Конспект итогового урока по английскому языку по теме «Животные в нашей жизни» в 6 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Конспект итогового урока по английскому языку
по теме «Животные в нашей жизни» в 6 классе
дата проведения 22.12.2014г.
Цель: обобщить и систематизировать материала по теме
«Животные в нашей жизни».
Задачи урока:
1) обучающие:
1. развивать навыки монологической речи,
2. тренировать навыки чтение и аудирования на понимание основного содержания ;
2) воспитывающие:
1. воспитывать любовь к животным,
2. воспитывать умение работать в группе;
3) развивающие:
1. развивать воображения, логическое мышление,
2. расширять словарный запас,
3. тренировать память и внимание.
Оснащение: аудиозаписи, картинки, раздаточный материал, компьютерная
презентация, проекты учащихся.
1) Warm up
2) Riddles
3) Listening
4) Reading
5) “Guess” game
6) Projects
7) Summing up
8) H/as: домашнее чтение 5 стр.175-176, у.1/2.
1) Организационный момент
Good morning, my dear.
Glad too meet you!
How are you?
What day/date is it today?
What's the weather like today? The weather is pleasant today, isn't it?
Do you like such weather? As for me, I like warm and sunny weather, and you?
Oh, I see.
The theme of our lesson is “Animals in our life”.
You are to: 1) listen to the recording
2) play the game
3) read the text
4) present your projects
I hope our lesson will be interesting for you and you'll enjoy it.
Good luck then.
2) warming up.
And now answer some of my questions.
Do you like animals?
Have you got a pet at home?
How often do you go to the Zoo?
What animals can you see in the Zoo?
Have you ever been to the Wild Animals park?
What is the difference between a Wild Animals park and a Zoo?
Can animals be our friend? ( P1. Yes, they can. Ex. Dogs help people when they are in trouble).
Do you agree with.P1..?
(P2 Yes, I do. I think and I know that dolphins save people in the see).
3) Look at the blackboard.
The motto of our lesson is “ The animals are always there for us”.
How do you understand it? Can you comment on this statement?
What does it mean? Any ideas?
I think you'll be able to translate it a bit later.
And now let's practice some English sounds and words:
read with me: [ I :] - feed, please, teach
[ I ] - fish, kitten, give
[ p ] - puppy, parrot, play
[ f ] - fish, feed, for,five
[ w ] - walk, wash, water
[ эе ] - catch, cat, black
[ k ] - clever, kind, talk, take
4) Well done. Brainstorming: Where do animals live? Come to the blackboard and write down your variants.
What animals live
a) on a farm ? c) in the sea/river/ocean?
b) in the forest ? d) at home?
Very well. That's good. (Look at the screen and see if you are right).
Thank you. Take your seats, please.
5) You like riddles, don't you? Let us see who the best one is, the cleverest one is.
1) This animal lives in the north, it's big and strong. It likes fish. But his relative likes honey. (A white bear)
2) This animal is the tallest one. It has a long neck and a short tail. (A giraffe)
3) It is very big. It has a long nose, big ears. It lives in India and Africa. (An elephant)
4) It’ s funny. It likes to jump and eat bananas (A monkey)
5) It's a bird. It can speak ( A parrot)
6) It looks like a horse. It has black and white stripes. (a zebra)
7) This animal can be black, grey, white or red. It lives in the house.
It can catch a grey mouse. (A cat)
8) It lives in Australia. It carries its baby in the porch. It can jump over 26 feet. (A kangaroo)
9) It lives in the river or near the water. It's green. It can swim and jump. (A frog)
10) It's a bird. It lives on the farm. It gets up very early and sings. (A cock)
11) It' s man's best friend. (A dog)
12) It's grey. It lives in the forest and hunts hares. (A wolf)
6) It's time to listen to the recording.
It will be your individual task.
Sigh these worksheets.
Look through the task, read the statements.
Now we are ready to start.
That will do.
Give me your works, I'll give you marks later.
7) Relax (Look at the screen)
Eye - gymnastic
8) Now I want you to work in groups
Stand up, come to the blackboard and take the cards.
l The greens sit here: you are four.
l The blues sit here: there are four of you.
l The reds sit here: there are four of you too.
We pass to our texts.
You have worksheets at your desks. Read the task and do it in your groups. You have some new words before the text, start with them.
a) Read the text and put paragraphs in the correct order.
