Легенды и мифы России.
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Иноземцева Нина Дмитриевна

Данный дополнительный материал можно использовать как на уроках английского языка при изучении темы "Традиции России", а также как одно из мероприятий, проводимых в рамках недели недели по иностранному языку.Богатый лексический материал способствует развитию коммуникативных навыков учащихся, служит для повышения мотивации к изучению английского языка.


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                       Legends and myths of Russia.

There are lots of people in this world who pronounced the words «a myth» or «a legend» at least once in their lives. But what do these words mean? Usually myths, legends have been passed on from father to son by word of mouth for centuries. They are invented or unbelievable stories that took place in reality hundreds of years ago. All of them are connected with seas, rivers, mountains, animals, birds or people.

Lets take an eagle, for example. It’s a tsar- bird, according to Russian stories. A Russian eagle is the personification of great power and wisdom. This heroic bird is able to break down an ancient oak- tree into small pieces by its strong chest. A floating eagle above the troops was considered to be a forerunner of a victory.

The Earth was thought to be a live human-being creature, according to ancient pagans. She was able to moan from pain during a storm. When she was angry she caused earthquakes and hurricanes. When there was the sun in the sky, she smiled and presented people magnificent beauties. And like a real mother she was ready to help a person in difficult situations. Do you remember Russian fairy tales? As soon as a warrior (bogatyr) presses close to the earth he gets fresh power from it. «Those  people who don’t respect the earth, wont get any bread» - old grain farmers used to say. Our ancestors believed: «If you don’t take a handful of land with you when you go far away, you will never come back again here».

An oak- tree is considered to be the symbol of great power, it has a healing force. According to a legend, an oak- tree which has been hit by the lightening, gets invigorating power. Even nowadays people try to find an old oak-tree, take the bark from it, put it into the spring water and carry it as a talisman. Believe it or not but it can protect you if you have a toothache.

The whole world of ancient  life is opened in true stories of Russia. The  main heroes of them are warriors (or bogatyrs), the defenders of people. The Russian warriors had a great physical strength. At the same time they were very peaceful. They used weapons only in case of extreme  situations. As a rule, they were natives of simple people, usually peasants. At the same time folk warriors had a great magic strength, they were wise and cunning. In ancient Russia every warrior had to have special clothes, appliances for protection and a battle weapon.

The most famous Russian warriors are Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. Of course they had their own traits of character but they were spokesmen of folk dreams, thoughts and hope.

And now lets transfer to the far Altai. Wherever you go there, whatever mountain you climb, whatever cave you come down, you will meet a legend or a myth. And its not surprising. A magnificent unique nature of Altai gives birth to numberless legends even nowadays.

This is the story of the rivers Biy and Katun.

Once upon a time there lived a poor young man Biy who was a herdsman and a nice young girl Katun (she was a daughter of a rich  man Babyrkhan). The two young fell in love with each other. But the angry Babyrkhan didn’t  allow the young to get married. So they decided to escape from the place. At night they ran by different roads. The angry Babyrkhan overtook his daughter and ordered her to come back. But she didn’t want to leave her sweetheart. Then Babyrkhan was crossed with the young and turned them into rivers. He hoped they would never meet each other. But their love was so strong that they flew together and the great river Ob has been flowing since that time.


Have you ever heard of Shambala? No? People say you can find this place somewhere in Altai. It is said to be settled with immortal people, who came here from the sky. These people were very smart and wise. A magic stone called Shambala ruled them. He had a huge magic power and wisdom.

A lot of expeditions have been looking for Shambala. And you can see some of its signs in Altai. Don’t you believe us? Try to do it yourselves. Its not difficult at all. People say, the stone can shine as a dawn or a rainbow, it can sing  birds or rivers song. It can cure of any disease but not of … love. Try your chance and good luck to you. Shambala is waiting for you.

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