План-конспект внеклассное мероприятия "The world of fairy tales" для 5 классов
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Внеклассное мероприятие "The world of fairy tales" разработано для учащихся 5 классов. Главная цель мероприятия - мотивировать учащихся к изучению английского языка и чтению зарубежных сказок. Учащиеся заранее подготовили театрализованные постановки сказок "Cinderella" и "Goldilocks and the Three Bears".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
MATCH THE NAME OF FAIRY TALE AND THE COUNTRY IT COMES FROM English fairy tales Russian fairy tales Tatar fairy tales Tales : Kezhe belen saryk, Alice in Wonderland, The Frog Princess, Vassilissa the Beautiful, Shurale, Jack and the Beanstalk , The Star Child , Golden Fish, Three bears, Tom Thumb, Goldilocks and Three bears, A Turnip, Su Anasy.
GUESS THE FAIRY TALE 1st team: "…this time she found a little bottle on it and tied round the neck of the bottle was a paper label with the words "DRINK ME, "beautifully printed on it in large letters. It was all very well to say "Drink me, "but the wise little girl was not going to do that in a hurry;” 2nd team: "He lived in the forest. He climbed and he climbed, and as he climbed he sang a little song to himself: Isn’t a funny How a bear likes honey? Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! I wonder why he does.”
GUESS THE FAIRY TALE 1st team: "Peter wanted to talk to the fairies, but to his surprise they all ran away and hid when he came near. They shouted "There is a boy in the park.” Peter thought for a moment that he was the boy because he was a bird.” 2nd team: "Remember said the fairy godmother you must leave the ball before the clock strikes twelve because at midnight the magic ends. "Thank you fairy godmother” said the girl and she climbed into the coach”
PUT THE SENTENCES IN THE CORRECT ORDER ( Восстановите сказку в правильном порядке ) The Princess and the Pea Cinderella
Предварительный просмотр:
Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия
«Мир сказок» (The World of Fairy Tales) в рамках
недели иностранного языка в школе для 5-х классов
Подготовка и проведение:
Авзалова Миляуша Ильдаровна, учитель английского языка;
Васильева Диана Ивановна, учитель английского языка.
Участники: учащиеся 5-х классов, МБОУ «СОШ № 119» Авиастроительного района г. Казани
Внеклассное мероприятие «Мир сказок» предназначено для учащихся 5 классов. Главная цель мероприятия - мотивировать учащихся к чтению сказок на английском и русском языках, развивать интерес учащихся к чтению зарубежной литературы. В данной разработке представлены план-конспект внеклассного мероприятия, включающий сценарии двух постановок “ Goldilocks and the Three Bears” («Златовласка и Три медведя»), “Cinderella” («Золушка»); презентация с заданиями для выполнения на интерактивной доске; аудио материалы.
Мероприятие проходит в форме спектаклей двух сказок и конкурсных заданий, которые выполняются после просмотра вышеперечисленных постановок. Формы заданий разнообразны, что обеспечивает интерес и внимание учащихся в ходе мероприятия. Кроме того, конкурсные задания позволяют учащимся проверить знание английского языка, умение использовать знакомый языковой материал в новой речевой ситуации. За каждый правильный ответ учащиеся получают сладкий приз. Соревновательный дух, эмоциональная насыщенность, разнообразие видов деятельности - мотивируют учеников на успех.
Лексика, используемая в постановках, практически вся знакома учащимся, поэтому действующие лица не испытывают трудности при заучивании текста, а зрители (одноклассники и учащиеся параллельного класса) – при его понимании. Продолжительность постановки «Goldilocks and the Three Bears» («Златовласка и Три медведя») составляет 6 минут, «Cinderella» («Золушка») – 8 минут. Песни и музыка, которую исполняют участники в инсценировании сказок прилагаются в аудио-файлах.
Проведение и подготовка спектакля способствовала повышению интереса к культурному наследию страны изучаемого языка, выявлению талантов, раскрытию интеллектуального потенциала современных школьников и формированию их профориентации.
