and sadness.
Today we will have two teams. One is "Joy" and the other is "Sadness" and now they
will be given tasks.
Task 1
List what symbols of St. Valentine's Day you know?
Task 2
List as many things that they can think of that people say to each other when they are in love
Task 3.
using the shape of heart you have to draw the faces of those who love each other
Task 4.
Попасть в сердце стрелой с закрытыми глазами
Task 5.
Each heart is split into 2 pieces. You must find the couples and bring them back together (1 min)
«Любовь» подводит итоги: Now we will count your points and see who’s the first. В конце праздника звучит песня Битлз "All You Need Is Love"
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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