Sea-creature idioms
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Дмитриева Наталия Николаевна

Презентация на тему "Sea-creature idioms" для 8-9 классов


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Слайд 1

One of the most important people in a small group or organization. ''As the manager of a local company, he enjoys being a big fish in a small pond.'' A big fish in a small pond Sea-creature idioms

Слайд 2

If people are ''packed like sardines'', there are many people in a very small space. ''There were fifty of us in the train carriage. We were packed like sardines'' be packed like sardines

Слайд 3

If the world is your oyster, you have freedom to do anything or go anywhere. ''You are young, healthy and intelligent, and you don't have any commitments — the world is your oyster.'' The world is our oyster

Слайд 4

People or organisations which are not large or important ''These new clients of ours are small fry. We're used to dealing with much bigger organisations.'' Small fry

Слайд 5

Someone who is ''as slippery as an eel'' is dishonest and cannot be trusted ' 'I wouldn't go into business with him. He's as slippery as a eel. as slippery as an eel

Слайд 6

Someone who tricks people in order to get their money. ''When you are asking for information about where to invest, beware of the sharks.'' a shark

Слайд 7

A person who does not seem very friendly and does not show their emotions. ''She's a lovely person, but her husband's a bit of a cold fish.'' a cold fish

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