методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Викторина на знание страноведческого материала по Соединенному Королевству Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Викторина содержит разделы: география, история, достопримечательности, столица, культура, спорт и литература. Приложения к викторине: фото достопримечательностей Лондона, видеоматериал "Интересные факты об Англии".
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Предварительный просмотр:
- How many countries does the UK consist of? (4 : England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland)
- What is the capital of Scotland? ( Edinburgh)
- What is the longest river in England? (the Severn)
- What is the capital of Wales? ( Cardiff)
- What is the capital of Northern Ireland? (Belfast)
- What is the most mysterious lake in the UK? (the Loch Ness)
- What is the population of the UK? (58 mln)
- How is the flag of the UK called? (the Union Jack)
- What is the national emblem of England? ( Red Rose)
- What is the national emblem of Wales? ( Daffodil)
- What is the national emblem of Scotland? (Thistle)
- What is the national emblem of Northern Ireland? (Shamrock)
- What Houses does the English parliament consist of? (the House of Lords , the House of Commons)
- Where does the Lord of Chancellor sit? (on the Woolsack)
- What country is the UK? (Parliamentary Monarchy)
- When was the Great Fire? (1666)
- Who is the head of the UK? ( Queen Elizabeth 2)
- How many children have the Royal Couple? ( 4: Charles, Anne, Andrew, Edward)
- What name was given to Great Britain by Julius Caesar? (Albion)
Sights of London are demonstrated. Students try to guess.
-Trafalgar Square
-St. Paul’s Cathedral
-Buckingham Palace
-The Tower of London
-Westminster Abbey
-Tower Bridge
-Madam Tussaud’s Museum
-Hyde Park
- The British Museum
-The London Eye
- What river does London stand on?
- The Severn
- The Trent
- The Thames
- The Potomac
- The population of London is about …
- How is the most important business part of London called?
- The City
- The Town
- The Country
- The Capital
- How old is London?
- 1000
- 1500
- 2500
- 2000
- What is the largest park in London?
- Green Park
- St James Park
- Hyde Park
- Regent’s Park
- What are the saint birds of the Tower of London?
b) swans
c) ravens
7. Where is London Zoo?
a) in Hyde Park
b) in Regent’s Park
c) in St. James Park
d) in Green Park
8. Whose monument is in Trafalgar Square?
a) Sherlock Holmes
b) William Shakespeare
c) Lord Nelson
d) Agatha Christie
9. What is the famous airport in London?
a) Domodedovo
b) Heathrow
10. Picadilly Circus is the meeting point of …
a) 4 streets
b) 6 streets
c) 5 streets
d) 7 streets
11. The changing of guard happens every day at …
a) 12.30 am
b) 12 o’ clock
c) 11.30 am
d) 10 o’ clock
12. What is the address of the Prime Minister?
a) 10, Baker Street
b) 10, Downing Street
c) 10, Fleet Street
d) 10, Queen Street
- What are the most famous universities in the UK? (Oxford, Cambridge)
- What is the most popular group from Liverpool? (Beatles)
- What is the favourite hot drink in Britain? ( Tea)
- What is tartan? ( Scottish national fabric)
- What is the kilt? (a man’s skirt in Scotland)
- Where does the ceremony of the Keys take place? (At Buckingham Palace)
- Name the National Shakespeare Theatre. (The Globe)
- What is the national musical instrument of Scotland? (a bagpipe)
- Name the national sport of Wales. (Rugby)
- Name the traditional rowing race between two universities. (The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race).
- What is the name of the most famous stadium in London? (Wembley Stadium)
- Name the national sport of Scotland. (golf)
- Who lived in Baker Street? (Sherlock Holmes)
- Who can be called “ the Queen of the Detective”? ( A. Christie)
- Who is the author of “ Robinson Crusoe”? ( Daniel Defoe)
- Who wrote “ Mawgly”? (R. Kipling)
- Where was Shakespeare born? (Stratford –on-Avon)
- Who wrote “ Winnei-the Pooh”? ( A. Miln)
- Who wrote the book “ Gulliver’s Travels”? (Jonathan Swift)
- Who lived in Sherwood Forest? ( Robin Hood)
- Who is the author of “ Alice in Wonderland” ( Lewis Carroll)

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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