Рекомендации к написанию письма в ЕГЭ
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Алгоритм написания личного письма и эссе в разделе "Письмо" ЕГЭ
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Различные пути в подготовке учащихся к написанию писем
(в формате ЕГЭ)
Часть 1 –написание личного письма
В последнее время многие учителя , используя различную методическую литературу, ищут пути повышения эффективности обучения учащихся письму.
Если обратиться к формату ЕГЭ, то он включает два задания:
- Написание письма личного характера (100-140 слов)
- Написание эссе с элементами рассуждения (200-250 слов)
Сначала рассмотрим стратегии выполнения этой части экзамена.
Стратегии выполнения этой части экзамена
- Внимательно прочитайте задание и выделите главные вопросы, о которых нужно написать, определите формат письменного задания ( вид письма и тип сочинения)
- Определите, кому адресовано письмо и выберите соответствующий стиль письма .
- Составьте план письма / сочинения и подберите необходимые слова и выражения.
- Пишите в соответствии с планом и помните о делении текста на абзацы.
- Старайтесь использовать не только простые предложения, но и сложноподчинённые, используя средства логической связи.
- Старайтесь правильно употреблять временные формы глагола, используйте разнообразные грамматические структуры.
- Внимательно проверьте работу, обращая внимание на следующие моменты:
- Соблюдается ли формат и стиль высказывания;
- Логично ли текст делится на абзацы;
- Правильно ли использованы средства связи внутри предложений, между
предложениями, между абзацами;
- Проверьте правильность написания каждого слова
Для успешного выполнения этого задания, можно наметить различные пути:
1й путь- опора на модель. Модели хорошо представлены в современных УМК (как отечественных, так и зарубежных авторов) в разделах Writing Help.
В качестве примера можно посмотреть Opportunities (Michael Harris and others), State Exam , Maximiser ( Е.Н.Соловова, И.Е.Солокова), Practice Tests for the Russian State Exam
( Elena Klekovkina and others) и другие. Последние два источника, на мой взгляд, самые удачные для подготовки к ЕГЭ.
2й путь- опора на клише. Клише разрабатываются самим учителем , опираясь на собственный опыт или на опыт коллег.
3й путь- опора на предварительные упражнения, которые можно взять готовые из УМК или составить самостоятельно. Какой путь лучше ? Моё мнение- использование всех путей.
Что касается 1го пути,- использование модели, то я не буду останавливаться, так как наши и зарубежные УМК изобилуют такими моделями. Я хочу начать с клише.
Клише для написания личного письма ( в формате ЕГЭ)
Для начала познакомимся со структурой и образцом написания письма.
Структура письма
№ | Что требуется в письме | Рекомендации | Примеры |
1 | Адрес Address | Адрес пишущего указывается в правом верхнем углу
Можно пользоваться общепринятыми сокращениями, которые тоже пишут с заглавной буквы ( Fl, Apt, St, Ave, Pr) | (полный) Flat 5 Block 1 12 Grazhdansky Pr StPetersburg 195299 Russia (краткий) StPetersburg Russia |
2 | Дата Date | Под адресом дата (пропустив строку)
В зависимости от задания (адресата) можно писать британский вариант: дата/ месяц/ год или американский вариант : месяц / дата / год | Saturday, March 1st, 1999 9 September 1999 |
3 | Обращение Greeting | Письмо начинается с обращения, после которого ставят запятую. (с новой строки, пропустив строку) | Dear Sally, Dear Mr Brown, My darling, |
4 | Начало письма Introduction | В начале письма автор обычно
| Thanks for…, Many thanks for…, How nice of you …, I was awfully glad to get your letter… I must apologise for not writing…, I really should have written sooner…. |
5 | Основная часть письма Main Body | В ней должны быть раскрыты все аспекты, указанные в задании. Каждый параграф пишут с новой строки, пропустив строчку. | |
6 | Конец письма Conclusion | В конце письма автор упоминает о дальнейших контактах. (с новой строки, пропустив строку) | I’ll write again soon. Looking forward to seeing you. Hope to hear from you soon. |
7 | Завершающая фраза письма Ending | Эта фраза зависит от степени близости автора и адресата, после неё всегда ставится запятая. (с новой строки, пропустив строку) | I love you so much, Lots of love, Much love, Best wishes, All the best, Yours….., |
8 | Подпись автора | Личные письма подписывают без указания фамилии (с новой строки, пропустив строку) | Sally , David |
Образец написания письма
- Greeting
- never begin Dear friend / Pen friend; write the name Dear Jane,
- Introduction
- reasons for writing; / - an apology for a delay in writing / - a thank you to the person for his last letter
- Main Body
- divide your letter into paragraphs and include 2-3 points in each paragraph
- Conclusion
-an excuse to stop writing/ - greetings to the person’s family ( friends) / - an invitation/ - a promise to write again soon, / - a request to the person to reply soon
- Ending
- Lots of love/ Best wishes + your first name
Useful Vocabulary
Useful Vocabulary
Вводные фразы | Заключительные фразы |
Письма с просьбой дать совет. Asking for advice
Вводные фразы | Заключительные фразы |
| Formal
Письма-советы. Giving advice
Вводные фразы | Фразы основной части | Заключительные фразы |
| Formal
| Formal
Примеры подготовительных упражнений для учащихся ( перед написанием личного письма)
Exercise 1. пример взят из Practice Tests for the Russian State Exam (E.Klekovkina…) Macmillan
Put the parts of this letter in the correct order (Part1- Part9)-Key:HDFBGAEC
A.. Anyway, I've got to go now. Loads of homework (unfortunately!)
