план урока "The Best City"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Урок английского языка составлен для 5 класса по УМК Биболетова М.З. и др. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием (Enjoy English. Урок по теме "The Best City" - это рабочий урок - повторение и закрепление лексико-грамматического материала в системе уроков по данной теме.
Предварительный просмотр:
Лучший город
Цели урока:
- Повторение, обобщение и систематизация учебного материала страноведческого характера о Лондоне (активизация имеющихся у учащихся знаний, полученных на уроках).
- Стимулирование и мотивация интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка и культуры Великобритании.
- Формирование коммуникативной компетенции у учащихся.
Формируемые УУД:
Познавательные УУД:
осуществлять выделение существенных признаков и синтезировать их при изучении объекта;
получать интересующую информацию, работать с полученной информацией; делать выводы в результате совместной работы класса и учителя.
Коммуникативные УУД
умение приходить к общему решению в совместной деятельности, учитывать разные мнения и стремиться к координации различных позиций в сотрудничестве;
слушать и понимать речь других, учиться работать в парах и группе.
планировать свои действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей и условиями ее реализации;
Личностные результаты обучения:
- стремление к совершенствованию собственной речевой культуры в целом;
- формирование коммуникативной компетенции в межкультурной коммуникации;
- развитие качеств: воля, целеустремленность, креативность, инициативность, эмпатия, трудолюбие, дисциплинированность;
- Мотивация и интерес к изучению английского языка; развитие творческой фантазии.
Метапредметные результаты обучения:
-осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения , самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности
- развитие исследовательских учебных действий, включая навыки работы с информацией
- развитие коммуникативной компетенции, включая умение взаимодействовать с окружающими
Предметные результаты обучения:
-Читать текст с пониманием основного содержания
(личное письмо); отвечать на вопросы по содержанию текста
- формировать умение написания письма другу
Компьютер, экран, мультимедийная установка, раздаточный материал
Ход урока
- Приветствие. Постановка темы и задач урока.
- Hello, boys and girls! How are you?
- Could you tell me the date?
- What day of the week is today?
- Do you like the weather today?
- Did you like the weather yesterday?
- Let’s start our lesson! Look at the board! You can see the motto of our lesson. Listen to it! (слайд)
The more you live,
The more you travel,
The more you travel,
The more you see,
The more you see,
The more you learn. Could you read and translate it into Russian?
- Now I want you to watch a funny cartoon and guess what we are going to speak about today. Let’s watch it! (слайд)
- Do you like the cartoon? (Yes? we do)
- Where can we go? (We can go to London)
- What do you know about London? (It’s the capital of GB.)
- It’s a beautiful city, isn’t it? (Yes, it is)
- There are a lot of sights in London, aren’t there? (Yes, there are)
- London is one of the best cities in the world, isn’t it? (Yes, it is.)
- What can be the theme of the lesson today? (The theme of the lesson is “The Best City”)
- Who can write it on the board? Take the marker and write the theme, please.
- Let’s decide what can we do at our lesson? (We can go sightseeing, can’t we? What can we read and talk about? - read and talk about sights of London, ask and answer the questions about sights in London, review the names of sights in London, review the words we know)
- I want you to review the words.
- Look at the board unscramble the words (слайд)
- Фонетическая разминка
- unscramble the words (слайд)
Расшифровать слова по теме «Город»;
Проверить по ключу(Let’s check);
Повторить хором (Repeat after me!).
- There are a lot of places of interest in London. What are they? Let’s remember their names! You have two minutes to match the parts. Look at the parts and try to match them.
- match the parts (слайд)
Соотнести части названий достопримечательностей Лондона;
Проверить по ключу; Прочитать по цепочке. (Right you are!)
- Основная часть урока: «Путешествие»
- Речевая разминка
- Now let’s imagine we are in London. We are going sightseeing. Let’s describe some London’s buildings.
- What is the symbol of London? Who can describe this clock tower?(Big Ben) (слайд)
(This is Big Ben. Big Ben is really a bell. The bell is two meters tall. It chimes every quarter of an hour. Big Ben is a symbol of London and Britain) (слайд)
- What do we know about the Tower? (the Tower of London) (слайд)
(This is the Tower of London. The Tower is very old. It was afortress, a royal palace and a prison. Today it’s a museum. It has a long and cruel history. Special guards of the Tower, beefeaters, take care of black ravens, which live there.)
