Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Спорт" 10 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Цели урока:
- Обучающая – совершенствовать навыки аудирования, развивать умение, высказывать свое мнение по проблемной теме (критическое мышление).
- Развивающая – развивать умение, выполнять тестовые задания, понимать иноязычную речь на слух, умение работать в группах.
- Воспитывающая – развивать кругозор учащихся, знакомя их с достижениями Великобритании в спорте, воспитывать интерес к культуре и истории других наций.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок английского языка по теме "Sport" для учащихся 10-х классов
Коровяковская Тамара Николаевна, учитель английского языка
Цели урока: 1. Практиковать учащихся в аудировании
тематического текста с опорой на ТСО.
2. Совершенствовать умения учащихся в
высказываниях по теме с использованием
3. Тренировать учащихся в составлении диалогов
и монологической речи по теме.
4. Учить изложению своих аргументов с
использованием опор.
5. Воспитывать у учащихся любовь к спорту и
здоровому образу жизни.
Задачи урока:
- практическая: развитие умения аудирования с целью извлечения конкретной информации; развитие умения читать с целью извлечения нужной или интересующей информации; формировать речевую деятельность учащихся на базе новой лексики; развитие умения выражать“preferences”;
- развивающая: развивать память и мыслительную деятельность учащихся, развитие способности к анализу, обобщению, дедуктивному способу выведения грамматического правила, развитие способности к языковой догадке в целях расширения их потенциального лексического запаса, развивать умения аргументировать свою точку зрения, делать вывод, подводить итоги;
- образовательная: расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие общих и образовательных умений, позволяющих совершенствовать учебную деятельность по овладению английским языком;
- воспитательная: формировать нравственный, позитивный режим общения при обмене мнениями, повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка.
Оснащение урока:
- Аудио материал:
- Раздаточный материал с заданиями:
- Компьютерная презентация урока. (Power Point)
- T.C.O магнитофон, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, мультимедийная доска.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
Hello, everybody. Glad to see you here and I’d like to start our lesson with your prediction about the subject of our discussion today. I want you to watch an episode recorded from TV news and say what we’re going to discuss at the lesson.
2. Введение в тему урока, целеполагание.
Демонстрация сюжета фильма “Free riding”.
T: So, what is the subject of our discussion?
Ps: sports. (Cлайд 1)
T: Well, today we’re going to take a look at sports.
- Речевая разминка.
Answer some questions: (умение правильно отвечать на вопросы)
- Do you like sport?
- What kinds of sport do you know?
- What is your favorite kind of sport? Why?
- What famous sportsmen do you know?
Now look at the blackboard, please. You see 2 very interesting pictures. Answer my questions, please:
- What do these pictures have in common?
- What is the man’s purpose?
- What is the monkey’s purpose?
- Which one is a sport and why?
4.Изучение нового лексического материала.
Thank you very much. You are very active and clever today.
Now let’s learn some new names of sport. Look at the blackboard and repeat after me:
Downhill skiing
Water polo
High jump
Now look at the pictures and name different kinds of sport.
- Введение лексического материала.
And now open your textbook at page 88 exercise 2(B).
Let’s study very interesting information about phrases
to play a sport
to do a sport
to be into a sport and their differences.
- Закрепление лексического материала.
And now the task for you. Look at the blackboard. Read and translate the task.
Choose the most suitable expression from the ones in brackets.
- I swim/ go swimming/ do swimming once a week.
- In Russia a lot of children play/ do/ go hockey.
- He is a professional. He goes skiing/ skies/ does skiing 4 hours a day.
- I want to be fit. That is why I go/ do/ play aerobics in our fitness club.
- Jack is really into/ playing/ doing football. He plays himself and has a good collection of football stars’ photos/
- In her teens my mother swan/ went swimming/ did swimming and her best result was bronze in a national championship.
Do you understand the differences among these words?
Ok’. Make your own sentences with the phrases.
- Отработка новой лексики.
Thank you, dear students. I think everything clear for you.
Now let’s work with your vocabulary. Look at the blackboard, please, the task for you:
Match the sentences in A and the definitions in B which correspond to the words in bold.
Ok’ thanks you very much. Now please make your own sentences with these new words.
- Чтение с пониманием деталей.
Now let’s read some interesting information about sport and, then do exercise.
