план-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока английского языка в 4-м классе по теме "Clothes"
Мушаева С.В, учитель английского языка, МКОУ «Цаганаманская гимназия»
Класс: 4.
1 этап. Организационный. Методы и формы работы: словесный, фронтальный. Слайд 1
Teacher: Good morning, dear friends!
Take your places, please. I am very glad to see you. How are you today
. Речевая зарядка:
Do you like today's weather? What is the weather like? Is it winter or spring?
Thank you. What the date today? And what day is it today? I hope we'll have a wonderful time together.
Ok, let's begin our lesson with the phonetic drill.
Фонетическая зарядка: - Слайд 2
Teacher: Now, children, look at the screen. Let’s click on the words, listen and repeat.
Подведение к теме:
Ok, thank you. Now, friends, I will read you a poem. But it is unusual-I will begin it in Russian and you please finish in English. (Стихи-договорки)
Летом жарко, пот течет,
Футболку я возьму (T-shirt).
Чтоб пойти играть на корт,
Одевай-ка шорты (shorts).
Ничего приятней нет,
Чем примерить шляпу (hat).
Кто и что здесь разберет,
Где моя рубашка (shirt)?
Я однажды в шкаф залез
И обнаружил платье (dress).
Моя мама шьет и ткёт,
Чтобы вышла юбка (skirt).
Загляни-ка в темный шкаф,
Там, на полке шарфик, (scarf).
Рядом дремлет серый кот,
На моем пальтишке (coat).
A по полкам, прыг да скок,
Скачет мой носочек (sock).
Наряд ношу всегда один —
Голубые джинсы (jeans).
Чтобы ходить, как важный туз,
Нужны ботинки, туфли, (shoes).
Знает даже мышка mouse,
Что блузка по-английски (blouse).
Слайд 3. перечисляю:coat, jeans,jacket,skirt- what is it?
In different weather people wear different clothes.
Please, look at the screen. It is a proverb. (Слайд 4)
«There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes».
Обучение монологической речи и письму.
Do you agree with this proverb? Now tell me, please, what do you wear in different weather? (Слайд 5-На экране):
When it is cold I wear…
When it is hot I wear….
When it is rainy I wear….
When it is snowy I wear….
When it is warm I wear…..
Thank you very much you are good boys and girls.
Now please open your work-books-Ex.1
At first, listen attentively and write down what colors of clothes Alice and Billy are wearing now. (Слайд 6-Эллис и Билли)
Ok, I would like to describe your classmate's clothes
5 этап-разминка (слайд 8)
I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest and do warm up. Stand up please.
Перетаскивание-игра Слайд 9
Now friends let's play. You must drug the words to the pictures.
Слайд 10 – Open you book at page 88, ex.8
Please, read the task, Саша
Listen, please.
Обучение диалогической речи. В магазине одежды. Методы работы: словесный, игровой, парный.
Teacher: Children! Now let's imagine that one of you is a shop assistant and another is a customer choosing clothes at the shop .Let's read and act out the dialogue. (выбрать продавца и двух покупателей)
(на фоне магазина диалог)
Разыгрывается диалог у доски.
Обучение чтению. Чтение с извлечением основной информации.(пустой слайд12)
Teacher: Now children I want you to read the text about different kinds of clothes.
There many kinds of clothes: casual, clothes for parties, professional clothes, national clothes and so on. We like casual clothes: jeans, shirts and trainers. Doctors wear special clothes. Some people prefer national clothes. |
Ok, thank you. Now my dear friends, we have an opportunity to watch our national Kalmyk dress. This dress was made by girls of our Gymnasium and their teacher Наталья Павловна Лиджанова.Very nice dress, isn’t it? (Ответы учеников)
And now my friends I want to tell you about one more kind of clothes. We call such clothes military uniform. Look at the screen: Who is this? This is our Soviet soldier and such was his clothes during Great Patriotic War. Can you describe what clothes? Name please. (The cap-фуражка, пилотка, overcoat-шинель, shirt-рубашка, гимнастерка, pants-брюки, boots-сапоги). Well done.
Do you know what a great day will we celebrate?
Слайд 14-День Победы
Рефлексия: Our time is up! The lesson is over! Please, answer my question and show me you your fingers. At first hold your hand. Was our lesson interesting?
Have you learnt something new?
Do you like to wear nice clothing?
Did you like our Kalmyk dress?
Did you like our English lesson?
We had a good time. We worked very well. We know much about «Clothing». We are in a wonderful mood because we remember everything. I’ll give you excellent marks. Thank you!
1. http://englishearly.ru/stihi-doskazki-pro-odezhdu/
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