- Who can tell us about this wonderful building? (Buckingham Palace) (слайд)
(This is Buckingham Palace. The Queen and her family live in the palace. Buckingham Palace is like a small town with a police station, a hospital, a bar, a cinema and a swimming pool.)
- Who can tell us about the London Eye? (слайд)
(The London Eye is a giant wheel. It’s situated on the bank of the river Thames. It’s 135 (one-hundred- and-thirty-five) meters high and turns very slowly. You can see the center of London from it.)
- Who’d like to tell us about the Houses of Parliament? (слайд)
(The Houses of Parliament stand beside the River Thames. The country’s leaders speak in the Houses of Parliament. The men and the women there are the voice of the British people.)
- What do you know about Westminster Abbey? (слайд)
(Westminster Abbey is a symbol of England. It was founded by St Peter and built by King Edward in 1065. Some famous English people are buried here. Today it’s a working church.)
-Thank you for your stories about London’s buildings.
- Физкультминутка
Let’s take our bus again and go through London. You can sing a song “The wheels on the bus”. (слайд) Do you like this song? I do!
- Просмотр видеофильма. Video (This is Britain. Oxford University Press, Carolyn Bradshaw)
- Now let’s join two children called Emily and Max who are going sightseeing.(Перед просмотром видеофильма учитель раздаёт карточки с заданиями) You have the cards with the tasks on your desks. You have to understand the words (task 1) and match the sentences (task 2)
- Do you like the film? Let’s see how you have understood the film. (Проверка понимания по карточкам с заданиями)
- Take the first card, look at the board and match the letters of the pictures and the numbers of the words. Let’s read these words!
- The second task is to create sentences. Match these parts, please.
- The next task is to do the crossword puzzle. (слайд) Take the card with the questions and try to answer them.
- Listen to the questions! Do you understand them?
- Answer the first question!
- The next task is to make up a dialogue. (слайд) Watch a little excerpt of the film and put in the missing words. Take a big card! You have two minutes.
- Let’s check and act out the dialogue! How many actors do we need? – four. Who’d like to be an actor? Come to the board and act out the dialogue, please. And we’ll check you.
- Our trip comes to an end. Do you like the capital of England? Let’s say a few words about London!
- The last task is to fill in the missing words in the text. I’ll give you about two or three minutes.
- Have you done it? Change the cards, please. You should check each other. This slide will help you. Let’s read in a chain one by one!(слайд)
- Домашнее задание
- Now I want to give you the homework.
Your homework is to write a letter about the best city.
(Повторить, как правильно оформлять письмо)
- Let’s remember how we write a letter. What will you begin with?
Read the plan, please!
You should write:
Step1: address, date
Step2: greeting (Dear friend,)
Step3: the content of your letter (You should write 1) about your trip; You can 2) ask questions)
Step4: the rest of your letter (Best wishes, Name (your signature))
18th of March
Dear friend,
Best wishes,
- Выставление оценок
Thank you for the lesson. You’ve worked very hard today. I like your work very much and can give you excellent and good marks.
- Do you like your work? (Yes, we do.)
- What do you think how you have worked today? How has he/she worked today?
- Were you active? Was he/she active?
- Whose answer did you like?
- Who can get excellent today? Who can get a good mark?
- Рефлексия
- Did you like our lesson? Why? (It was interesting, amazing, fantastic)
- What did you like? You can put down your mark on the reflexive card.
- I also liked our lesson. Thank you for the lesson very much.
- (Если остаётся время: Let’s take our bus again and say “good bye” to London. Let’s sing our song one more time. Our guests can sing with us.)
- I want you to leave me your mood. You have rays of the sun on your desks. Put them to one of the suns. If you liked the lesson, leave me your good mood. If you didn’t like the lesson, put your ray to a sad sun.
- Our lesson is over. Good bye.
Have/has (not) liked to do the crossword worked well today puzzle
I/he was/were (she) liked to act out (not) active the dialogue liked…’s answer liked the film/the song |
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