I'll give you 3- 5 minutes to do the task.
Your time is up.
I want to listen to each team, come to the blackboard and write your answers. Sit down.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | D | A | C |
Look to the blackboard and check your answers.
What ‘s the main idea of the text? Just find the sentence.
They are always there for us and we are always there for them.
Look! This is the motto of our lesson. Can you comment on this idea? I think that animals can always help us, but they need our help and care too.
b)Very good. We should take care of animals and do our best to save endangered animals too.
Now you are to do True or false exercise
2 minutes for you.
Your time is up.
c) 1- 4+
2+ 5+
3- 6-
Exchange your worksheets in groups and see the criteria and put your marks. Who has no m. ? Stand up. Your mark is 5. Who has 1 m.? Stand up. Your mark is 4.
How nice of you!
(And the next group task is to fill in the gaps.)
2 minutes, please.
9) Now we shall play the game “Guess”.
I want some pupils to go to the blackboard. You are animals and you are visitors in the Zoo.
I know you like animals and like to watch them . Show us your favourite animal using the gestures, body. Let's start.
T: And now let’s have a little rest.
That is good. Stand up!
Hands up! Hands down!
Hands on hips!
Bend left!
Bend right!
Turn yourself around.
Hands up! Clap, clap!
Hands down! Shake, shake!
One, two, three-hop!
One, two, three-stop!
Sit down!
Well done. Good of you. How nice of you. That will do. That's enough.
10) At the end of our lesson we are going to listen to your stories about pets.
These are your projects.
You are welcome now.
l Watch the presentations.
l Listen to the projects
Bobilyov M. – presentation
Obidov N. – presentation
Chernikova J. – project
Smirnova T. – project
Tykin V. – project A Good boy/girl. That's nice. Oh, how interesting.
11) Summing up.
Unfortunately, we have no time to listen to all your projects, we'll do it next time.
You' re done a great work. You were creative, hard-working and active.
What have you done today? (рефлексия)
l revised the material
l read the text
l listened to the text
l played games
l watched the presentations
Your marks for the lesson are:
H/as: Домашнее чтение (5) стр. 175-176, у.1/2. Our lesson is over. Good luck!
Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект итогового урока по английскому языку
по теме «Животные в нашей жизни» в 6 классе
дата проведения 22.12.2014г.
Цель: обобщить и систематизировать материала по теме
«Животные в нашей жизни».
Задачи урока:
1) обучающие:
- развивать навыки монологической речи,
- тренировать навыки чтение и аудирования на понимание основного содержания ;
2) воспитывающие:
1. воспитывать любовь к животным,
2. воспитывать умение работать в группе;
3) развивающие:
1. развивать воображения, логическое мышление,
2. расширять словарный запас,
3. тренировать память и внимание.
Оснащение: аудиозаписи, картинки, раздаточный материал, компьютерная
презентация, проекты учащихся.
- Warm up
- Riddles
- Listening
- Reading
- “Guess” game
- Projects
- Summing up
- H/as: домашнее чтение 5 стр.175-176, у.1/2.
1) Организационный момент
Good morning, my dear.
Glad too meet you!
How are you?
What day/date is it today?
What's the weather like today? The weather is pleasant today, isn't it?
Do you like such weather? As for me, I like warm and sunny weather, and you?
Oh, I see.
The theme of our lesson is “Animals in our life”.
You are to: 1) listen to the recording
2) play the game
3) read the text
4) present your projects
I hope our lesson will be interesting for you and you'll enjoy it.
Good luck then.
2) warming up.
And now answer some of my questions.
Do you like animals?
Have you got a pet at home?
How often do you go to the Zoo?
What animals can you see in the Zoo?
Have you ever been to the Wild Animals park?
What is the difference between a Wild Animals park and a Zoo?
Can animals be our friend? ( P1. Yes, they can. Ex. Dogs help people when they are in trouble).
Do you agree with.P1..?
(P2 Yes, I do. I think and I know that dolphins save people in the see).
- Look at the blackboard.
The motto of our lesson is “ The animals are always there for us”.
How do you understand it? Can you comment on this statement?
What does it mean? Any ideas?
I think you'll be able to translate it a bit later.
