Контрольно - измерительный материал
материал по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.
- Scientists today have no doubt that lack of sleep influences_____our ability
to concentrate.
A) on B) in C) at D) -
- Her ravishing beauty took his breath_____.
A) away B) up С) from D)off
- You should apply_______the advertised position within two days.
A) with B) to C) on D) for
- I’ve never felt so comfortably_______ease at a party.
A) in B) with C) on D) at
- We checked______at 5 a.m. to catch the 7 a.m. flight to London.
A) in B) up C) for D) out
- We were thinking about going to Switzerland, but______the end we went to
A) at B) in C)on D)by
- They arrived______a warm summer morning.
A) on B) in C) to D) at
- We had a heated discussion about it for hours and eventually arrived______a
A) to B) in C) at D) for
- Our neighbours decided to put their house______sale.
A) on B) to C) for D)at
- I hope, you’ll come for sure, please don’t let me_____.
A) in B) out C) down D)off
- The questions seemed easy______first sight, but in fact they were not.
A) on B) in С) from D) at
- This sort of hot and spicy food is very typical____Mexico.
A) with B) to C) for D) of
- Why not take_____some sport for a change?
A) on B) over C) for D) up
- She nagged me so much for a new dress that eventually I gave____to her.
A) in B) up C) for D) out
- Gina and Tim always quarrel but surprisingly always make it______soon after.
A) in В) for С) over D) up
- In our modern and highly competitive world even young people _____from
A) hurt B) ache C) feel D) suffer
- Doctors say, your body needs a period of rest to repair itself and_______it
I from getting tired.
A) delay B) prevent C) avoid D) slow
- If you have some trouble in getting to sleep, try reading a book to calm your mind or_____some exercise and avoid tea, coffee before bedtime.
A) take B) train C) make D) use
- For teenagers it is more important than_______to be successful at school if
you hope to have a chance in the job market.
A) never B) ever C) whenever D) forever
- There are different ways to _______with stress.
A) manage B) control C) carry D) deal
- Most viewers today are_______ to shopping, being influenced by adverts
and TV commercials.
A) keen B) addicted C) interested D) devoted
- Imagine a day without shopping. Can you really buy absolutely for______
just one day?
A) anything B) nothing C) something D) no one
- “A day without laughter is a day_______”, Charlie Chaplin once said.
A) thrown B) exhausted C) wasted I)) absent
- She didn’t mind your coming late._______, it wasn't your fault. A) Besides B) However C) As well I D) It side
- He sits all day long in front of the tally, he’s a real______potato!
A) hot B) roast C) couch D) baked
- Entrance to the museum is free of at weekends.
A) money B) costs C) charge D) price
- The amount of violence in media, be it the television, movies or video games, aggressive tendencies in teenagers.
A) rose B) rises C) raises D) have raised
- Teona is going to Cambridge next week and I’m with envy.
A) blue B) black C) green D) red
- Tim was a young sailor on his first sea .
A) trip B) travel C) journey D) voyage
- _____after you left there was a phone call for you.
A)Shortly B) Short C) Shorter D) Shortest
- I tried to decide____I wanted most: a meal or sleep.
A) what B) that C) whose D) which
- Something smells______. What are you cooking?
A) so strange B) so strangely C) such strange D) such strangely
- Lots of people tend to agree that media_______responsible for creating ideals
about body image.
A) is B) was C) are D) has
- Social networking sites promote communication with friends and family and let people________new relationships.
A) creation B) create C) to create D) creating
- He does as_______as possible at work.
A) few B) less C) little D) a little
- She has never been to the opera, _______.
A) neither have I B) so have I C) neither I have D) I have neither
A) is found B) isn’t found C) is founded D) will he found
- He often has to help his sister,______ ?
A) does he B) has he C) hasn’t he D) docsn'l lie
- There was silence at______end of the phone.
A) another B) farther C) the other D) others
- He looked at_______of us in turn.
A) every B) each C) all D) bol li
- We never go out. We are at home______.
A) all the time B) every time C) always D) usually
- _______visit this part of the town.
