Степени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке (4 класс).
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

Богомазова Виктория Владимировна

Упражнения нацеленные на отработку грамматического навыка по теме степени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке.


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Предварительный просмотр:

The comparison of adjectives.

Посмотрите и скажите, что изменилось в словах. Какое правило можно сформулировать?

Big – bigger – the biggest.

Happy – happier – the happiest.


Good – better – the best.

Bad – worse – the worst.

Old – elder – the eldest.

Far – further – the furthest.

Far – farther – the farthest.

Little – less – the least.

Much (many) – more – the most.

Exercise 1. What word is missing?



the coldest


more beautiful







the biggest

Exercise 2. Correct the mistakes.

The wonderfulest, biger, the most cleaner, dirtiest, etc.

Exercise 3. Divide the adjectives into two columns (по типу образования степеней сравнения).

Clean, slow. Wonderful, dark, expensive, interesting, big, etc.

Exercise 4. Read the text, find adjectives and form the degrees of comparison.

Hobbit lives in a dark forest. He isn’t ugly, he is handsome. He has big eyes and a small nose, he is fat because he has a sweet tooth. He is kind and clever. Hobbit lives in a big house. His house is the most beautiful house in the forest.

Exercise 5. Divide the adjectives in three categories:

  1. those which describe life in the city,
  2. those which describe life in the country,
  3. those which can describe life in the city and in the country.

Clean, slow, dirty, healthy, dangerous, modern, big, expensive, quiet, interesting, beautiful.

Exercise 6. Use the words above to complete the sentences.

  1. The streets in the city are … than the streets in the country.
  2. The buildings in the city are … than the buildings in the country.

3.The air in the city is … than the air in the country.

4. The life in the city is … than the life in the country.

Exercise 7. Form the degrees of comparison of adjectives.

  1. Small, thin, tall, fine, new, dirty.
  2. Famous; beautiful; difficult; serious; comfortable; expensive; suitable.
  3. Good; much; bad; little; many.

Exercise 8. Divide the adjectives into three columns.







Modern; reasonable; many; more; dearer; best; most important; good; worse, high; cheapest; light; less; more polite; higher; dear; most modern; bad; cheap; more important; little; better; important; highest; dearest; polite; worst; lighter; most polite; more modern; most reasonable; cheaper; most reasonable; most; least; lightest.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

образование степеней сравнения прилагательных в английском языке.

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