And now let's practice some English sounds and words:
read with me: [ I :] - feed, please, teach
[ I ] - fish, kitten, give
[ p ] - puppy, parrot, play
[ f ] - fish, feed, for,five
[ w ] - walk, wash, water
[ эе ] - catch, cat, black
[ k ] - clever, kind, talk, take
- Well done. Brainstorming: Where do animals live? Come to the blackboard and write down your variants.
What animals live
a) on a farm ? c) in the sea/river/ocean?
b) in the forest ? d) at home?
Very well. That's good. (Look at the screen and see if you are right).
Thank you. Take your seats, please.
- You like riddles, don't you? Let us see who the best one is, the cleverest one is.
- This animal lives in the north, it's big and strong. It likes fish. But his relative likes honey. (A white bear)
- This animal is the tallest one. It has a long neck and a short tail. (A giraffe)
- It is very big. It has a long nose, big ears. It lives in India and Africa. (An elephant)
- It’ s funny. It likes to jump and eat bananas (A monkey)
- It's a bird. It can speak ( A parrot)
- It looks like a horse. It has black and white stripes. (a zebra)
- This animal can be black, grey, white or red. It lives in the house.
It can catch a grey mouse. (A cat)
- It lives in Australia. It carries its baby in the porch. It can jump over 26 feet. (A kangaroo)
- It lives in the river or near the water. It's green. It can swim and jump. (A frog)
- It's a bird. It lives on the farm. It gets up very early and sings. (A cock)
- It' s man's best friend. (A dog)
- It's grey. It lives in the forest and hunts hares. (A wolf)
- It's time to listen to the recording.
It will be your individual task.
Sigh these worksheets.
Look through the task, read the statements.
Now we are ready to start.
That will do.
Give me your works, I'll give you marks later.
- Relax (Look at the screen)
Eye - gymnastic
8) Now I want you to work in groups
Stand up, come to the blackboard and take the cards.
- The greens sit here: you are four.
- The blues sit here: there are four of you.
- The reds sit here: there are four of you too.
We pass to our texts.
You have worksheets at your desks. Read the task and do it in your groups. You have some new words before the text, start with them.
a) Read the text and put paragraphs in the correct order.
I'll give you 3- 5 minutes to do the task.
Your time is up.
I want to listen to each team, come to the blackboard and write your answers. Sit down.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
B | D | A | C |
Look to the blackboard and check your answers.
What ‘s the main idea of the text? Just find the sentence.
They are always there for us and we are always there for them.
Look! This is the motto of our lesson. Can you comment on this idea? I think that animals can always help us, but they need our help and care too.
b)Very good. We should take care of animals and do our best to save endangered animals too.
Now you are to do True or false exercise
2 minutes for you.
Your time is up.
- 1- 4+
2+ 5+
3- 6-
Exchange your worksheets in groups and see the criteria and put your marks. Who has no m. ? Stand up. Your mark is 5. Who has 1 m.? Stand up. Your mark is 4.
How nice of you!
(And the next group task is to fill in the gaps.)
2 minutes, please.
9) Now we shall play the game “Guess”.
I want some pupils to go to the blackboard. You are animals and you are visitors in the Zoo.
I know you like animals and like to watch them . Show us your favourite animal using the gestures, body. Let's start.
T: And now let’s have a little rest.
That is good. Stand up!
Hands up! Hands down!
Hands on hips!
Bend left!
Bend right!
Turn yourself around.
Hands up! Clap, clap!
Hands down! Shake, shake!
One, two, three-hop!
One, two, three-stop!
Sit down!
Well done. Good of you. How nice of you. That will do. That's enough.
10) At the end of our lesson we are going to listen to your stories about pets.
These are your projects.
You are welcome now.
- Watch the presentations.
- Listen to the projects
Bobilyov M. – presentation
Obidov N. – presentation
Chernikova J. – project
Smirnova T. – project
Tykin V. – project A Good boy/girl. That's nice. Oh, how interesting.
11) Summing up.
Unfortunately, we have no time to listen to all your projects, we'll do it next time.
You' re done a great work. You were creative, hard-working and active.
What have you done today? (рефлексия)
- revised the material
- read the text
- listened to the text
- played games
- watched the presentations
Your marks for the lesson are:
H/as: Домашнее чтение (5) стр. 175-176, у.1/2. Our lesson is over. Good luck!
Предварительный просмотр:
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Предварительный просмотр:
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