B. I'm sorry to hear you've had an argument with your best friend and that you're not speaking at the moment. Yes, it has happened to me too, and it's awful, isn't it?
C. Carol
D. Dear Sally,
E. Write back soon!
F. Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you! Well done on passing your exams!
G. I think you need to ask yourself one question: what's more important- that argument or your friendship? I remember when I asked myself that it all became clear. I realized my friendship with Chris was far more important. I called him immediately and told him. We became friends again immediately. Maybe you should do the same thing. Let me know what happens! Good luck!
H. 23 Portland Street
24th September
Exercise 2. пример взят из Reading/ Writing (Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley) Express Publishing
You recently started a new job, and you have decided to write and tell a friend about it. Write your letter, describing the job and the people you work with. (100-150 words)
KEY: 1-A, 2-B, 3-A, 4- X description of yourself, .where you went last night, .news about your holiday, 5-A,B,C
- Who is going to read your letter? A someone you know well В someone you have never met
- Why are you writing the letter? A to apply for a new job В to tell someone your news
3. What will your letter be about? A your new job В your friend's new job
- Which three points below would you not include in the letter? Put a cross (х).
.....reason for writing
.....description of yourself
.....brief description of the work you do
.....where you went last night
.....the people you work with
.....news about your holiday
.....asking the other person to reply
5. Which of the following could you use in the letter? A. short forms B. idioms C. informal vocabulary D. formal, polite expressions
Exercise 3. пример взят из Reading/ Writing (Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley) Express Publishing
You have decided to hold a party at your house on New Year's Eve. Write a letter to a friend who lives in another town, inviting him/her to your party and telling him/her what you have planned for the occasion. (120-180 words)
Key: 1-informal, 2-someone you know well, 3-to invite someone to a party, 4-the reason you are writing,plans and preparations for the party
1 What style would you use for this letter?
2 Who is going to read it?
3 Why are you writing the letter?
4 Which two points below are main topics that you might include in your letter?
.... the reason you are writing
.... why you haven't held a party before
.... a description of your house
.... plans and preparations for the party
.... how much money you will spend on food and drink ....
….recent changes in your town
5. If you were holding a party, what plans/preparations would you make? Use these headings to help you.
• food & drink
• guests
• decorations
6. Read the letter and label the paragraphs with the headings.
• closing remarks • reason for writing • details about the event
What is the main topic of each paragraph?
Paragraph 2
A plans and preparations for the party В the other guests who will be there С Mexican food and decorations
Paragraph 3
A the easiest way to get to Mark's house В specific arrangements for Vic and Monica С how long the party will last
Exercise 4. пример взят из Reading/ Writing (Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley) Express Publishing
Read the sentences and decide which are from introductions and which are from conclusions.
(Key: 1-C, 2-I, 3-C, 4-C, 5-I, 6-I)
- Please let me know as soon as possible.
- I'm writing to invite you to our wedding on 6th May.
- I'm sure it will be fun, and I hope you'll be able to come.
- Looking forward to seeing you then.
- Were organising a fancy-dress party and it would be great if you could come.
- We'd love it if you could come to our house-warming party on 27th January.
Task 5. пример взят из Reading/ Writing (Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley) Express Publishing
Read the short letter of invitation and correct the mistakes in bold.
Dear Sally,
I'm writting to invite you to our cottage near Wynton for the first weekend on June, when Wynton has its annual fair. Its always great fun, and I'm sure you are enjoy it. The fair takes place in the Saturday, with a flower show, a funfair and lots of others things, and there is usualy a big dance at the evening. ..................
The next day Barry and I am going to have a barbecue if the weather will be fine. Most of our freinds have been invited, so
you'll meet some interesting people.
