методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

Шмелева Елена Николаевна

Сценарий праздника на английском языке для учащихся 4 классов.


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Предварительный просмотр:


1 ВЕДУЩИЙ: Spring is coming, I can feel,

How soft is the morning air!

Birds are singing, buds are peeping,

 Life and joy are everywhere!

2 ВЕДУЩИЙ:  The sun is so bright today,

                           Because it is the Mother's Day,

The sky is so blue today

 Because it is the Mother's Day,

Our Mums are so nice today

 Because it is the Mother's Day,

We wish them Happy Mother's Day!(all together)

Звучит песня «'Tis Sprintime».

1 ВЕДУЩИЙ: Today is the 8th of March. We would like to thank our Mums for           everything and make them happy today!

2 ВЕДУЩИЙ:  Our Mums are the nicest, the kindest,  the cleverest and the most careful in the world! And we love them very much!

1 ВЕДУЩИЙ: Listen to the poem “Who Loves Mummy Best”, performed by

the 4th B form.

(стихотворение  “Who Loves Mummy Best”, Хозинский Кирилл, Протасов Михаил, Алена Ежова, Николаев Егор, 4Б)

2 ВЕДУЩИЙ: Do you like fairy-tales, Stasy?

1 ВЕДУЩИЙ: Yes, I do.

2 ВЕДУЩИЙ: And what is your favourite tale?

1 ВЕДУЩИЙ: Cinderella is. This is a  story about a poor girl.

2 ВЕДУЩИЙ: Let's watch “Cinderella” performed by the pupils of the 4th A form.

(сказка «Золушка» в исполнении группы 4 А класса)

2 ВЕДУЩИЙ: Do you know, Stasy, how to set the table?

1 ВЕДУЩИЙ: Of course I do! I always help my mother about the house.

2 ВЕДУЩИЙ: Then listen how the girls of the 4th A form help their mothers do it!

(стихотворение «Help your mother set the table”, Будникова Лиза, Шимарова Мария)

Help your mother set the table

With a knife and fork and spoon.

Help your mother set the table

Every afternoon.

Help your mother clear the table

Take the knife and spoon.

Help your mother clean a table

Motning, night and noon.

1 ВЕДУЩИЙ: So, the table is set! And we can invite our mothers and grandmothers to travel to the magic country!

2 ВЕДУЩИЙ: Meet the pupils of the 4th B with the fairy-tale “Magic Mustard”.

(сказка «Волшебная горчица» в исполнении группы 4Б класса)

1 ВЕДУЩИЙ: We love our mums very much, but we also love our granndmothers!

2 ВЕДУЩИЙ: And our Grandmothers are fond of different animals! Let's sing a song for them!

1 ВЕДУЩИЙ: The song “Old John Brown”!

(все вместе исполняют песню)

1 ВЕДУЩИЙ: We all need mother's love. Even if you are very, very little!

2 ВЕДУЩИЙ: Like Thumblina?

1 ВЕДУЩИЙ: Meet the pupils of the 4th A with their performance “Thumblina”

(сказка «Дюймовочка» в исполнении 4 а)

выходят 4 ученика из 4 а класса и рассказывают стихотворение  “My Mother”. Все ученики хором говорят припев.

2 ВЕДУЩИЙ: And now for our nearest and dearest we want to show a fairy tale. You all know it!

1 ВЕДУЩИЙ: Watch the performance “12 Months” shown by the 4B form!

(сказка «12месяцев» в исполнении учеников 4 Б класса)

1 ВЕДУЩИЙ: I like the way you look,

I like the way you cook.

Now we really want to say -

(all together) HAPPY MOTHER'SDAY!

2 ВЕДУЩИЙ: Your smile is so smart,

The kindest is your heart,

Now we really want to say -

(all together) HAPPY MOTHER'SDAY!

(исполняют песню «Солнечный круг»)

1. Bright blue the sky,
Sun up on high,
That was the little boy’s picture,
He drew for you,
Wrote for you, too,
Just to make clear what he drew -
May there always be sunshine,
May there always be blue skies,
May there always be Mummie,
May there always be me!

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Spring is coming, I can feel it, How soft is the morning air! Birds are singing, bubs are peeping, Life and joy are everywhere!

Слайд 3

′ Tis Springtime

Слайд 4

Thank you, My Dear Mummy!

Слайд 5


Слайд 6

Magic Mustard

Слайд 7

Old John Brown he had a farm…

Слайд 8


Слайд 9

Twelve Months

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