Сценарий праздника, посвященного Дню святого Валентина
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Сценарий внеклассного мроприятия, посвященного Дню святого Валентина конкурсы, сценки
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Сценарий праздника,
Дню святого Валентина
The Best Valentine
Сценарий праздника, посвященного Дню святого Валентина
The Best Valentine
Оформление: Столики образуют полукруг, на каждом из них свеча и маленькие букетики цветов. На стенах репродукции живописных портретов кисти известных художников. Оформление не должно быть громоздким – главное, чтобы в зале царила располагающая к размышлениям атмосфера.
Dear Friends! Ladies and Gentlemen, Children and Grown-ups!
You are welcome to our party, dedicated to St. Valentine’s Day, which is always held on February 14th and brings us happiness and good luck. St. Valentine is one of the popular holidays in Europe and America. It is the day, when people exchange greetings of affection, undying love or satirical comment.
St. Valentine’s Day, February 14th, has been a day customary for choosing sweethearts, and exchange love-tokens from time immemorial.
The method of choosing sweethearts on St. Valentine’s Day varied in different times and places. It could be a serious matter, leading to marriage; or it could be a kind of game. Countless generation of young people have acknowledged St. Valentine as the friend and patron of lovers.
So we also wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day! We ask all the participants to take their places! (звучит музыка и девушки выходят)
Let me introduce them: Miss Lily, Miss Jane … (Each girl introduces herself.)
And this is our honorable jury! Applause, please!
Well, let’s start our contest for the Best Valentine of 1999.
Contest 1
- What is the first name for Valentine’s Day? (Lupercalia. The Romans called it so.)
- Who named her place “The Valentine” and when? (A French princess, Madam Royall in the 17th century.)
- Who wrote the Valentine poems on the wall of the Tower of London? (A French Duke was captured by the English in a battle and put into prison. He was put in the Tower of London. There he wrote Valentine poems. It was Charles, Duke of Orleans.)
- Do you know anything about the legend(s) of how St. Valentine’s Day began? Tell us, please. (When the Roman emperor Claudius II needed soldiers, he made a law against marrying, because he felt that marriage made men want to stay at home instead of fighting wars.)
There are many other legends about how Valentine’s Day started, and no one knows for sure whether any of them are true.
Well, the first contest is over. While our jury are summing up the results, the girls may have a rest. Assistants must bring divided into the studio. They will give them to the participants. The task is to find and match words with similar meanings. The quickest team may give its credit to any of girls.
A part of your body | chocolate |
A heart-shaped card | lace |
A man who cared for people | arrow |
A boy who shoots arrows | bouquet |
A kind of flower | smile |
A bunch of flowers | rose |
A friendly look | Cupid |
Used with a bow | St. Valentine |
A fancy material | valentine |
A kind of candy | heart |
Contest 2
Now we will see how well you know Valentine symbols.
- What do rice and ting mean on the Valentine’s Day? (wedding)
- What is to get a red mitten on Valentine’s Day? (it means that somebody doesn’t like someone)
- What is Cupid with his bow and arrow? (it is a symbol of love)
- What is lace on a Valentine’s Card? (it means you have caught my heart in a net)
- What was the name of the English actress who began to make and sell the first Valentines in England? (Kate Greenaway in the 18th century)
Contest 3
We are beginning our grammar competition! Assistants, bring the cards, please! Each girl will get a special card written on Valentine’s Day. Your task is to read the card carefully and find any mistakes there.
Time – 2 minutes.
Deer, Mary!
I hope that Falentine’s Dai shall bring you lots ov fun! I thinks you’re nice. And so does everione.
Best wesh, John.
Contest 4 (Musical)
Listen to the music and say who is singing, name the author of the song is.
Each girl had a special home task: to prepare Valentine Card showing her artist skills. Assistants bring the girls’ cards into the studio.
Contest 5
And now we’ll see how good you are at literature and art. You must match the famous couples.
Time – 2 minutes.
Carmen | N. Chavchavadse |
Adam | Caesar |
Napolon | Orpheus |
John Lennon | Juliet |
Tarzan | Ludmila |
Rat Buttler | Isolda |
Sophia Loren | Carlo Ponti |
Tristan | Scarlet O’Hara |
Ruslan | Jane |
Romeo | Joko |
Eurydice | Josephine |
Cleopatra | Eve |
Griboedov | Don Hose |
Contest 6
Our last task is to make up as many words as possible using the letters in the words “Saint Valentine’s Day”.
Girls, stand up. Listen to the results, please.
We love you! Feel sure that our affection will give you happiness, love and mutual understanding in the future.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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