Adjective comparison
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме
Презентация к занятию по английскому языку, тема: "Степени сравнения прилагательных". К учебнику "Vehicle" Кадырова И.А.
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Подписи к слайдам:
[ oi ] oil, noise, Rolls-Royce [ a :] car, plant, army [ e ] expensive, leather, wealth [ Λ ] bust, comfortable, power [ u :] tool, saloon
Positive Comparative Superlative Rule 1 Fast fast er the fast est Noisy noisi er the noisi est Slow slow er the slow est Rule 2 Interesting more interesting most interesting Wonderful more wonderful the most wonderful
good better The best bad worse The worst many more The most
Rolls-Royce is a big car, a very beautiful vehicle. It is produced by the famous Motor Cars firm in Great Britain. At present it is a symbol of British wealth and prosperity, traditions, quality. It is used by Queen Elizabeth 11 and by important people all over the world. It is hand-crafted and uniquely designed. It is one of the most expensive cars in the world. It is a style of life.
The famous company producing prestige cars was founded by two persons in 1906. Charles Rolls was born in Great Britain in 1881. He died in 1910. He was an aristocrat and a businessman. He was especially interested in cars. In 1904 he met another enthusiast of cars, Henry Royce. Henry Royce (1863-1933) was an outstanding vehicle engineer of Britain. They met and decided to design the most comfortable and reliable vehicle. At the beginning of the 20-th century it seemed to be a fantasy. They worked hard and last they created a well-known Rolls-Royce car in 1907. The car was called the Silver Ghost because it was painted silver and moved silently (without noise like a ghost). It was so comfortable and so reliable that the car hadn't been changed greatly for 20 years since 1907. The model was used by the British army during World War 1 and it got the first prize at the Alp Motor race in 1913.
1.Rolls-Royce Motor Cars limited is situated in Crewe in … A)Scotland B)England C)Wales D)London 2. Charles Rolls was … A)An engineer B)A scientist C)An aristocrat D)A doctor 3. The Rolls-Royce firm was founded in … A)1906 B)1917 C)1907 D)1900
HOME TASK Read the text and answer the questions. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited has its office in Moscow, the capital of Russia. It is known that during six years 60 cars have been sold in Russia. The figure is enormous. Sixty citizens have bought the car with the base price 250 000 dollars, the final price has no cap, depending on the way it is equipped. In 2007 the model of the firm Rolls-Royce the Silver Seraph was regularly bought in Moscow. Each car becomes an antique. New Russians do not buy a car. They buy baron's titles.
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