Разработка внеклассного мероприятия "New Year comes"
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Эта разработка внеклассного мероприятия способствует повышению базового уровня знаний учащихся о традициях и обычаях, существующих в англоязычных странах при праздновании Нового года.
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Предварительный просмотр:
- Расширить по сравнению с базовым уровнем знания учащихся о традициях и обычаях, существующих в англоязычных странах при праздновании Нового года.
- Активизировать учебные умения и навыки учащихся.
Это внеклассное мероприятие проводится накануне Нового года в V классах в средней образовательной школе. Праздник начинается с того, что на сцене появляются друг за другом все месяцы года - ребята, наряженные в соответствующие костюмы (например, весенние месяцы одеты в костюмы зелёного цвета, летние месяцы имеют венки из цветов (искусственных), сентябрь - аппликации яблок и груш, октябрь - жёлтые, коричневые, красные листья и т.п.).
Compere 1: Good afternoon, children, teachers and parents! Today we are going to speak about the seasons of the year.
Listen to the rhyme. Can you say which season the boy is telling you about?
The boy:
This is the season When snowdrops bloom,
When nobody likes To stay in the room.
This is the season
When birds make their nests.
This is the season We all like best.
Compere 2: What season is that?
Children (in chorus): It is spring.
Звучит музыка П.И. Чайковского: «Времена года - весна».
Compere 2: Come out here, March,
April, May and five more children - two boys and three girls.
Дети, одетые в соответствующие костюмы, выходят на сцену.
Girl 1:
Pass the happy news along,
Listen to the birds sweet songs:
Spring is coming, winters gone!
Pass the happy news along.
Boy 1:
The birds are returning,
Their songs fill the air.
And meadows are smilling
With blossoms so fair/
Boy 2:
I’m happy, I’m happy!
I sing all day.
It’s spring, it’s spring again.
In the spring, in the spring Sweet and fresh is everything.
April weather
Rain and sunshine both together.
In the spring, in the spring Sweet and fresh is everything.
Girl 2: In winter I can ski and skate,
Compere 2: Says little Kate.
Boy 2: In summer I can go and swim,
Compere 2: Says little Jim. And what do you do in spring?
Girl 3: In spring we play and sing.
Дети возвращаются в зон и садятся на свои места. Compere 1: And what season is this?
Try to guess:
This is the season when nights are short And children have plenty of fun and sport.
Boating and swimming all day long Will make us well and strong.
Children (in chorus): It is summer.
Звучит музыка П.И. Чайковского: «Времена года - лето». Compere 1: That’s right. Now I want the summer months and one boy and one girl to come up to me.
Дети выходят на сцену.
The boy:
The sun is shining.
Flowers are blooming.
The sky is blue And rains are few.
The girl:
Without my shoes,
Without my socks My feet touch grass,
My feet touch rocks.
Come, my children, come away For the sun shines bright today.
Little children, come with me Birds and trees and flowers to see!
Get your hats and come away,
For it is a pleasant day.
Let us make a merry ring,
Talk and laugh, and dance and sing!
Quickly, quickly come away,
For it is a pleasant day!
Дети на сцене берутся за руки и поют, танцуя в хороводе: We like flowers that are bright,
We like flowers that are white,
We like flowers that are blue,
We like red and yellow flowers, too.
Дети возвращаются в зал.
Compere 1: Now we come to autumn.
(Звучит музыка П.И. Чайковского: «Времена года - осень» September, October and November, come up here.
Дети выходят на сцену.
Compere 2:
There are twelve months in a year,
From January to December.
The finest month of all the twelve Is the merry month September.
Autumn is the season When apples are sweet.
It is the season
When school-friends meet;
When noisy and gay,
And browned by the sun With their books and bags To school they run.
“Come, little leaves,” said the wind one day.
“Come over the meadows with me and play.
Put on your dresses of red and gold,
For summer is gone and the days are cold.”
What a rainy season!
The sky is dark and grey.
No sunshine any more!
No playing out of doors.
Compere 2: Is autumn a rainy season?
Children (in chorus): Yes, it is.
Compere 1: Which is the coldest season?
Children (in chorus): It is winter.
Звучит музыка П.И. Чайковского: «Времена года - осень»
Compere 1:
Let us talk about winter.
You are welcome, winter months and two boys!
Осенние месяцы уходят, им на смену идут зимние месяцы и два мальчика.
This is the season When children ski,
And old Father Frost Brings the New Year tree.
The windows are blue at night,
But in the morning they are white,
And snowflakes are falling.
“Come out,” they are calling.
Get out bed and take your sled This cold and frosty day;
The sun is bright, the snow is right For outdoor winter play.
Boy 1:
When windows are frosty and icy in places,
I like to write letters and draw funny faces.
Boy 2:
Where is my cap? My warm little cap?
My boots and my mittens too?
I want to go and play in the snow And have a lot of fun. Do you?
Надевает шапку, ботинки и варежки. Звучит композиция ветра из «Времён года» П.И. Чайковского.
Compere 1:
The snow is felling,
The north wind is blowing;
The ground is white
All day and all night.
На сцену влетает и машет руками ветер. На нём белая накидка с полосками.
The wind:
Little snowflakes, come and play,
I have nothing to do today.
Вбегают снежинки в соответствуюгцих костюмах.
Here we come! Oh, what fun!
We are dancing and floating in the sun.
Снежинки танцуют под музыку песни “If It Snows ” (учебник для V класса И.Н. Верещагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой, урок 20):
The Wind:
Come on, snowflakes, come witch me.
There are many things to see.
Снежинки, танцуя, убегают со сцены. За сценой слышны голоса Деда Мороза и Снегурочки.
Santa Claus (звонит в колокольчик):
May we come in?
Winter months:
Yes! Do! You are welcome!
We are all glad to meet you.
Santa Claus:
Let’s sing a song about the seasons of the year.
Все поют песню “What’s the Weather Like Today?” (учебник для IV класса И.Н. Верегцагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой, урок 1).
Compere 1:
Now, a play. Let us watch the play “Cinderella”.
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