Цель урока - повышение интереса к чтению на английском, и на русском языке.
Задачи урока:
- Развивать эстетическое восприятие учащихся.
- Развивать уважение и интерес к литературе России, Татарстана и страны изучаемого языка, развивать и поддерживать интерес к чтению.
- Воспитывать бережное отношение к книгам.
- Совершенствовать умение излагать прочитанный материал в диалогической форме, совершенствовать навыки чтения.
- Обучать учащихся использованию выразительного чтения вслух как одному из приемов формирования культуры устной речи, как средство эмоционального и логического осмысления текста
Оснащение: мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска, компьютер, презентация, раздаточный материал с заданиями.
План мероприятия:
I. Warming-up activity. Организационный этап. Вступительное слово учителя. (3 мин.)
II. Follow –up. Основной этап.
- Театрализованная постановка сказки “Cinderella ” («Золушка» 8 мин).
- Постановка сказки Goldilocks and the Three Bears” («Златовласка и Три медведя» 6 мин.)
- Выполнение конкурсных заданий (25 мин.)
III Rounding-off. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия деятельности и эмоционального самочувствия по итогам мероприятия. (3 мин.)
Методы и технологии проведения мероприятия:
- эвристическая беседа с показом мультимедийной презентации;
- игровые с элементами соревнования;
- драматизация, театрализованные постановки сказок;
- информационно-коммуникационные технологии.
Ход мероприятия:
I. Warming-up
Teacher: Good afternoon, dear friends! Welcome to the world of fairy tales. I am glad to see you. Our festival is related to the Russian and English tales. When I was a child I liked to read Russian tales a lot and now I enjoy reading English tales, stories too. Do you like reading fairy-tales?
Student 1: Yes, I do.
Teacher: What’s your favorite one?
Student 1: “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” by Rowling J.K.
Teacher: And what about yours?
Student 2: I like “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” but my favourite is “The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood”
Teacher: Why do you read fairy-tales or stories?
Student 3: I think it’s very instructive because they teach life.
Teacher: Yes, that’s right! Reading tales is useful, valuable because they expand our outlook; develop speech, imagination and moral values. As for reading English tales or stories, it will help you increase your vocabulary and improve your English. So, during our festival you will listen, read, watch and talk about Russian and English tales, also you will present plays. Today you will be spectators, actors, singers, participants of our festival. Are you ready? Let’s start.
II. Follow –up. Основной этап.
Teacher: Please look at the interactive board. What do you see?
Student 4: The pictures of the tales.
Teacher: Guess the title of the fairy tale, please.
Student 5: I think it’s Goldilocks and the Three Bears” («Златовласка и Три медведя»).
Teacher: You’re right. Well done! And now you will see the play Goldilocks and the Three Bears” («Златовласка и Три медведя»).
1. Театрализованная постановка сказки “”
2. Театрализованная постановка сказки “Cinderella”.
Teacher: Look at the whiteboard. Do you remember this fairy-tale? Of course, it’s “Cinderella” and our actors will present the play.
Teacher: Thanks to our actors for the amazing performance! Clap your hands!
4. Выполнение конкурсных заданий.
Teacher: Our actors are great! Thank you very much. Now
Задание "Соотнеси страну и название сказки"
Look at the blackboard, please. Here you can see the names of the countries, such as Russia, Tatarstan and England. Match the name of the fairy tale and the country it comes from.
English fairy tales:
Alice in Wonderland
Jack and the Beanstalk
The Star Child
Tom Thumb
Goldilocks and three bears
Russian fairy tales:
Go Three bears
A Turnip
The Frog Princess
Vassilissa the Beautiful
Golden Fish
Tatar fairy tales:
Shurale, Su Anasy,
Kezhe belen saryk
Игра "Бюро находок"/ "A Bureau of Finds”
Look at the table. Here you can see different subjects. The characters have lost their things. Please, help them to find them. Name, please, these subjects and say whom they belong to. (На столе разложены различные предметы (некоторые из них могут быть нарисованы).
