Открытый урок " Британские школы" для 6 класса на английском языке
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
сценарий метапредметного открытого урока с раздаточным материалом в виде карточек ( разных видов заданий)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок в 6 классе
Тема урока: Speaking about British schools. Have we got the similar things at our schools.
Задачи урока:
- Образовательные: актуализировать употребление лексики по теме» Британские школы», тренировать уч-ся в использовании модальных глаголов, учить воспринимать на слух текст с извлечением нужной информации, тренировать диалогическую и монологическую речь.
- Развивающие: развивать познавательный интерес, правильное распределение своего времени, умение пользоваться словарём, применение языковой догадки.
- Воспитательные: воспитывать интерес к изучению англоговорящих стран, их системы школьного образования.
- Коммуникативные (практические): учить высказывать своё мнение и аргументировать его, запрашивать информацию и вести диалог типа « интервью».
Сценарий урока
Этап урока | Времямин. | Цель | Деятельность учителя | Деятельность обучающихся |
1. | 2 min. | Введение в учебную деятельность | - Good morning. I’m glad to see you. You may sit down. We have guests today. Our dear friends, we are greeting you too. - How are you, Liza? - Today we’ll work in groups (group 1, 2, 3). At the end of our lesson we’ll see whose group will be the best. | - Good morning, M. S. We are glad to see you too. - I’m fine, thanks. (Students are taking small pieces of coloured paper . According to the colour (green, yellow or red) pupils are grouping). |
2. | 2-3 min. | Актуализация лексикипо теме | - At first let’s listen to the part of a song and try to make your suggestions what our topic of the lesson will be. - What will we speak about during the lesson? | (Students are listening to the song “What did you do on Monday? What did you do at school?” and giving their opinion). We’ll speak about school (school life, what we do at school etc.) |
3.1. | Практическая деятельность уч-ся | 2-3 min. | Now work in your groups. Take the sheets of paper. On your sheet make a list of words – your associations with school. You have 1-2 min. to work with the group, then we’ll write a word web on the blackboard. Shares your ideas with other groups. | Students are working in groups and drawing a cluster on their sheets and on the blackboard. |
3.2. | Работа с аудиотекстом № 39 с целью получения необходимой информации | 10 min. | Today we have guests not only from our school but from the other places. Look at them. I’ll introduce them to you. This is Nikita. - Where is he from? This is Alice. Where does she live? -Nikita is very interested in British schools. And Alice is eager to tell Nikita about them. - Now take card 1 ( see reference 1). You’ll listen to Nikita’s and Alice’s conversation and fill in the table. Work individually and make notes (a word or a word combination), then compare with your partners. We are going to listen to dialogue again and complete the sentences in task 2. Compare your ideas in groups and be ready to speak about new information. | -He is from Russia. -Alice lives in Great Britain. Students are listening to the dialogue, making notes, discussing in groups and presenting the new information, which they will have been heard. |
3.3. | Работа над составлением школьных правил с целью тренировки использования модальных глаголов | 8 min. | Mr. Wooding, the headmaster of the British school (ESLS) has warned children about discipline. He said: “Dear children, now you are the guests at our school. We’ll study together for some days with the Russian students. There are some rules, which you have to follow” Take the card 2 (see ref. 2). You will work in pairs. Read and complete the sentences with the modal verbs (have to, must, mustn’t, can, could, may, can’t, needn’t). In the card there is one extra line for making your own rule. The ideas from the book can help you (p.62, ex.56) 4 | Students are reading the beginning of the sentences and completing them, using model verbs. |
4. | Самостоятельная работа с проверкой по эталону | 10 | Nikita is a very curious boy. He wants to know more about school life in Britain. Now you will work with the card 3 (see ref.3). There are three small pieces of information which Alice gives to Nikita. You have to read and make up the questions to the texts. Before your work look at the blackboard and revise how to ask questions. Now listen to the CD and compare your questions with the right variants. Then I would like you to compare British schools and our schools. | Pupils are reading the texts and making up questions. They are listening and comparing with the model. |
5. | Включение в систему знаний, повторение | 6 | As a conclusion I want you to think what school is for you. Try to invent the philosophical poem, using the form of sanguine. Lessons Boring, interesting Think, discuss, create We have many lessons Life | Children are creating their poems. |
6. | Рефлексия уч-ся своей деятельности | 5 m. | Finally, let’s see how our groups have worked. Put points to your group and to the other groups according to the criteria into the table (see ref.4) | Students are giving marks to their work. |
1. Card № 1
- Listen to Alice and Nikita and fill in the table.
- Complete the sentences with the information about Alice from the table and about yourself.
- Alice goes to school from ___________till_______________.
I go to school from ________________till_______________.
- She has holidays in_________________________________.
I have holidays in____________________________________.
- In Britain summer holidays last_________________________.
In Russia they last____________________________________.
- Alice wears ( doesn’t wear) a school uniform.
We wear( don’t wear) a school uniform.
- Alice studies ____________language at school.
I study ____________.
Card №2
Complete the text of the school rules with have to / must / mustn’t / can / could / may / can’t/ needn’t. Do you have similar rules in your school? Add your rule to the list.
Dear children ,
Now you are the guests of the East Square London school. We’ll study together for several days. There are some rules, which you have to follow.
- You __________ listen to your teacher and carry out your teacher’s orders.
- Don’t forget that you ________ wear your school uniform at school.
- If you want to ask something, raise your hand and ask:”_________ I go out, please?” or “__________ give me a book, Ms Smith?”
- Read the conversation between Nikita and Alice. Guess Nikita’s questions.
- Nikita:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
- Alice: At 8.30 when registration begins. The teacher writes down whether the student is in school or not in a special book. Then the teacher tells us what events will take place that day or that week. Then we have the first lesson, which lasts an hour.
- Nikita:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
- Alice: No, I have lessons in different classrooms and places around the school. And different teachers conduct different lessons.
- Nikita:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
- Alice: Five or six lessons. We finish at 3.15 pm.
How did the groups work?
Criteria | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 |
Activity | |||
Grammar and lexical accuracy( правильное использование грамматики и лексики) | |||
Organizing ( распределение ролей, принятие совместного решения) |
- 5 - excellent; 4 - good; 3 - satisfactory; 2 - could be better
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