A) The most tourists B) Most of tourists C) Many of tourists D) Most tourists
- ______was day already, but he was still in bed.
A) There B) This C) That D) It
- She thanked him for______he had done for her.
A) all what B) all that C) that what D) -
- She was____child.
A) five years old B) a five-year C) a five-years-old D) a five-year-old
- It’s been_______very mild and sunny autumn this year.
A) an B) the C) - D) a
- This resort is popular with______rich and famous.
A) the B) a C) - D)an
- Like all families we have our bad times, but on______whole, we’re happy.
A) a B) - C)an D)the
- Toronto is the main port of_______Lake Ontario.
A)- B) the C) an D) a
- Have you ever been to________southern England?
A) the B) a C) an D) -
- _______Cyprus is an independent state east of Greece.
A) the B) - C) a D) an
- Dad always reads_______Times at breakfast.
A) a B)an C)- D)the
- It’s a fantastic idea, I’ll keep it in ________ mind.
A) the B) a C) - D) an
- Our visit to_______Hermitage was really unforgettable.
A) the B)a C)an D)-
- Welcome to our hotel, here’s your key-_____Room 307.
A) - B)the C)a D) an
- My boyfriend drives_______Ferrari.
A) the B)a C) D)an
- Can I talk to______Professor Lewis?
A) the B)a C)an D)-
- The door creaked and they began to speak in______.
A) a low voice B) low voices C) low voice D) a lower voice
- I don’t like_____changeable weal her.
A) so B) such C) such a D) so a
- Every day_____school begins at 9 and finishes at 3.
A)- B) the C) a D) at
- Oh, darling, I love you so much._______me?
A) Are you marrying B) May you marry C) Will you marry D) Do you marry
- I have not travelled much yet; however, I the Grand Canyon and
San Francisco by the time I leave I he United States next year.
A) will visit B) visit C) have visited D) will have visited
- I many photos and pictures of the pyramids before I went to Egypt.
A) have seen B) had seen C)see D) will see
- In the last hundred years, t ravelling much easier, more comfortable
and convenient.
A) has become B) will become C) became D) becomes
- I wonder when . I )o you know?
A) will they come B) came they C) did they come D) they will come
- Who in this creepy place before us?
A) did live B) does live C) lived D) lives
- Would you please_______ here any more.
A) not come B) don’t come C) not to come D) not coming
- I saw her______those expensive shoes! I want them too!
A)to try B) tried C) has tried D) trying
69.I can’t stop my daughter________lies.
A) to tell B) telling C) tell D) will tell
- Let’s go to the cinema tonight,_______?
A) will we B) don’t we C) shall we D) won’t we
- When I am on holiday, I enjoy________to get up early.
A) to have not B) having not C) not having D) not to have
- There_______interesting on TV lately.
A) isn’t anything B) is nothing C) hasn’t been anything D) was nothing
- They seem_______plenty of money.
A) to have B) having C) have got D) having got
- He_____waiting for you.
A) has still been B) is still C) still is D) still has been
- He asked me .
A) since when I was waiting B) how long I have been waiting C) since when I waited D) how long I had been waiting
1. D; 2. A; 3. D; 4. D; 5. D; 6. B; 7. A; 8. C; 9. C; 10. C; 11. D; 12. D; 13. D; 14. A; 15. D 16. D; 17. B; 18. A; 19. B; 20. D; 21. B; 22. B; 23. C; 24. A; 25. C; 26. C; 27. C; 28. C; 29. D 30. A; 31. D; 32. A; 33. C; 34. B; 35. C; 36. A; 37. B; 38. D; 39. C; 40. B; 41. 42. D; 43. D 44. B; 45. D; 46. 47. A; 48. D; 49. 50. D; 51. B; 52. D; 53. C; 54. 55. A; 56. B; 57. D 58. B; 59. B; 60. A; 61. C; 62. D; 63. B; 64. A; 65. D; 66. C; 67. A; 68. D; 69. B; 70. C; 71. C; 72. C; 73. A; 74. 75. D.
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