1. The bottle with a paper label "Drink me”. (Alice in Wonderland)
2. A pot (Winnie-the-Pooh)
3. Аn apple (Snow white)
4. А pumpkin (Cinderella)
5. Аred hat (Red Riding Hood)
6. А shell (Mermaid)
7. Аhair brush (Rapunzel)
For example. It is an apple. It belongs to Snow white.
Чтение отрывка сказки
The next task: I give you extracts from books and you must guess: What books are these extracts taken from?
1st team: "…this time she found a little bottle on it and tied round the neck of the bottle was a paper label with the words "DRINK ME, "beautifully printed on it in large letters.
It was all very well to say "Drink me, "but the wise little girl was not going to do that in a hurry;”
("Alice in Wonderland”).
2nd team: "He lived in the forest. He climbed and he climbed, and as he climbed he sang a little song to himself:
Isn’t a funny
How does a bear like honey?
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
I wonder why he does.”
1st team: "Peter wanted to talk to the fairies, but to his surprise they all ran away and hid when he came near. They shouted "There is a boy in the park.” Peter thought for a moment that he was the boy because he was a bird.” ("Peter Pan.”)
2nd team: "Remember said the fairy godmother you must leave the ball before the clock strikes twelve because at midnight the magic ends. "Thank you fairy godmother” said the girl and she climbed into the coach” ("Cinderella”).
Составление сказки по предложениям
Here are the fairy-tales, but the sentences are mixed. Which of your team will put them together correctly? Read, please your fairy-tales and try to guess their titles.
1st fairy tale -"The Princess and the Pea”
Once there was a prince who was looking for a real princess.
He found many beautiful princesses but he didn’t like them.
In the end he came home, he was very sad.
One night, the weather was very bad and cold.
Somebody knocked at the door.
When the prince opened the door he saw a princess.
She was very wet and dirty.
When the princess wanted to sleep the prince put a pea in her bed.
She slept very bad and was very tired.
The prince knew it was a real princess.
2nd fairy tale - "Cinderella”
Once upon a time there lived a young beautiful girl.
The girl was not happy because her stepmother didn't like her.
She did all the hard work, washed the dishes, tidied the rooms and cooked.
The prince was going to have a great ball.
Fairy godmother turned the girl’s ugly dirty dress into a beautiful one, she turned her shoes into glass slippers and a pumpkin into a carriage.
She went to the ball and danced with the prince.
She ran out at midnight and lost a shoe on the way out.
The Prince found the shoe and went to every house to find the girl who lost that shoe.
He found a beautiful girl who lost that shoe.
The prince and she got married and they lived happily.
III Rounding-off Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия деятельности и эмоционального самочувствия по итогам мероприятия.
Teacher: What fairy tales is the festival devoted to?
Student 1: Goldilocks and the Three Bears” («Златовласка и Три медведя»),
Student 2: «Cinderella»
Teacher: Right! What are their characters?
Student 6: own answers
Student 7: own answers
Teacher: It’s true! Our festival is going to be over. Today everybody has worked very well. Thank you for your participation. Good luck!
Предварительный просмотр:
Задание 1.
English fairy tales:
Alice in Wonderland
Jack and the Beanstalk
The Star Child
Tom Thumb
Goldilocks and three bears
Russian fairy tales:
Golden Fish
Three bears
A Turnip
The Frog Princess
Vassilissa the Beautiful
Tatar fairy tales:
Shurale, Su Anasy,
Kezhe belen saryk
Задание 3. 1st team: "…this time she found a little bottle on it and tied round the neck of the bottle was a paper label with the words "DRINK ME, "beautifully printed on it in large letters.
It was all very well to say "Drink me, "but the wise little girl was not going to do that in a hurry;”
("Alice in Wonderland”).
2nd team: "He lived in the forest. He climbed and he climbed, and as he climbed he sang a little song to himself:
Isn’t a funny
How a bear likes honey?
