Сценарий сказки "Goldilocks and the three bears"
опыты и эксперименты по английскому языку на тему

Богомазова Виктория Владимировна

Данный сценарий адаптирован с учетом пройденного лексико-грамматического материала за курс  4 класса (УМК:  Spotlight -4). 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Goldilocks and the three bears

Characters:  Narrator- автор (3 человека), Goldilocks’ mum - мама Златовласки, Goldilocks- Златовласка, Goldilocks’ dad – папа Златовласки, Daddy Bear- папа медведь, Mummy Bear- мама медведь, Baby Bear – медвежонок, wolf – волк.

Хор – это жители леса, т.е. любые звери или деревья, которые поют 3 песни.

Scene 1

Narrator1:         Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks. She’s got big blue eyes and golden curls. Her mother tells her

Goldilocks’ mum: My little girl. Now, be good! Don’t go walking in the wood!

Goldilocks’ dad: My pretty lady, don’t be late and be attentive on your way!

Narrator1: She says..

Goldilocks: Oh, mummy, daddy, please don’t worry!

Narrator1: But Goldilocks is in a hurry.

Goldilocks: The wood is nice, the wood is cool, I can go there on my way to school.


Narrator1: Now in the wood. There live three bears! Mummy, Daddy and their baby.

Daddy Bear: The sun is shining in the street! Let’s take a walk!

Mummy: Well, maybe..

Bear: mummy, daddy let’s go! Let’s go, please…I’d like to gather some nice flowers in the forest.


Wolf: Hello bears! How are you? I think the weather is great and what about you?

Daddy Bear: Hello, _ Wolf! We are fine thank you! Yes, you are right, the sun is shining in the sky.

Narrator1:         When Goldilocks was in the forest chasing butterflies, she saw a pretty little house.

 Goldilocks:         I am so thirsty! I will go over there; maybe they can give me a glass of water.


Goldilocks: No one home!

Narrator2:         She says..

         Hello, hello….. is anyone home… is anyone home?

Narrator2:         Goldilocks went right in. At the table in the kitchen, there were the bowls of porridge.

Goldilocks:        Yum! Oh, I am so hungry.

Narrator2:         She tasted the porridge from the first bowl.

Goldilocks:         This porridge is too hot!

Narrator2:         So Goldilocks tasted the porridge from the second bowl.

Goldilocks:         This porridge is too cold.

Narrator2:         So Goldilocks tasted the last bowl of porridge.

Goldilocks:         Ahhh, this porridge is just right.

Narrator2:         After she had eaten the three bears’ porridge, she felt a bit tired.

Goldilocks:         I am so tired!  I´ll sit in one of those chairs and rest for a while… then I will leave.

Narrator2:         So, Goldilocks sat in the first chair.

Goldilocks:         This chair is too big!

Narrator2:         So she sat in the second chair.

Goldilocks:         This chair is too big, too!

Narrator2:         So she tried the last and smallest chair.

Goldilocks:         Ahhh, this chair is just right.

Narrator2:         But just as she settled down into the chair to rest, it broke into pieces!

Goldilocks:         Ahhhhhhhh!!


Narrator3:         Goldilocks was very tired by this time, so she went upstairs to the bedroom. She lay down in the first bed.

Goldilocks:         This bed is too hard.

Narrator3:         Then she lay down in the second bed.

Goldilocks:         This bed is too soft.

Narrator3:         Then she lay down in the third bed.

Goldilocks:         Just right!

Narrato3r:         Goldilocks fell asleep.


Narrator3: This time the bears came home and went into the kitchen.

Daddy: Now come on, everyone!

Mummy bear: let’s eat the porridge. Yummy! Yummy!

Baby: But where’s my porridge? My pot is empty.

Daddy: And mine?

Narrator3: Say the bears

Babby: It’s no here! It’s not there.

Daddy: Oh, dear! Oh, dear!

Narrator3: says Daddy Bear. And then he sees Poor Baby’s chair

Baby: Mummy, Mummy it’s not fair! Now I haven’t got a chair!

Daddy Bear: Let’s check the beds.

Narrator3: Says Daddy Bear. And then they all go upstairs.

Baby bear: Who’s this? In my nice bed?

Goldilocks: Oh no!

Narrator3: She says..


Baby Bears: We are so happy to have a new friend.

Narrator3: So Goldilocks and her new friend are very happy in the end!


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