Read the text and underline the English equivalents of the following phrases. (чтение незнакомого текста с ранее изученной лексикой)
- Физические нагрузки
- Ежедневная программа
- Небольшие физические нагрузки
- Продлевать жизнь
- Восприимчивый к болезням
- Решающий, критический
- Программа контроля за весом
- Постоянные упражнения
- Сжигать калории
- Более удобный
The importance of exercise for a healthy body is well documented and confirmed by scientific research. Most experts agree that a daily routine of mild exercise is necessary to maintain general health and wellbeing. There is considerable evidence to suggest that exercise may even prolong out life span. A fit body has a stronger immune system and makes us less susceptible to illness and disease. General fitness makes us feel better and allows us to become more alert. Exercise is particularly crucial in any weight management program. Yet, even knowing all these things about the positive benefits of exercise, most human beings find if difficult to maintain a consistent exercise routine. Why do most people hate to exercise? The answer is because most people fail to choose a type of exercise that they enjoy. One of the cheapest, yet most effective forms of exercise is simple walking. Running may burn more calories, but walking is user-friendlier and even relaxing. It is one example of dozens of inexpensive ways to stay fit and healthy.
- Физкультминутка.
Are you tired? Let’s relax your eyes. Sit calm and listen to me attentively.
- Аудирование.
You have tables .
Look through the list of people in the chart. (подготовка к аудированию)
b) Do you think thier attitude to sports is positive, negative, or both?
c) Tick the right box in the chart (таблица)
Positive Negative
- Fred, an amateur cyclist
- Jack, a disabled basketball player
- Tanya, an ex-downhill skier
- Frank, a disabled mountain biker
- Ivan Yarygin, Olympic Champion
in freestyle wrestling
Listen to these six people talking about sports in their lives and check your guesses. (аудирование)
And a small test for you. Read the task, please.
Listen to the interviews again and put the number of speaker opposite each statement. ( контроль понимания прослушанного)
О а) Sport allows you to make friends with a number of people
O b) Sport increases fitness
O c) Sport decreases your weight
O d) Sport improves your outlook
O e) Sport gives an increased sense of individuality
O f) It gives you real pleasure
O g) Sport gives you a chance to acquire self-confidence
O h) Sport can be unfair
O i) You learn a lot about life
O j) It helps you to overcome difficulties
(Answers- a)1 b) 1.2.4 c)1 d)2.5 e)1 f)2 g)2 h)3 i)1.3 j)2.4 )
Are you ready? Well, look at the pictures and say what does sport give to each of these people? Use the expression from your previous task.
Ok’ give me your papers, please. I’ll check it and tell your results at our next lesson.
- Проверка домашнего задания.
Now let’s check your home task. Your attitude to sport or your favorite sportsman. Who will be the first?
Thank you, students. It was very interesting. Do you agree with me? Did you like our lesson?
What have you learnt at the lesson today?
I think, everybody was active and clever today. I’ll give 5, 4 for … . You worked hard today thank you for your work.
12. Домашнее задание.
Let’s write down the home task. Ex. 6, p.91(объяснение домашнего задания)
The lesson is over. Have a nice day today. Good Bye.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
1 2 3 4 5 6
Choose the most suitable expression from the ones in brackets. I swim/ go swimming/ do swimming once a week. In Russia a lot of children play/ do/ go hockey. He is a professional. He goes skiing/ skies/ does skiing 4 hours a day. I want to be fit. That is why I go/ do/ play aerobics in our fitness club. Jack is really into/ playing/ doing football. He plays himself and has a good collection of football stars’ photos/ In her teens my mother swam/ went swimming/ did swimming and her best result was bronze in a national championship.
Match the sentences in A and the definitions in B which correspond to the words in bold. A Many parents do not allow their children to do dangerous sports. The number of football fans has increased dramatically in the last two years. A serious sportsman, he is proud of his level of fitness. Tennis has helped me to acquire quick reaction. As a result of doing downhill skiing I overcame my fear of high speed. The usual weight of a baby at birth is just about three kilograms. The weather is horrible! I only hope it improves by Saturday and we’ll go yachting. He’s got a very positive outlook on life and the world. In the last two years the percentage of those who are not into sports has decreased from 53 to 41. B gain, to come to possess make better general attitude make or become larger how heavy something or somebody is make or become less Let somebody do something State of being healthy and strong Fight successfully against something
Sport is important to me. Sport gives me real pleasure. I like to run. In summer I go cycling. I also swim. I have an increased sense of individuality now. Sport help me to overcome difficulties. I like physical education class. Sport decreases my weight. I have acquired self-confidence. Sport has allowed me to make a lot of friends. For me sport is a healthy lifestyle. My opinion on sports
My favorite gymnasts is Olga Korbut .
5. What do you call a person who: Swims Rides horses in races Plays football Does gymnastics Plays hockey Does the high jump Plays darts Goes cycling Runs long distances Does sports. Example: plays tennis – a tennis player
4. Make up lists of: Five sports that don’t need a ball Two sports that need a track Two sports that need a table Five things you can do with a ball Two sports that need a racket .
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