Контрольная работа.9 класс.
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Данная контрольная работа проверяет знания учеников за 9 класс по курсу английского языка.
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку 9 класс.
Where do young people go on holiday? We talked to different teenagers about their plans for this year.
A Marco, from Italy
I'm going away with my school this year and we're staying in a summer camp. I've never been away without my parents before, so I'm very excited! It's for two weeks in July and the camp is in Scotland. We're flying to Edinburgh and then we're travelling by coach to the mountains. We're going to learn rock-climbing in the first week and kayaking in the second week. And the best thing is there aren't going to be any parents!
В Anna, from Denmark
I'm really interested in the environment and I love animals. So, in August, I'm going on my perfect holiday. I'm going with my older sister and some of our friends to a camp in the south of France. It's an 'eco-camp' and we're going to learn about the wild horses of the Camargue. I'm really looking forward to the holiday.
С Joshua, from England
I'm leaving school after my exams in June and I'm taking a 'gap year'. A 'gap year' is when you work or go travelling abroad after school and before you start university. I'm going to travel with my two best friends. We're planning to spend nine months backpacking in Asia, Australia and South America. I can't wait.
D Natalia, from Russia
I'm going to Turkey with my parents this year. We're flying to Istanbul and staying there for a few days. I'm really looking forward to sightseeing and shopping there. Then we're going to Kilyos which is a resort about twenty-five kilometres from Istanbul. They have open air festivals and beach parties there, so I'm hoping to meet some other young people.
Which person (A-D)…
- is going away with members of their family? 1_______
- is going to do adventure sports? 3_______
- mentions their education plans? 4 _______
- is going to more than one country? 5 _______
- is going to study nature? 6 _______
2. Выбери верный вариант.
- I saw him / his in the morning.
- Mary is taller / the tallest than her friend.
- We study / are studying English at school.
- He enters / entered University five years ago.
- Who / Which did you tell this story?
- Will you go to the party tomorrow / yesterday?
- He knew Maths better / the best than me.
- Was / were you at home yesterday?
- Do / Does he play tennis very well?
- We buy / bought a new car last week.
3. Расставьте части письма личного характера A-J в правильном порядке. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
A. Dear Jane,
B. You asked me how I celebrated the New Year.
C. Best wishes,
D. We had a great fun and we danced, listened to music, told funny stories.
E. Write soon and tell me all about it.
F. January 26, 2014
G. I hope you also enjoyed the New Year party.
H. Lesnoy,
I. Well, I saw the New Year in with my parents and then went to the party with my friends.
J. It was great to get your letter and hear all your news.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
- Определи, кем была сказана Фраза.
- B
- D
- A
- C
- C
- B
6 баллов
2. Выбери верный вариант
- him
- taller
- study
- entered
- who
- tomorrow
- better
- were
- does
- bought
10 баллов
3. Расставьте части письма личного характера A-J в правильном порядке. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
H | F | A | J | B | I | D | G | E | C |
H. Lesnoy,
F. January 26, 2014
A. Dear Jane,
J. It was great to get your letter and hear all your news
B. You asked me how I celebrated the New Year.
I. Well, I saw the New Year in with my parents and then went to the party with my friends.
D. We had a great fun and we danced, listened to music, told funny stories.
G. I hope you also enjoyed the New Year party.
E. Write soon and tell me all about it.
C. Best wishes,
10 баллов
Максимальный балл за работу 26 баллов
26-22- оценка «5»
21-17- оценка «4»
16-12- оценка «3»
11 и меньше - оценка «2»
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