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
I wonder why he does.”
1st team: "Peter wanted to talk to the fairies, but to his surprise they all ran away and hid when he came near. They shouted "There is a boy in the park.” Peter thought for a moment that he was the boy because he was a bird.” ("Peter Pan.”)
2nd team: "Remember said the fairy godmother you must leave the ball before the clock strikes twelve because at midnight the magic ends. "Thank you fairy godmother” said the girl and she climbed into the coach” ("Cinderella”).
Задание 3
1st fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea”
Once there was a prince who was looking for a real princess.
He found many beautiful princesses but he didn’t like them.
In the end he came home, he was very sad.
One night, the weather was very bad and cold.
Somebody knocked at the door.
When the prince opened the door he saw a princess.
She was very wet and dirty.
When the princess wanted to sleep the prince put a pea in her bed.
She slept very bad and was very tired.
The prince knew it was a real princess.
2nd fairy tale "Cinderella”
Once upon a time there lived a young beautiful girl.
The girl was not happy because her stepmother didn't like her.
She did all the hard work, washed the dishes, tidied the rooms and cooked.
The prince was going to have a great ball.
Fairy godmother turned the girl’s ugly dirty dress into a beautiful one, she turned her shoes into glass slippers and a pumpkin into a carriage.
She went to the ball and danced with the prince.
She ran out at midnight and lost a shoe on the way out
The Prince found the shoe and went to every house to find the girl who lost that shoe.
He found a beautiful girl who lost that shoe.
The prince and she got married and they lived happily.
Предварительный просмотр:
5 a
Match the name of the fairy tale and the country it comes from.
Задание "Соотнеси страну и название сказки"
English fairy tales | Russian fairy tales | Tatar fairy tales |
5 b
Match the name of the fairy tale and the country it comes from.
Задание "Соотнеси страну и название сказки"
English fairy tales | Russian fairy tales | Tatar fairy tales |
Предварительный просмотр:
1st fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea”
Once there was a prince who was looking for a real princess.
He found many beautiful princesses but he didn’t like them.
In the end he came home, he was very sad.
One night, the weather was very bad and cold.
Somebody knocked at the door.
When the prince opened the door he saw a princess.
She was very wet and dirty.
When the princess wanted to sleep the prince put a pea in her bed.
She slept very bad and was very tired.
The prince knew it was a real princess.
2nd fairy tale "Cinderella”
Once upon a time there lived a young beautiful girl.
The girl was not happy because her stepmother didn't like her.
She did all the hard work, washed the dishes, tidied the rooms and cooked.
The prince was going to have a great ball.
Fairy godmother turned the girl’s ugly dirty dress into a beautiful one, she turned her shoes into glass slippers and a pumpkin into a carriage.
She went to the ball and danced with the prince.
She ran out at midnight and lost a shoe on the way out.
The Prince found the shoe and went to every house to find the girl who lost that shoe.
He found a beautiful girl who lost that shoe.
The prince and she got married and they lived happily.
Предварительный просмотр:
1st team: "…this time she found a little bottle on it and tied round the neck of the bottle was a paper label with the words "DRINK ME, "beautifully printed on it in large letters.
It was all very well to say "Drink me, "but the wise little girl was not going to do that in a hurry;”
2nd team: "He lived in the forest. He climbed and he climbed, and as he climbed he sang a little song to himself:
Isn’t a funny
How a bear likes honey?
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
I wonder why he does.”
1st team: "Peter wanted to talk to the fairies, but to his surprise they all ran away and hid when he came near. They shouted "There is a boy in the park.” Peter thought for a moment that he was the boy because he was a bird.”
2nd team: "Remember said the fairy godmother you must leave the ball before the clock strikes twelve because at midnight the magic ends. "Thank you fairy godmother” said the girl and she climbed into the coach”
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Присутствовала на данном
Присутствовала на данном мероприятии. Ребята настолько живо и артистично инсценировали постановки! Замечательная практика английского языка!