World War II задание по аудированию для 10-11 классов
материал по английскому языку (10, 11 класс) на тему
Работая второй год по УМК Starlight 10, отчетливо осознаю дефицит тем, воспитывающих у обучающихся патриотические чувства, помогающих им лучше понять историю нашей Родины, а не только утоляющие потребительские запросы: что есть, чего не есть, как похудеть или не худеть, что купить, что надеть, как сменить имидж и т.д. В предверии праздника Великой Победы второй год включаю просмотры документальных фильмов на английском языке, предварительно разработав вопросы по прослушанному материалу. Много фильмов представлено на ютубе, однако они достаточно длинные, чтобы их слушать в полном объеме, Фильм World War II у меня обрезан до 20 минут, но даже его я не могу здесь загрузить, потому что он превышает требуемый объем. Поэтому даю ссылку: World War II in HD Colour
Как известно, в оценке военных событий, особенно фактов, существуют расхождения. Поэтому последним вопросом в списке предлагаемых является вопрос о противоречивости фактов, не только из разных источников, но и фактов подачи материала с западной точки зрения.
Clash of Warriors 04of16 Zhukov vs von Bock Moscow 1941
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Предварительный просмотр:
- Watch the video “World War II” and answer the following questions about some more facts about WW II:
- What was Adolf Hitler’ ambitious desire? ___________________________________________________________________________________
- What countries were Hitler’s firm allies?
- Which countries were under the British control?
- When did the German Army invade the Balkans?
- How many motor divisions moved to Yugoslavia?______When did the Capital Belgrade surrender?__________
- How many men were deployed by the German Army? _______________________________
- How many aircrafts supported the Germans? _________________________________________________
- How many soldiers did the Red Army have as the main staff?__________ and in reserve? _______________
- How many tanks did the Red Army have? ____________________________________________________
- At what time exactly did the operation Barbarossa begin? ___________________________________
- What river did the Germans have to cross to reach the SU’s territory?______________________________
- When was Minsk taken? __________________________
- How many Russian men were captured in the Minsk pocket?
- Are there any figures/facts included in the film you do not agree with because of some contradictions from other sources? ________________________________________________________________________________________
- Watch the video “World War II” and answer the following questions about some more facts about WW II:
- When did Stalin appeal to the people’s patriotism to defend our motherland?
- Which panzer’s division was most of impact force? Who commanded it? __________________________
- Which town fell after Minsk? ___________________ When? _________________________________
- How many Soviet troops were trapped on July 22, 1941?__________________________________________
- How far was it from Smolensk to Moscow? ________________________________________
- As military experts say Hitler made a fatal mistake by Moscow. Where did he direct Guderian’s Army?______________
- What happened on the 23rd of August 1941? ____________________ How many were killed or captured?________
- At the same time in the north Leningrad was besieged and cut off the country? What was the only link to provide the city with provision? _____________________________________________________________
- Starvation settled in. How many people died in November 1941? __________________________________
- When did the final assault on Moscow start? ___________________ What was Germany’s superiority in tanks:
_______________ and in aircrafts ______________________________________ ?
- Stalin was determined to defend Moscow to the last. Who did he appointed responsible for it? _____________
- When did the Germans undertake the final push to capture Moscow? __________________________________
- When did they halt the attack on Moscow_________________ in order to continue it in spring?
- Are there any figures/facts included in the film you do not agree with because of some contradictions from other sources? ____________________________________________________________________________
Предварительный просмотр:
Watch the video “Clash of warriors” and answer the following questions
- What sort of plan did Adolf Hitler work out to conquer Russia (The Soviet Union)? ___________________________________________________________________________________
- When did he launch it?
- What was the key point of this plan?
- What sort of war was the war between Germany and Russia within the frame of WW II?
- How many soldiers were in the German Army when it “appeared to be on the brink of the stunning victory” before the attack on the SU? ______________________________________________________________
- Which countries did Germany conquer before it assaulted on Russia?
- What directions did Hitler’s three-pronged attack have?
- When was the secret Pact Molotov-Ribbentrop signed?________________________________________
- What sort of relations hid the German preparation for the war with the SU?
- Why was the German Army marching easily from one victory to another?
Watch the video “Clash of warriors” and answer the following questions
- When was the secret plan Barbarossa developed?
- In what state was the Red Army at the beginning of the war?
- Which Field Marshall was responsible for the German Army troops heading to Moscow?
- What name did this military operation have?__________________________________________________
- When and in what family was Fedor von Bock born?
- Until what time was he planning to seize Moscow?
- Who was in charge of the defense of Moscow?
- When and in what family was he born?
- By what Russian sudden obstacle was the offense slowed?
- How close were the German troops to the capital of our country?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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