Урок-викторина по теме "Праздники" для 8 класса.
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Урок-викторина для учащихся по теме"Праздники" проводится для обобщения лексики данной темы. Среди заданий викторины, предлагаемых двум командам следующие: повтори скороговорку, сочини историю, блиц-турнир по вопросам о британских и российских праздниках и др.
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Викторина по теме “Праздники». 8 класс.
Dear students! I’m glad to see you. Today we have a competition “Holidays”. We have already divided into two teams. The name of the 1st team is the heart and the 2nd team names the Christmas tree. They are symbols of the most popular holidays of Great Britain. Yelena Aleksevna will give and count the points. Who wants to help her? So …. are the jury. I wish you good luck. Let’s start.
- Warm – up.
The 1st step of our quiz is warm-up. You should say the patter together.
Betty Botta bought some butter,
But she said, “ This butter is bitter,
But a bit of better butter
Will make my batter better”
Peter Piper picked
a peck of pickled peppers,
A peck of pickled peppers
Peter Piper picked.
- You should answer some of my questions. You say only “yes” or “no”.
- Valentine’s Day is on the 12th of February. -
- A traditional Christmas dinner is roast turkey, roast potato, and Christmas pudding. +
- Halloween is a traditional Russian holiday. –
- People give each other chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday. +
- Most Americans address their mothers as “Mom”. +
- Boxing Day is usually celebrated on the following day after Christmas Day. +
- Mother’s Day is when mothers send presents and cards to their children. –
- New Year’s resolution is something you will try to do better next year; +
- Remembrance Day is when we remember the Royal Family; -
- Every year the people of Spain give London a present – Christmas tree. -
- . Chrismas is a family holiday. +
- Hogmanay is celebrated in March.
- New Year is more popular in Britain than Christmas. -
- Children dress up as witches at Halloween. +
- On April’s Fool Day people sing carols. –
- People receive the cards and have to guess who sent them on the 14th of February. +
- The British burn Marena on a bonfire on Pancake Day. +
- Thanksgiving Day celebrates on the last Thursday of the month of November. +
- Mistletoe plant holds magic powers and protects against disease. +
- The rabbit is the symbol of Maslenitsa. –
- Put the sentences in the correct order to make a story:
a) Later the Judge asked the man why he was arrested
b) One day a policeman stopped a suspicious man and asked him what he was doing in the street at night.
c) and that “Holiday” was his dog’s name.
d) The poor thing said that he was looking for holiday.
e) After that the officer told the man to follow him.
f) The man answered that he was looking for holiday.
Key: b, f, e, a, d, c.
- The test
The next step of our competition is the test. You should choose the right answer. The jury, you should pay attention on accuracy and speed. (Тест раздаётся командам на листочках).
Key: 1с, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6b, 7b, 8a, 9b, 10a, 11b, 12c
- Valentine messages
You know the most romantic holiday Valentine’s Day. One of the main attribute of this holiday is the Valentine message. Try to find them among other phrases. ( раздаются листочки с фразами. Ребята находят и выделяют только послания-валентинки).
Key: 1 4 5 6 10 11 12
- Captain’s competition
You should unjumbled the words.
(Пока капитаны выполняют работу со словами, остальные играют в игру Deaf telephone. Для игры слова: children, families, the tradition, this festival, mistletoe plant, black cats, Many presents, special food.
- Tell the story.
And now I want you to tell about some holidays. In your story you should answer the questions. (Вопросы на доске)
What holiday is it?
When is it celebrated on?
How do people usually celebrate it?
(Вытягивают листочки с названием праздников).
- Конкурс пословиц (Дать русский эквивалент пословиц, связанных с праздниками, правилами поведения. )
- All is well that ends well- Все хорошо, что хорошо заканчивается
- When cat is away, mice will play- Когда кота нет поблизости, мыши веселяться
- The rotten apple injures its neighbours- Испорченное яблоко портит остальные.
Ложка дегтя в бочке меда.
- Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today Не откладывай на завтра все, что можешь
сделать сегодня
- The best is oftentimes the enemy of the good Лучшее часто враг хорошего. Слишком
хорошо - тоже плохо
- Eat at pleasure, drink with measure Ешь вволю, пей в меру
- A hungry belly has no ears. Голодное брюхо ко всему глухо
- All wish, all lose. Многого желать, добра не видать.
Our game is over. Thank you for your good work. Now let’s listen to our jury. The …. team is a winner.
The storm of applause for you.
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