Лексико-грамматический тест №1 (УМК Кузовлев В.П. 10 класс)
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Ковалёва Ольга Александровна

Лексико-грамматический тест №1 по теме: "Географическое положение англо-говорящих стран", употребление артиклей с географическими названиями


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Предварительный просмотр:



  1. Read the text and decide which answer A,B,C fits best each space.

(1)____ Prime Minister Tony Blair doesn’t like the fashionable topic about “Cool Britania”. He guesses that a British politician (2)____ of “New Britain”. But he doesn’t see it without  (3)____. Some people don’t like this point of view, they think that the leader of the Labour Party (4)____ in the opposition to the monarchy. But Tony Blair has a progmatic and conservatoinist view of the monarchy. He thinks that the monarchy is not an institution that stands in the way of his (5)____ agenda. The Queen (6)____ the government policies. He doesn’t think that the (7)____ and the Labour Party (8)____ the monarchy to improve the economic situation. The Labourist manifesto reads: The Party (9)____ no plans to replace the monarchy. In his opinion it is the House of Lords that (10)____. It will make the (11)____ branch more democratic.

  1. A. ----  
  2. A. will think
  3. A. the Prime Minister
  4. A. will be
  5. A. government’s
  6. A. doesn’t determine
  7. A. representatives
  8. A. will fight
  9. A. shall have
  10. A. should be reformed
  11. A. judicial                                                                                  

B. The

B. can think

B. the monarchy

B. is

 B. administration’s

B. doesn’t approve

B. ministers

B. shall fight

B. will have

B. will be reformed

B. executive                                                      

C. A

C. should think

C. Parliament

C. should be

C. department’s

C. revises

C. secretaries

C. should fight

C. should have

C. shall be reformed

C. legislative


  1. Translate  from English into Russian.

To appoint                                           parliament

To approve                                          policy

Assent                                                  political

Bill                                                        power

Branch                                                 prime minister

Ceremonial                                         to represent

To coordinate                                    responsible to/for

To delay                                              to rule

Democracy                                         to sign

To determine                                     to vote on

Elected                                                 the system of checks and balances

Executive                                             congress

Government                                        court

Legislative                                            supreme

Majority                                                vice president

  1. Fill in the list about the political system of the United Kingdom, The USA and the Russian Federation.

Great Britain



Political system

The head of the state

The legislative branch

The executive branch

The head of the executive branch

  1. Write a letter to your Brittish friend about the Russian Federation (100-120 words). Remember to write the letter in the correct way.

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