Презентация School (5класс)
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Кузенкова Наталья Сергеевна

Презентация School рекомендована для развития лексических навыков  по теме "School". Презентация содержит задания различной направленности и задания различной степени сложности.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Educational aims: To develop the students creativity and associative thinking To instill in students a love of school and its activities Aim/s or Objective/s: To develop lexical skills . To introduce vocabulary to practice the use of the new vocabulary items in context and in speech with the help of vocabulary focused activities. To develop skills of monologue speech. Subsidiary aims : To improve phonetic skills . To improve reading skills. Aids : handouts

Слайд 2

What associations the word gives school classroom chair pupil pencil write sit at lesson DESK

Слайд 3

Stop talking Look at the blackboard Rise your hands Listen to CD carefully What does your teacher ask you to do at the lesson? Open your books Work in pairs Answer my questions

Слайд 4

Listen to the teacher Read Play the ball Have lunch Be quite Look at the blackboard Laugh Jump Choose the verbs which describe the picture Sit at the desk Paint on the wall

Слайд 5

Pupils are writing on the blackboard Children are listening to the teacher Children are jumping Pupils are having lunch Children are sitting at the desks Pupils are reading newspapers and magazines Children are eating Children are quiet and attentive Pupils are laughing Pupils are ready to work Remove unnecessary sentences and try to p ut the other ones in the correct order

Слайд 6

Children are listening to the teacher Children are sitting at the desks Children are quiet and attentive Pupils are ready to work Remove unnecessary sentences and try to put other ones in the correct order

Слайд 7

Look at the figures. What are they? What can we make up from them? circle

Слайд 8

What can we do in these places? Use the modal verb “can” We can skate We can play tag We can ride merry-go-round We can play tennis We can run We can play hide-and-seek We can swim We can play football We can play badminton We can slide We can dance We can swing

Слайд 9

This is my school. We can study and play there. We have a playground, a sports ground, a swimming pool, an ice-rink. There we can play different sport games, swim and spend time with our friends… Look at the picture and read the text. Your home task is to write a composition “The school I like”. Use all the aspects we have studied at the lesson.

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