план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Краткий конспект урока то теме: "Друзья" по учебнику Тимофеева В.Г.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Цели и Задачи:
- активизировать изученную лексику по теме:
- развивать у учащихся умение творчески использовать усвоенный материал в новых ситуациях;
- развивать умения и навыки монологической и диалогической речи
- развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся;
- развивать умение работать в группах;
- учить оценивать свою работу и работу других учеников;
- воспитывать чувство доброты, поддержки, взаимопомощи.
Video. “Friends”
1. Warm-up.
Every person has a devoted friend and their relations are called friendship. Friendship means relations between people who help each other, have common interests and hobbies, and share the same opinions. So, it’s great!
The title of our lesson is FRIENDSHIP. What words can you bring out as associations with our topic.
And today we are going to speak on lots of topic:
- What is friendship?
- Why do we like our friends?
- Friendless? It’s a problem.
- A friend in need is a friend indeed;
- Friendship between boys and girls
Now you can share your opinions. What do you think about friendship and your friends?
P1: I have a lot of friends and I think we have much in common: we like sport …we understand each other.
P2: I like to be around my girl-friend because she knows a lot of interesting stories and she is fond of reading as me.
P3: I believe a friend is one who will come where I ask him to anytime if I ask.
P4: Friendship is about helping each other.
P5: Many people believe friendship means complete trust and openness in relations.
I wish you…
- Great! And, children: have you got many friends?
- And what is friendship for you?
- What is special about your friends?
- What is your friend like?
- Why do we like our friends?
2. Vocabulary
Now let’s look at the useful language at p.45 and revise some words learn some new words.
Students, what can you say about these people? Try to describe them using useful language.
3. Reading
Now let’s read a story about Katie and answer the questions.
| True | False |
1. Katie didn’t like sport at all. |
2. Once she met a very handsome boy. |
3. A young guy was not attractive. |
4. Katie wanted to be Nick’s girlfriend. |
5 They got married next year. |
4. Speaking
Let’s go on to speak about friendship. Now answer please, do you believe in friendship between boys and girls?
Teacher: Some people say that there is difference between girls’ friendship and boys’ friendship. Now you’ll hear the talk between two teenagers. Try to find out that difference.
– Is there any difference between girls’ friendship and boys’ friendship, Lora?
– Yeah, definitely. I mean, it’s much more important for girls having close friends, who we tell each other everything, you know, our secrets and our feelings. We depend on each other much more. If I am upset, I know, I can get support from my best friend. Well, not, actually, from my best friend, but two or three other good friends, as well. Boys are not just like that. They always talk about things: sports, films, technology, whatever, never their feelings.
– OK, that’s true most of the times. If my girl-friend is giving me a hard time, I keep quiet about it. We may be seemed imperfect, telling friends like: I can’t do with the problems myself. But we can be very good, very close friends. I know some of my friends would, I do know, lend me money or me to fight if I was being attacked.
– Yeah, that’s not really the same, isn’t James? And another thing. Boys don’t stick with their old friends. They are always getting new ones. My two best friends are from primary school, so I’ve known them for 15 years. Haven’t you got a friend from primary school?
– Well, no, I haven’t. The thing is they have changed, I’ve changed. I don’t think, it’s especially good thing to keeping the same friends forever. I just mean, it’s boring
Topic “ Friendship”
Read the following questions and discuss them with your partner.
Report the results to the rest of the class:
- What is friendship?
- What is it based on?
- What proverbs and sayings about friendship do you know? Comment on them.
- In what way can friendship influence people?
- Does it help you to rid of your drawbacks?
- Describe your friend. What do you have in common? Is hour friendship important for you?
- What is friendship?
- Why do we like our friends?
- Friends and free time.
- Friendless? It’s a problem.
Friendship is very great thing. An English proverb says: “A good friend is as the sun in winter”. I think it is a good proverb. A real friend makes your life happier and more interesting.
He/she is clear to you and you want your friendship to last for a very long time. You must always think how to keep it, as it difficult to find a new friend.
Friends have the same interests; they understand, help, respect and trust each other.
As for me I have a friend, too… We like to be together. We often listen to music (go to the cinema, walk about the city, play games, read books) together. We have the same hobby and devote all our free time to it. We speak of all sorts of things. We tell each other our secrets and troubles. Together we decide what to do.
It is interesting to discuss our school life, films that we have seen, interesting books, TV programmes, political news, and the results of sport events.
I never quarrel with my friends (if we quarrel we try to make peace as soon as possible). We share the same ideas about sports (music, books, films friendship). But of course there are some issues on which we have different opinions.
What I like in my friend is that she (he) is always willing to help, to share his knowledge (success, feelings). I like that she (he) is very sensitive, she (he) knows a lot, I can rely on her (him) in any situation. I trust her (him) a lot and she (he) never lets me down.
I respect her (him) for her (his) fairness, strong will. She (he) is very kind-hearted, honest, serious, well-bred, modest, and intelligent. It is easy to get along with her (him). She (he) is always full of ideas. She (he) is good at sports, drawing and music. And there is only one thing I don’t like in her (him): she (he) is sometimes hot-tempered.
Friendship helps me to feel strong and self-confident.
To have good friends you must be a good friend. Here are some of the ways good friends treat each other:
• Good friends listen to each other.
• Good friends don't put each other down or hurt each other's feelings.
• Good friends try to understand each other's feelings and moods.
• Good friends help each other solve problems.
• Good friends give each other compliments.
• Good friends can disagree without hurting each other.
• Good friends are dependable.
• Good friends respect each other.
• Good friends are trustworthy.
• Good friends give each other room to change.
• Good friends care about each other.
Friendship between man and woman is impossible. Period
Is there is such thing as friendship between a man and a woman? Needless to say, friendships differ. A friendly relationship between men breeds respect, friendship between women can be admired yet friendship between a man and a woman is often viewed with suspicion, mistrust and even enmity. Let us try to look into some of the reasons behind this attitude toward the phenomenon.
First, the concept of “friendship” is interpreted in a completely different way by men and women. The female kind of friendship largely implies a relationship based on trust. It is an open secret that women are inclined to pouring their hearts out to each other, they enjoy giving advice and debate a variety of subjects at length, whereas friendship between men is based on deeds. Men hate being filed under the weak or indecisive. Men would rather do something then talk about it. Did you often see a man speaking to his friend for hours? Or do you know any men who like discussing their upcoming fishing trip?
Friendship between a man and a woman is, without doubt, quite possible. There is nothing we can do about it since this form of a friendly relationship does exist. On the other hand, it is still unclear why some men seek friendship with women who do not belong to their inner circle, whereas women seem quite ready and willing to share views and emotions with their male colleagues and regard them as true friends.
The situation is easier to understand once there is a family sitting in the other cup of a balance.
6. Итоги урока, выставление оценок, объяснение домашнего задания (сочинение о друге).
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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