Тест "Условные предложения "
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Герман Наталья Геннадьевна

Тест соответствует уровню Intermidiate по теме Conditionals. Ресурс представлен в виде готового дидактического материала,в 2 вариантах готового к печати .


Microsoft Office document icon conditional_mood.doc34 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

CONDITIONAL MOOD                                                                       VARIANT 1

1. The burglars _____________________ (not do) so much damage if you hadn´t locked all the drawers.

2. If he had slipped he ________________________ (fall) 500 metres.

3. They would have forced their way into the house if I ______________________ (not call) for help.

4. You ________________________ (not be) of any use to me unless you learn to type.

5. I ____________________________ (bring) you some beer if I had known that you were thirsty.

6. You´ll get a cold if you ________________________ (not change) your wet clothes.

7. I´ll probably get lost unless he ________________________ (come) with me.

8. I could repair the roof myself if I ________________________ (have) a ladder.

9. If a train entered this tunnel, it ___________________________ (not come) out again.

10. If you had told me earlier, I ________________________ (be able) to help you.

11. If you ___________________________ (come)with us, we would have been pleased.

12. You ___________________________ (not make) such a mistake if you had been more careful.

13. If father ________________________ (be) alive he would be horrified.

14. If it ________________________ (be ) fine tomorrow we shall go for a swim.

15. If he is out, I ________________________ (call) tomorrow.

16. You`ll miss the train if you ________________________ (not hurry).

17. If you had gone to the exhibition you ________________________ (enjoy) it.

18. If I ________________________ (be) in your position I would act differently.

19. If he had had 50 euros, he ________________________ (go) to the stadium.

20. If that ship ________________________ (sink) there will not be enough life boats on board.

CONDITIONAL MOOD                                                                     VARIANT 1

1. The burglars _____________________ (not do) so much damage if you hadn´t locked all the drawers.

2. If he had slipped he ________________________ (fall) 500 metres.

3. They would have forced their way into the house if I ______________________ (not call) for help.

4. You ________________________ (not be) of any use to me unless you learn to type.

5. I ____________________________ (bring) you some beer if I had known that you were thirsty.

6. You´ll get a cold if you ________________________ (not change) your wet clothes.

7. I´ll probably get lost unless he ________________________ (come) with me.

8. I could repair the roof myself if I ________________________ (have) a ladder.

9. If a train entered this tunnel, it ___________________________ (not come) out again.

10. If you had told me earlier, I ________________________ (be able) to help you.

11. If you ___________________________ (come)with us, we would have been pleased.

12. You ___________________________ (not make) such a mistake if you had been more careful.

13. If father ________________________ (be) alive he would be horrified.

14. If it ________________________ (be ) fine tomorrow we shall go for a swim.

15. If he is out, I ________________________ (call) tomorrow.

16. You`ll miss the train if you ________________________ (not hurry).

17. If you had gone to the exhibition you ________________________ (enjoy) it.

18. If I ________________________ (be) in your position I would act differently.

19. If he had had 50 euros, he ________________________ (go) to the stadium.

20. If that ship ________________________ (sink) there will not be enough life boats on board.

 CONDITIONAL MOOD                                                                     VARIANT 2

  1.  If he ______________________ (be) able to win that match he would have made it to the finals.
  2.  If it ________________________ (clear) up we could still have a game of tennis.
  3.  If he sends the letter off today Joan ________________________ (have) it by Monday.
  4. If I ________________________ (not smoke) like a chimney the curtains would not get so yellow.
  5. If my wife ________________________ (have) a dishwasher I would not have to dry up daily.
  6.  If you are good I ________________________ (buy) you a box of chocolates.
  7.  If John ________________________ (eat) those mushrooms he would not have survived.
  8. If the weather lasts for one more week the farmers ____________ (be) able to bring in the harvest.
  9. He might have been happier at school if he ________________________ (be) good at sport .
  10. If his French lessons at school _____________ (be) more interesting, he wouldn´t have studied German.
  11. If he hadn´t specialized in languages, he ___________________________ (might do) mathematics.
  12. He was seriously ill. If he hadn´t been sent to a very good hospital, he _____________ (die).
  13. He wouldn´t have become a teacher if he ________________________ (not meet) a certain man.
  14. If he hadn´t met a certain woman, he ________________________ (might not go) to live abroad.
  15. If he ________________________ (work) less hard, he might enjoy himself more.
  16. He would not have been so happy if he ________________________ ( not have) a very good life.
  17. If I ________________________ (be) you I would go home immediately.
  18. If you had married Peter you ________________________ (have) a very unhappy life.
  19. I would tell you the answer if I ________________________ (know) it.
  20. If John ________________________ (smile) sometimes, he would be more attractive.

CONDITIONAL MOOD                                                                     VARIANT 2

  1.  If he ________________________ (be) able to win that match he would have made it to the finals.
  2.  If it ________________________ (clear) up we could still have a game of tennis.
  3.  If he sends the letter off today Joan ________________________ (have) it by Monday.
  4. If I ________________________ (not smoke) like a chimney the curtains would not get so yellow.
  5. If my wife ________________________ (have) a dishwasher I would not have to dry up daily.
  6.  If you are good I ________________________ (buy) you a box of chocolates.
  7.  If John ________________________ (eat) those mushrooms he would not have survived.
  8. If the weather lasts for one more week the farmers ______________________ (be) able to bring in the harvest.
  9. He might have been happier at school if he ________________________ (be) good at sport .
  10. If his French lessons at school ____________________ (be) more interesting, he wouldn´t have studied German.
  11. If he hadn´t specialized in languages, he ___________________________ (might do) mathematics.
  12. He was seriously ill. If he hadn´t been sent to a very good hospital, he________________ (die).
  13. He wouldn´t have become a teacher if he ________________________ (not meet) a certain man.
  14. If he hadn´t met a certain woman, he _________________________ (might not go) to live abroad.
  15. If he ________________________ (work) less hard, he might enjoy himself more.
  16. He would not have been so happy if he ________________________ ( not have) a very good life.
  17. If I ________________________ (be) you I would go home immediately.
  18. If you had married Peter you ________________________ (have) a very unhappy life.
  19. I would tell you the answer if I ________________________ (know) it.
  20. If John ________________________ (smile) sometimes, he would be more attractive.

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