проект Изобретения, которые изменили мир
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Готовясь к научно-практической конференции в школе, ученики 8 класса постарались исследовать и доказать важность выбранных изобретений
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Предварительный просмотр:
Цель проекта
Собрать доказательную базу для подтверждения значимости выбранных изобретений для истории человечества и актуальности данных изобретений сегодня.
Результат исследования
Обилие материала представляло определенную трудность, т.к. очень сложно было проанализировать и выбрать минимум материала и представить его логически для объяснения своей точки зрения. Если факты важности изобретения колеса очевидны и присутствуют в таких областях как геодезия, механика , астрономия ,то влияние атомной бомбы, с нашей точки зрения, относится больше к области социальной жизни общества, что особенно важно сегодня., потому что мы говорим о ядерном оружии как о факторе сдерживания войны, хотелось больше рассказать о необходимости мира для жизни в любой части Земли, но пришлось ограничивать себя , чтобы не выйти за рамки проекта. Сложно было работать с новой лексикой.
Предварительный просмотр:
Проект Great Innovations
Учитель – Болотова Е.Р
Участники: Путилина Ирина, Шаров Георгий, Юшкевич Семён
1) Начало (Семён)
2) Георгий
Hello everybody today I want to tell you about the nuclear bomb. In my opinion it’s not the best invention, but it has an immense impact on mankind. But at first let’s talk about the inventors and their invention.
The nuclear bomb was developed during the Second World War. The USA, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were interested in this kind of weapons. But the USA was the first to produce. Robert Oppenheimer managed «Manhattan Project». In 1945 scientists created 3 nuclear bombs, and then on 6th of August 2 of them were dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan was the first and fortunateness last country, which suffered from nuclear attack.
But after WW2 cold war started between the USA and the USSR. Many nuclear bombs were created and tested in polygons all over the world. Even now nobody can live near these polygons. But let’s think: why the cold war hasn’t became to real world? I think because of nuclear weapons. Why? Because the Soviet and American governments were frightened to be razed to the ground. Also these weapons have an extremely bad influence on ecology. These weapons could destroy our small planet.
But there is a bright side. The nuclear weapons are very good limiter of wars. Who knows how many wars could have be between Russia and the USA if were no nuclear weapons. Besides it could be a good lesson for governments all over the world. Presidents could invest in more useful things than the war. And the nuclear bomb is very good example.
Peace and love, my friends. Thanks. Your turn, Simon.
2) Семён
And now I’m going to talk about the PC and the Internet. I think you can’t imagine your life without the PC and the Internet. And I want to tell you some interesting things about these useful inventions.
People started to develop the Internet in 1950-s ~ 1960-s, when the computer era began. The first variant of the Internet was ARPANET, project for American soldiers, which was invented in 1969. It used to connect military bases together. But ARPANET became available for citizens and turned to the Internet. Fathers of the Internet are considered to be Vinton Cerf, Robert Kahn and Tim Berners-Lee.
And now about the PC. The first computer worked on the so-called cards. These PCs were unreliable and slow. Then the computer on lamps appeared in 1945, after the WW2. Konrad Zuse invented it. This PC was faster, but unreliable too. Lamps had to be replaced all the time. After that Ted Hoff invented PC with microprocessors in 1969.
That’s all. And now, Irina, your speech.
3) Ирина
The wheel has played a huge role in the history. Nowadays People would not be able to do without it.
The invention of the wheel is one of the greatest discoveries in the history of humanity.
According the finding, dating back from 5 BC, it is possible to estimate that the first wheel was invented on the territory of modern Romania. Little later wheels appeared on modern Germany and Poland. According to other sources, in the North Caucasus and Kuban there are remains of older wheels from Mesopotamia. Thus it is not possible to say where the first wheel appeared.
The wheel was developed gradually, its predecessor can be considered to be a wooden skating circle, found in Mesopotamia. It was put under the load, so it was easier to move. The first wheel was made up of a disk of wood, planted on the axis and fixed with a wedge. Then the first carts appeared in Mesopotamia, dating back 2700 BC. Later the wheel was modified; the bent disk, spokes and a hub were introduced. The famous Celtic chariots had a metal disk which was replaced in modern cars by...can you guess? By rubber tires.
The invention of the wheel has stimulated the development of science in General, the wheel is a part of numerous scientific instruments: for example, in astronomic area, in geodesy and other areas.
The significance is reflected in different cultures. The wheel is a symbol of the movement, of the sun. The wheel symbolizes the law and the truth in Buddhism, in Ancient Greece a wheel with 6 spokes was an attribute of the main God- Zeus.
To conclude, I'd like to say that the wheel is one of the earliest inventions in the history of mankind and one of the most influential ones. We can't even think of a world without the wheel. The credit for the wheel's creation can't be given to any particular culture and the importance of the invention lies in the fact that it helped bring about the Industrial Revolution.
4) Конец (Георгий)
To conclude I want to say, that people should be careful with their ingenious inventions. Many science fiction writers think, that our inventions could make us slaves. TV can influence on people's opinions in a few seconds. People can become internet addicts and forget about real world. Moreover, we should forget about wars, especially in our hectic time. We can spend time and money on more useful things, than killing each other for some piece of land. Maybe, we could have colonized other planets or invented the elixir of life if there were no dangerous inventions for military purposes. Governments should invest more in science than in the army. We should talk and think about this. I want my children not to fight with others for the piece of land. Thank you for attention. Goodbye.
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