Олимпиада по страноведению
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Данная разработка представляет собой подборку заданий по страноведению. Материал может быть использован для проведения школьных олимпиад по страноведению, внеклассных мероприятий, конкурсов и викторин, представляет собой задания тестового характера с множественным выбором (Уровень Elementary)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Данная разработка представляет собой подборку заданий по страноведению. Материал может быть использован для проведения школьных олимпиад по страноведению, внеклассных мероприятий, конкурсов и викторин, представляет собой задания тестового характера с множественным выбором (Уровень Elementary)
Task 1. How much do you know about the United Kingdom?
Choose the correct answer for each question (circle the letter). (You can get one point for the right choice in each of the items below. The maximum score for Task 1 is 35 points.)
1. What is the national emblem of Ireland?
a) Clover b) Shamrock c) Leprechaun d) Blarney stone
2. What is the national flower of England?
a) Dahlia b) Daffodil c) Tulip d)Rose
3. What is the national flower of Wales?
a) Daffodil b) Snowdrop c) Bluebell d) Tulip
4. What is the national emblem of Scotland?
a) Heather b) Rosemary c) Foxglove d) Thistle
- Which of the following is the capital city of Britain?
a)Maidstone b) London c) Manchester d) Scotland - Who is the current monarch?
a) King George b) Queen Elizabeth I ,
c) Queen Elizabeth II d) Queen Elizabeth III
7. Which of the following is a well-known British food?
a) Frogs legs b) Chicken c) Pasta d) Fish and Chips
8. The highest point in the UK is....
a) Kinder Scout, England b) Snowdon, Wales
c) Ben Nevis, Scotland d) Helvellyn, England
9. Which of the following is not the patron saint of a UK country?
a) St. Harry b) St. George c) St. Andrew d) St. David
- How many countries are there in the United Kingdom?
a)4 b)3 c)1 d)2
- The White Cliffs of Dover are made of which rock?
a) Chalk b) Sandstone c) Granite d) Shale - Who is the current Prime Minister?
a) Tony Adams b) Tony Blair c) John Frazer d) George Bush
13. This man is a symbol of the British nation. His name is
a) Uncle Sam b) John Bull c) Winston Churchill d) Tony Blair
14. The capital of Northern Ireland is
a) Dublin b) Cardiff c) Belfast d) Blackpool
15. The British flag is often called
a) the Union Jack b) the Stars and Stripes
c) the Maple Leaf d) the Beaver
16. Ben Nevis is
a) a famous footballer b) a sort of juice
c) a mountain d) a sort of cheese
17. The national currency of the UK is
a) the euro b) the dollar c) the pound d) the rouble
18. The mysterious Loch Ness Monster is from
a) Wales b) Ireland c) Scotland d) England
19. The Beatles started their career in
a) London b) Liverpool c) Birmingham d) Cardiff
20. The kilt is
a) a shirt b) a skirt
c) a pair of trousers d) a pair of gloves
21. The colour that represents Ireland is
a) green b) red c) yellow d) white
22. Stonehenge is about years old.
a) 40 b)400 c) 4000 d)ten
- The part of the UK which is not presented in the Union Jack is
a) England b) Scotland c) Wales d) Northern Ireland - Which is Scotland's largest city?
a) Dundee b) Inverness c) Glasgow d) Edinburgh
25. How many theaters are there in London?
a) 50-100 b) 100-150 c) over 200 d) 150-200
26. The flag of which country features a dragon?
a) Scotland b) England c) Wales d) Northern Ireland
- This university town is the location for Harry Potter's Hogwarts Hall.
a) Oxford b) Bristol c) Bath d) Cambridge - Who is the patron saint of Scotland?
a) St. Patrick b) St. George c) St. Andrew d) St. David
29. The Boat Race is rowed between which two universities?
a) Cambridge and Durham b) Durham and Bath
c) Oxford and Durham d) Oxford and Cambridge
30. When visiting a house for the first time in the New Year (first footing)
it is traditional to carry what in your hand? .
a) a cake b) a bottle of whisky
c) a lump of coal d) a piece of cheese
31. With which sport is Wimbledon associated?
a) badminton b) tennis c) rugby d)golf
32. In what part of the UK is haggis traditionally eaten?
a) Scotland b) Wales c) England d) Northern Ireland
33. The Channel Tunnel, linking the UK to the rest of Europe, runs between
England and which country?
a) France b) Germany c) Belgium d) Netherlands
34. Where in London is Poet's Corner?
a) St James's Palace b) St. Paul's Cathedral
c) Westminster Abbey d) Hyde Park
35. When do children go "trick or treating"?
a) July 4th b) April 1st c) November 5th d) October 31st
Task 2
Part 1. How well do you know...?
Complete the sentences. (10 points)
1.___________________and the Strait of Dover separate Great Britain
from the continent.
2. The UK lies on two islands, the larger of them is_______________.
and the smaller is_________________.
