Презентация к уроку "Английские школы"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
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Plan Speaking about English Schools Mini-dialogues (In general…/ The exception is …) Revision of words Reading. Misha’s letter to his sister about his life in St. David’s School. New grammar. Modal verb should - presentation - practice. 6. Reading+rephrasing. Masha’s advice. 7. Speaking about your school.
Speaking about English Schools What types of schools are there in England? What sort of school is a state school? What sort of school is a public school? What are the most famous public schools in England? How much does it cost to study in Eton?
Speaking about English Schools 6. Are most public schools boarding schools? 7. Are most public schools only for boys or only for girls? 8. What sort of people can be your classmates in public schools? 9. Does everybody pay for education in a public school? 10. How do you get a scholarship?
Eton college Floreat Etona
Harrow School Virtus non stemma
School traditions. School uniform.
School tie To be true to your school tie . Быть верным своему школьному галстуку.
Dialogues Use As rule … / In general… But what about … / The exception is … As a rule old people spend their time near TV. - The exception is my granny. In winter she goes skiing every week.
Dialogues Use the ideas: The young like to go camping. The old don’t like rock music and like classical music. The Russians like borshch and pelmeni.
Revision of words a ruin a compulsory subject an optional subject polite cheeky a punishment a detention to do lines to bully smb to punish smb Religious Education Mathematics History a foreign language Latin Art Music English English Literature Physical Education (P.E.) Information Technology (I.T.) the sciences the arts
Reading Read Misha’s letter to his sister Masha. Ex3, p.121. What does he write about - the school - the room - his teachers - his classmates - school subjects - school punishments? 3. Is his life at English school easy?
New grammar. Modal verb should. I really must do my homework in the afternoon. I can’t concentrate in the evening. You should do your homework in the afternoon. Then we can do something interesting in the evening. should – следует, надо
Modal verb should . Формула: … should V … . Спряжение: I should eat more fruit. You should eat more fruit. He should eat more fruit. She should eat more fruit. It should eat more fruit. We should eat more fruit. You should eat more fruit. They should eat more fruit.
Modal verb should. Practice. Ex1, p 125 (translate into Russian). What should you do? (Make up sentences) - do my homework - be nice to my brother/ sister - learn foreign languages - protect the environment - get a good education - be polite to everybody
Modal verb should. Образование отрицательных предложений You should not eat many sweets. should not = shouldn’t You shouldn’t eat many sweets. - Ex. 3, p.125 - Ex. 4, p.126
Reading. Masha gives advice to Misha. 1 Listen to Masha’s letter. 2 Find the best translation for the expression to take part - забирать часть - принимать участие - принимать чью-то сторону . 3 Read and rephrase Masha’s advice.
About your school 1. Where is your school? 2. Is your school big or small? 3. When do lessons start? 4. Can you choose your subjects? 5. What subjects are compulsory? 6. What subjects are optional?
About your school 7. What do you think is the most important subject? 8. What is your favorite subject? 9. Do you have to wear a uniform? 10. What are your classmates like? 11. Does anybody bully people in your class? 12. What are your teachers like?
Home Task A, B, p.127-128
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