открытый урок на тему "Halloween"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
разработка открытого урока 6 класс
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Разработка открытого урока
Учебно-методическое обеспечение: раздаточный материал
УМК «HAPPY English 6» Кауфман учебник для 6 класса общеобразовательной школы .
Технология – здоровьесберегающая
Цели урока :
- познакомить учащихся с традициями и обычаями проведения данного праздника в странах изучаемого языка.
- Развитие навыков монологической речи.
- Формирование лексических и фонетических навыков
- воспитание интереса к культуре других народов.
- формирование творческих способностей, активной жизненной позиции.
- Воспитание толерантного отношения к другим культурам
Учебно-методические задачи.
- Общеобразовательные:
- привлечение учащихся к активной творческой деятельности; -формирование коммуникативного поведения;
активизация навыков и умений в аудировании, говорении, письме; - расширение знаний страноведческого характера.
- развитие памяти, внимания, логического мышления;
- развитие способности к догадке;
- обучать навыкам взаимопонимания;
- формировать чувство ответственности при работе в команде; толерантного отношения друг к другу
-активизировать интерес к изучению английского языка;
-привлечь учащихся к активной творческой деятельности. Здоровьесберегающие:
- создание комфортных условий для организации и обеспечения образовательного процесса.
Оформление и оборудование.
В кабинете расклеены аппликации в форме тыкв и разных персонажей. На видном месте стоят вырезанные апельсины в форме тыквы . Столы расставлены так, чтобы ребята быстро смогли разделиться на две группы . В углах можно повесить пауков. Сделаны жетоны-тыковки для викторин, карточки с заданиями, компьютер, прожектор для показа слайдов , аудиозапись.
Тема урока « Halloween»
1.Организационный момент. Этап введения учащихся в урок. (3 минуты)
Good morning, dear pupils! Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. Today is the 28 th of October . Soon is the 31st of October. Look at our classroom. You can see the decorations in the form of images of witches, ghosts, pumpkins. How do you think what does it mean ? What is theme?
Early people in our country and in others countries believed in witches and ghosts. There were such characters in Art, Literature, Cinematography . But now we don’t believe, because there are no witches and ghosts. But we must know this traditions and respect them. So there is one old tradition in Britain to celebrate Halloween. The aim of our lesson is to know more about this tradition.
How do think what can we do on this day? May be read and translate the text, may be learn new words, make dialogues , play
You are right pupils . Look at our plan .
The plan of the lesson:
- The History of the Halloween
- The words
- Poems
- Quiz
- Sleepovers
- Home task(an invitation)
We start with our phonetic exercises . Look at the screen and repeat after me Halloween, Halloween, magic night.
We are glad and very bright. We all dance and sing “Welcome! Welcome, Halloween!”
Основная часть урока
Halloween is coming. What will you wear? What will you see? Who will you meet?
Стучится Робин Маквизард . Do you hear?
- Hello! My name is Robin Macwizard. I am from Scotland from 16th centure. Dear pupils, do you remember me? (дети – Yes, of course.)
- How did you get to Russia?
- Soon is Halloween and people can travel in time.
- What is Halloween, Robin? And why do you celebrate it?
-It is a long story, but very interesting. My great-grandparents are the Druids. The Druids are the magic people. They can speak to the trees and the animals. There is one day between these two seasons. It is 31 October – Halloween. It is very special and magic day. It is not summer and it is not winter. On this day the dead come back to us and people can travel in time. It is our New Year. 31 October and two days after it are the time of no time.
- Thank you, Robin for your story. Be our guest and sit with us.
Look at the sky. The moon is in the sky. The children are celebrating Halloween. Witches, black cats are in the streets. They are playing tricks.Do you want something to add?
Кто- то из учеников:
In a few days people in the USA, Great Britain and some other countries will celebrate a wonderful holiday – Halloween. Ghosts and witches are free and you can expect to meet them. In Britain it is a day for fun. There are always a lot of parties that night. Some people wear masks, others dress as ghosts and witches. Everybody is happy. At the parties both adults and children have fun, they play different merry games. Why don’t we have a funny party today too? Don't be afraid if you see ghosts, goblins and black cats at our party.
Pupils lets learn much about Halloween, we’ll play a lot today! Let’s start!
Знакомство с новой лексикой с использованием наглядности – картинок.
Do you know these words? (3 минутки)
«Trick-or-treat» – «угощайте, а не то подшутим»
Candy [ kændi, ]-сладости
ghost [gəust] –приведение
Witch[wɪʧ] –колдунья
pumpkin ['pʌmpkɪn] – тыква
spider['spaɪdə] -паук
Girls and boys
Go out to play.
The moon is bright
On Halloween night (Дети надевают маски)
Who are you now? Дети делятся на две команды ведьм и вампиров и говорят We are ghosts …we are witches Choose the captains . Your home task was to learn the poems about Halloween. Are you ready ?LETS LISTEN TO YOUR POEMS POEMS (7минут)
Who’ll be the best in the quiz (15 минут)
You’re divided into two teams : Witches and Ghosts . Here are two pockets for each team.
The first t ask for you come to me and pull the card
1. What day is Halloween celebrated on?
- October 30
- October 31
- November 1
- March 31
2. What colours are associated with Halloween?
- Red and green
- Orange and black
- Yellow and blue
3. Which animals are associated with witches?
- Black cat
- Red panda
- Green frog
4. What is worn around the neck to keep vampires away?
- Garlic
- Pepper
- Onion
- Broomstick
5. If you saw a mummy chasing you in Halloween, which country would you guess it had come from?
- China
- Great Britain
- Egypt
6. What does a witch use for transport?
- A hat
- A broomstick
- A motorbike
7. What is a pumpkin?
- Animal
- Vegetable
- Mineral
- Fruit
8. Which of these words is another word for “ghost”?
- Gnome
- Phoenix
- Sprite
- Phantom
Well done!
Others tasks:
- Find the words. Halloween Word Search
- Help the ghost find the haunted house.
Circle five pumpkins that are the same
Подводятся итоги конкурса Lets check’ who was the best in our quiz. Captains, please count your counters.
Winners take our congratulations !!!
Now open our textbooks at page 54. Ex 4 . Children you must know that Halloweeen is not only a party its a sleepover. Listen to the text ,please , and answer my guestion: What is a sleepover (8 минут)
Слушаем текст стр 54
What is a sleepover?
Its a night excurcion
Right you are and what do you know about this excurcion
Sleepovers organize for children at Halloweeen time
-after sleepovers children come home in the morning
And whats the name of the museum?
Its the Natural History Museum
(p.58-59) Its true pupils, but according to this flyers sleepovers usually take place in the Tower of London and in the Theatre Museum
Which sleepover do you want to go to ?
4.Hometask : your hometask is to write an invitation to your friend or to your parents to sleepover
5. Организационный момент
Our lesson is over. Do you like such kind of work ? Your grades for the lesson: wish you good mood and excellent grades.
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