3. The climate of the UK depends on _____________ which is
a warm oceanic current.
- There are many rivers in the country. The most important river is the Thames.
The longest river is . - The UK is a _ monarchy.
- ______________ legally the head of the UK.
7. Each Parliamentary session is officially opened by ________________.
- St. Paul's Cathedral is situated in ________________.
- The biggest bell in Britain is ________________.
10. Jerome K. Jerome's famous book is _____________.
Part 2. How well do you know English traditions?
Complete the sentences .(5 points)
1. English and American people often make __________ they are promises for the New Year.
- In Britain, the day after Christmas is ____________.
- In Scotland the first visitor who comes into a house on New Year's morning
is ___________ The Scots believe that if this visitor is a man (or a boy),
not a woman, and has dark hair he brings luck to the family for the New Year.
- The Scottish people call ____________ "Hogmanay".
- Santa Claus is supposed to visit each house on Christmas Eve by climbing
down the _____________________.
Task 3
Part 1. Holidays in the United Kingdom and the USA
Match the dates and the holidays. Put your answers into the answer sheet
(25 points)
1. January 1 | USA, UK | A. Martin Luther King's Day |
2. January 6 | USA, UK | B. St. Patrick's Day |
3. January, the 3rd Monday | USA | C. Bonfire Night |
Guy Fawkes Night | ||
4. January 25 | UK | D. The Queen's |
(real) birthday | ||
5. February 2 | USA | E. Memorial Day |
6. February 14 / | USA, UK | F. St. George's Day |
7. February, the 3rd Monday | USA | G. St. Andrew's Day |
8. March 17 | UK, USA | H. Thanksgiving Day |
9. April. I | USA, UK | Mother's Day |
10. April 21 | UK | J. Presidents' Day |
11. April 23 | UK | K. Groundhog Day |
12.May, the lst Monday | UK | L. Boxing Day |
13. May, the 2nd Sunday | USA | M. Christmas Day |
14. May, the last Monday | USA | N. Labor Day |
15. June 14 | USA | O. New Year Day |
16. June, the 3rd Sunday | USA, UK | P. Columbus Day |
17. July 4 | USA | Q. Burns' Night |
18. September, the 1st Monday | USA | R. Halloween |
19. October, the 2nd Monday | USA | S. Bank holiday |
20. October 31 | USA, UK | T. Flag Day |
21. November 5 | UK | U. Independence Day |
22. November, the 4th Thursday | USA | V. St. Valentine's Day |
23. November 30 | UK | W. April Fool's Day |
24. December 25 | USA, UK | X. Father's Day |
25. December 26 | UK | Y. Epiphany |
Answer Sheet
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
Part 2. Match the countries and their symbols, the countries and their Patron Saints. Put your answers into the answer sheet (8 points)
Country | Symbol | Country | St Patron |
1. England | A. Daffodil | 5. England | E. St. David |
2. Wales | B. Thistle | 6. Wales | F. St. Andrew |
3. Ireland | C. Rose | 7. Ireland | G. St. George |
4. Scotland | D. Shamrock | 8. Scotland | H. St. Patrick |
Answer Sheet
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Task 4. True or False?
Read the statements and mark each of them as True of False. (10 points)
True False
1.Welsh is an official language in Wales. _____ _____
2.Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon. _____ _____
3.The BBC stands for "Best British Culture". _____ _____
4.A mile is longer than a kilometre. _____ _____
5.Elizabeth II has two birthdays. _____ _____
6.In Britain, black cats are believed to bring bad luck. ______ _____
7.Speakers' Corner is part of the British Parliament. ______ _____
8.In Scotland, the name for New Year's Eve is Hogmanay. ______ _____
9.The President of Britain is elected every seven years. ______ _____
10.Haggis is a traditional Scottish musical instrument. ______ _____
Task 5. Cross -cultural test.
Part 1. Choose the correct answer/ answers. (4 points)
1. The usual response to "How are you?" in English is:
a) Fine, thank you b) Fine
c) Terrible. My mother is ill; I earn too little money; and my dog has fleas.
2. Typical informal leave- taking in English is:
a) Goodbye b) See you c) Take care d) Good luck e) Get lost
3. When it is someone's birthday, it is usual to say in English;
a) Congratulations b) Happy Birthday
c) Good Luck d) I'm sorry
4. You have given your friend a special New Year's present. Your friend
thanks you. You answer:
a) Don't mention it b) Not at all
c) You're welcome d) My pleasure
e) It was just something I was going to throw away
Part 2. Match the names of the dishes on the left with their definition on the right. Put your answers into the answer sheet. (4 points)
- ploughman's lunch A. baked batter, a mixture of flour egg, milk and salt ;
- curry B. a dish cooked from coarse oatmeal and eaten with
milk or cream, and sugar or salt
3. porridge C. a dish consisting of meat, vegetables and very spicy sauce
4. Yorkshire pudding D. a dish consisting of bread, cheese, pickled onions and vegetables
Answer Sheet
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
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