Задания для конкурса "Лучший военный переводчик"
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Данные задания предназначены для проведения конкурса "Лучший военный переводчик" среди обучающихся довузовский образовательных учреждениях Министерства Обороны РФ.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Use the verbs in brackets in the past continuous or past simple.
The rebels (0) were not expecting (not expect) an airdrop in daylight and the legionnaires (1) …….. (have) the element of surprise. After a brief fire fight at the DZ, a command post (2) …… (be set up) and the units (3) ……… (advance) towards their objectives. At that moment, the rebels (4) …….. (hold) more than two thousand foreign workers around the town. Street fighting (5) ….. (continue) all day but at 17.55 Lieutenant Colonel Erulin (6) …… (postpone) the second airdrop until the next morning.
2. Use the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or past simple.
1. Markus …… with the UN mission in the Congo in 2001. (serve)
2. He …… in Cape Gold six months ago. (arrive)
3. He …… his family since December. (not see)
4. He …… to eight weddings since he arrived. (be)
5. Markus is still on patrol. He ….. to the base. (not return)
3. Put the ranks in the correct order.
4. Label the picture. Use these words.
5. Match the words with the definitions.
1) A short run by an aircraft at a target.
2) The area paratroops land or equipment is dropped by parachute.
3) A group of paratroops assigned to one aircraft.
4) The person who controls paratroops from entering the aircraft until they exit.
5) A formation of forces that land at the same time.
6) When troops or equipment leave an aircraft.
a) airdrop
b) drop zone
c) jumpmaster
d) pass
e) stick (or chalk)
f) wave
6. Match the formations and pictures. Use these words.
7. Match the words with the definitions.
1) Another word for pilot.
2) The front of a ship.
3) The back of a ship.
4) An operational flight by one aircraft.
5) A unit of speed for ships and aircraft.
6) A group of ships.
a) aviator
b) bow
c) flotilla
d) knot
e) sortie
f) stern
8. Match the words with the definitions.
1) Major battles and operations where a country uses all its military strength.
2) Another word for combat techniques.
3) To increase the number of personnel or other assets.
4) A description of possible future events.
5) A military exercise using real ammunition.
6) When a military force is prepared to deploy rapidly.
a) augment
b) high intensity conflict
c) high readiness
d) live firing
e) scenario
f) warfighting skills
9. Correct the spelling mistakes.
1) civilan
2) wepon
3) nucleur
4) ennlisted
5) the drauft
6) autority
7) distingish
8) missil
10. Match the types of war (a-g) with their descriptions (1-7).
A war …
1) that isolated clashes might degenerate into…
2) between East and West that lasted from 1945 to 1989.
3) where nuclear arms are used.
4) where nuclear arms are not used.
5) between factions of the same nationality.
6) causing an enormous number of deaths and amount of damage.
7) fought by irregular forces, perhaps avoiding direct confrontation with the other side.
a) full-scale
b) guerrilla
c) civil
d) nuclear
e) cold
f) conventional
g) devastating
11. Write full answers.
1) Has your country got a professional and a reserve army?
2) Does your country have military service?
3) Does your country have a nuclear capability?
4) Have you ever been in a professional army?
5) Have you ever flown in a helicopter?
6) Have you ever dropped from a parachute?
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