Санкт Петербург
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
St. Petersburgh
Цель урока: Развитие навыков самостоятельной речи с использованием различных приемов МК.
Ход урока
Стадия вызова: (на доске заголовок текста)
St . Petersburgh
-Have you ever been to St. Petersburg? If yes, I invite you to read the text and remember some places you have seen. If not, would you like to?
-Today we’re going to travel to St. Petersburg. Be attentive and you’ll the most famous symbol of the city is.
-What proverb can you tell in connection with our theme? (2 minutes)
- A lot of foreign people come to Russia because Russia has always been
a country of mystery.They like to visit Old Russian cities such as Moscow,
Novgorod, St.Petersburg. I advice you to visit St.Petersburg
because it is a wonderful city.
Смысловая стадия:
- Who moved the Russian capital to St. Petersburg?
St. Petersburg is called the second cultural capital of Russia.The city was founded by Peter the Great in 1703.There are a lot of palaces and museums which attract tourists
from all over the world.
Today we have four groups: “red”, “blue”, “ black” and “green”.
1. Look at the board . Each of you has one task. You must read your question and find it in the text. Underline your answers.(3-4 minutes)
2. Find your groups and join them. Here is the red/blue/green/black table.
3. Compare your answers with your friends. (2 minutes)
(дети обсуждают свои ответы и приходят к общему мнению)
-Come back to your places and share with your answers in your groups. (5 minutes)
(Выступление 4 учеников)
1. The founder of St. Petersburg
2. Bridges of the city
3. Places of interest in St. Petersburg.
Correct the mistakes!
1. The Russian Museum is situated in The Summer Garden.
2. The climate of St. Petersburg is very mild.
3. There are many beautiful houses over the Volga river.
4. Yury Dolgoruky founded St. Petersburg in 1147.
5. S. Petersburg is situated on one island.
6. The white nights in St. Petersburg are in August.
7. The famous monument to A. S. Pushkin is in Nevsky Prospect
8. The most beautiful place is the Neva River.
Write "True" or "False"!
1.The best period of the year in St. Petersburg is the period of the "white nights".___
2.Only one river separates different parts of the city from each other.____
3.The most famous symbol of the city is the monument to Peter the Great in Dekabrists Square.____
4.St Petersburg became the Russian capital in 1712.____
5. Many tourists visit The Hermitage so they can look at the city from its top.___
6.The main street in St Petersburg is Lenin Prospect.____
7.Winters are usually cold here, but summers are not hot.____
8.People usually stay at home at the time of the "white nights".____
Match the pictures with their names!
Reflection: What interesting places can you see in St. Petersburg?
Write a cinquin!
A word or two to name the topic
Two or three words that describe the topic
Three or four words that express action
Four or five words that express personal attitude
a word or two to rename the topic.
Write a tanka!
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables
7 syllables
7 syllables
“There is no place like home.”
Thank you for your work.
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