Please let us know if you can make it. Looking forward to seeing you.
Lots of love,
Различные пути в подготовке учащихся к написанию сочинения
(в формате ЕГЭ)
Часть 2 –написание сочинения
Дискуссионные сочинения. Discursive essays.
Тип сочинения и примерный план | Introduction | Main Body | Conclusion |
1 ‘For’ and ‘Against’ essays (formal style) | § 1 -present the topic and state the problem -make a general remark about it without giving your opinion | § 2,3 -Arguments “for”( 3 points) -Arguments “against”(3 points) (support your arguments with examples) | § 4 - your opinion based on the given arguments |
2. Opinion essays (formal style) | § 1 - introduce the subject and state your opinion | § 2-4 – or more paragraphs - first viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples -second viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples - the opposing viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples | § 5 - summarise what you’ve said -restate your opinion using different words |
Useful Language (FOR and AGAINST essay)
- Introduction ( state the topic /problem , you talk generally about the topic, you may ask a question or start with a quotation)
- As a general rule……. It is popularly believed that…….. It is often suggested…….People often claim that…….A lot of people think that…….. Many people are in favour of…… / are convinced that…..
- We all know that…
- Can you imagine …….? Isn’t it amazing……..? Have you ever thought of….? Isn’t it strange…?
- There are both advantages and disadvantages ……….. Let’s begin with………
II. Main Body (points FOR and AGAINST , along with your justification, appear in two separate
- To introduce points
- The main / most important / greatest advantage of……is that……
- Another advantage/ disadvantage of…… A further advantage/ disadvantage of……
- One point of view in favour of / against… The best/ worst thing about……is………
- To list points
- In the first place… First of all……… To start with… To begin with…
- Secondly… Thirdly…… Finally……… Last but not least………
- To add more points to the same topic
- What is more… Furthermore ……. Moreover………
- In addition to this…. Besides……… Apart from this……….
- To make contrasting points
- on the other hand …… however…… in spite of the fact that ……… despite the fact that………
- while……nevertheless… even though…… although…. it can be argued that………
- To introduce examples
- for example……… for instance… such as…….. in particular…………
III. Conclusion ( you give either your opinion or a balanced consideration of the topic, or give the
reader something to consider, or to end with a quotation)
- To conclude
- to sum up…….. all in all …........ on the whole………. in conclusion ………
- taking everything into account………/ as was previously stated
- All things considered , although there are some disadvantages…….., I believe it is…….
- All in all, I believe that there are more advantages than disadvantages…..
Useful Language (OPINION essay)
- Introduction ( state the topic/ problem ; you may ask a question or start with a quotation; state your opinion)
- state the topic /problem
-Is too much emphasis placed on……?
- Nowadays, we are often told …… Every day… There is no doubt that……..
- Over the past few years,……. Are you among those who……..? Why has……become…?
-The British poet…once said that “….”
- There are various facts that support this opinion.
- To express opinion
- In my opinion……… I believe………. It seems to me…… The way I see it……..
II. Main Body (each paragraph should present a separate viewpoint supported by your reason, another paragraph should present the opposing viewpoint)
- To list points
- In the first place… First of all……… To start with… To begin with…
- Secondly… Thirdly…… Finally……… Last but not least………
- To add more points to the same topic
- What is more… Furthermore ……. Moreover………
- In addition to this…. Besides……… Apart from this……….
- To introduce contrasting viewpoints
- It is argued that……. People argue that……. Opponents of this view say ………
- There are people who oppose……… Contrary to what most believe……….
- To introduce examples
- for example……… for instance… such as…….. in particular…………
III. Conclusion ( you restate your opinion using different words)
- To conclude
- to sum up…….. all in all ……….. all things considered….... on the whole……….
- in conclusion ……… taking everything into account………/ as was previously stated
- All in all, I still feel that the benefits of ……..outweigh the disadvantages.
Примеры упражнений для подготовки учащихся к написанию эссе.
Exercise 1. from Successful Writing –Upper Intermediate, Virginia Evans, Express Publishing
Read the closing paragraphs below and say whether they express a balanced consideration or the writer's opinion.
Key: 1,2,5-writers opinion 3,4,6-balanced consideration
- In conclusion, getting married has, to my mind, more advantages than disadvantages. After all, what can be more fulfilling than a steady relationship with the person you love that lasts for the rest of your life?
- To sum up, camping holidays do have advantages, the main one being that they are far cheaper than other holidays. In my opinion, however, there is too much hard work involved for them to ever feel like a real holiday.
- To conclude, by looking after animals and helping them to breed, zoos play an important part in protecting many species from becoming extinct. Therefore, the negative aspects of keeping animals in captivity are balanced out by the positive ones.
- All in all, computers have both advantages and disadvantages. They may have replaced humans in many jobs, but they have also made our lives considerably easier, and it is now difficult to imagine life without them.
- On the whole, while most people go on holiday to rest, this is one thing you are unlikely to do on an adventure holiday. In my opinion, this disadvantage outweighs all the advantages associated with this kind of holiday.
- Taking everything into account, there are both advantages and disadvantages in keeping pets. In the end it is up to the individual to decide whether the pleasure associated with owning a pet is worth the work that goes with it.
Exercise 2. from Successful Writing –Upper Intermediate, Virginia Evans, Express Publishing
Put these jumbled sentences in the correct order. Then write them out in two separate paragraphs, one including all the advantages, the other all the disadvantages. Finally, write a suitable beginning and ending for this topic.
Key: 1E,2B,3D,4G,5A,6F,7H,8C
Package holidays: Good or Bad?
A However, there are disadvantages to going on a package holiday.
В То start with, package holidays are cheaper than travelling on your own, as the price includes the air fare and hotel accommodation.
С Another negative aspect is that as you have paid for your accommodation in advance, you often feel obliged to stay in that place rather than move around and explore.
D Furthermore, the brochures from which most people select a package holiday usually give you a good idea of what the resort offers, therefore reducing the chances of disappointment.
E Package holidays have several advantages.
F In the first place, as package holidays are less expensive, the hotel is unlikely to be top-class.
G Last but not least, when visiting a new place it is often much easier to have all the details arranged in advance as it can be rather confusing to plan everything by yourself.
H Also package holiday destinations are usually popular tourist resorts, thus there is little opportunity to experience the true culture of the country you are visiting
Exercise 3. from Successful Writing –Intermediate, Virginia Evans, Express Publishing
Underline the correct linking word/phrase. Key: 1-besides 2-argue that 3-in favour of 4-even though 5-for instance
- Besides/Despite, television affects the way we think.
- Many people are against/argue that we need advertisements in order to keep up to date with the latest products on the market.
- One point of view against/in favour of travelling is that it allows you to meet people from different cultures.
- Even though/Nevertheless most people nowadays use a computer at work, it will be a while before we stop putting our ideas down on paper.
- For instance/Still, people who know how to play a musical instrument are usually popular and make friends more easily than others.
Exercise 4. from Reading & Writing Targets 3, Virginia Evans- Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing
Read the opinions about motorcycles and match them to their justification. Which are points for motorcycles and which are against? Key: 1b 2f 3e 4a 5c 6d for:1,4,6 against:2,3,5
Arguments 1 They are very convenient. 2 You can't travel with your friends. 3 They aren't as safe as cars. 4 They are cheaper to run than cars. 5 They can be quite uncomfortable. 6 You can get to your destination quickly and easily. | Justifications a .They use less fuel and need fewer expensive repairs. b. You don't need to rely on public transport, and you can park them easily. с . You can't sit back and relax on them and you're exposed in bad weather. d They travel as fast as cars and you never get stuck in traffic jams. e You aren't well protected and you can get badly hurt if you fall off. f There's only room for one passenger. |
Exercise 5. from Reading & Writing Targets 3, Virginia Evans- Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing
Which of these sentences express the opinion given in the heading, and which express the opposing point of view?
Key: 1,2,4,6-opinion given in the heading 3,5-opposing point of view
"Having a pet is good for you."
1 In my opinion, owning a pet teaches children to become responsible adults.
2 In addition, a pet can be amusing.
3 However, pets need a lot of care and attention.
4 What is more, certain pets can be useful if you train them properly. .
5 On the other hand, pets can be a nuisance.
6 Firstly, a pet can |e good company.
Exercise 6 from Reading & Writing Targets 3, Virginia Evans- Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing
Match the viewpoints to the reasons. Is each point for watching TV, or against?
Key: 1B (for), 2C (for), 3A (against)
Viewpoint 1 TV can be educational. 2 TV provides cheap entertainment. 3 TV can have a negative influence on children. | Justification A - encourages crime, makes violence look exciting В - shows fascinating documentaries (nature/wildlife), keeps us informed about world events, covers international sports events С - can watch variety of films and programmes at home, cheaper than going to the cinema |
Example: You have 40 minutes to do this task.
Comment on the following statement.
Fast food is very popular and saves time for busy working people. However, many experts say that it is not completely healthy.
What can you say for and against fast food? Write 200-250 words.
HELP! Fast Food Restaurants
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