Активное обучение английскому языку через игру
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему
«… a game causes sudden realization
of individual’s abilities that makes him
feel the same delight as does an artist
experiencing the burst of creation…».
«… в игре человек испытывает такое же наслаждение
от свободного обнаружения своих способностей,
какое художник испытывает во время творчества».
Ф. Шиллер.
Active teaching through games
Every teacher knows that it is crucial to choose methods of teaching suitable for the class, number of students, age and level difference. Finding a right method is half job in the teaching process. Different, captivating, unordinary activities in the classroom will help motivate the students and improve the effectiveness of the language learning process.
Game is a means to activate the lexical and grammatical material, development of skills and knowledge of all activities. Game develops creative, intellectual capacity of a student. It involves a decision: what to do, what to say, how to win.
Educational games help to make learning a foreign language interesting and more fun. They help to create the atmosphere of passions, relaxed environment, bring up the sense of equality and help the student to overcome shyness, constraint, remove language barriers. In any type of activity there could be a place for a game, and then even the most boring class becomes a fascinating one.
Games encourage students to interact and communicate. Communication builds stronger friendship, helps students feel more comfortable in the class. Games help teachers to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful.
In general, games can be divided into the following categories:
Icebreakers and Warm ups; Active Games; Quite\Passive Games and Outdoor Activities.
Icebreakers and Warm ups | Active Games | Quite\Passive Games | Outdoor Activities. |
Create friendly, relaxed atmosphere and give a good start for the lesson. | There are games that require students to move, be active and be physically involved in activity. Teachers can use these games during any part of the lesson or use them for unusual classes that would take place in any available school area. | May use for repetition of lexical and grammatical material. These games don’t require students to run around the classroom and are not noisy. | These games could be played outside the classroom. They are entertaining and bring up team spirit. |
Game: “Blind Robot” Equipment: none Group: 4 + participants Duration: 3-6 minutes Blindfold one of the kids. Make sure they learnt the vocabularies: turn left, turn right, go straight, turn around, go across, etc. The blindfolded student must reach the target (another student or an object). All the students help him get there by saying where to go.
| Game: “Pictionary” (picture + dictionary) Equipment: board, markers, flashcards. Group: 10+ participants. Duration: 5-8 minutes. One student reads the word from a flashcard, then must try to draw it quickly while the other students guess what it is. For a class of thirty-six divide them into groups of six and each group competes against each other. Any grammar can be used: “he is playing soccer” or “he played soccer” or just “soccer”. | Game: “Comic Writing” Equipment: comic books. Group: 10+ participants Duration: 15 minutes. Take a page from famous comic books and copy the pictures so that they would have blank speaking bubbles. Then hand out comics to your students and ask them to write a story to fill in the bubbles. Let them work in pairs or small groups. They can use dictionaries, their textbooks or ask the teacher. Students are allowed to write about anything they want. Then ask your students to come up and read their comic stories in front of the class. This activity lets the students express their ideas and feelings in a fun and interesting way. | Game: Octopus Equipment: none Group: 12 + participants Duration: 7-12 minutes An area about half the size of a basketball court is best for this game. Preset the boundaries on a field or blacktop area. Choose one or two people from the group to act as octopuses. They stand in the center of the court. Other participants line up on one end boundary. When an octopus calls “GO!”, every one runs from one end to the other trying not to get tagged by an octopus. If tagged, the person becomes a jellyfish. They are frozen to the sport where they were tagged and can move their arms only. They then assist the octopus in tagging the other children who are running back and forth. The last free person remaining is the winner. |
“Butterfly in the Wind”
A child is like a butterfly in the wind
Some can fly higher than the others
But each flies the best it can
Why compare it to the others????
Each one is different
Each one is special
Each one is beautiful.
Ребенок похож на бабочку на ветру
Одни могут летать выше, чем другие
Но каждая летает самым
наилучшим способом
Зачем сравнивать её с другими
Каждая особая
Каждая красивая
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Active teaching through games Every teacher knows that it is crucial to choose methods of teaching suitable for the class, number of students, age and level difference. Finding a right method is half job in the teaching process. Different, captivating, unordinary activities in the classroom will help motivate the students and improve the effectiveness of the language learning process.
Game is a means to activate the lexical and grammatical material, development of skills and knowledge of all activities. Game develops creative, intellectual capacity of a student. It involves a decision: what to do, what to say, how to win. Educational games help to make learning a foreign language interesting and more fun. They help to create the atmosphere of passions, relaxed environment, bring up the sense of equality and help the student to overcome shyness, constraint, remove language barriers. In any type of activity there could be a place for a game, and then even the most boring class becomes a fascinating one.
Games encourage students to interact and communicate. Communication builds stronger friendship, helps students feel more comfortable in the class. Games help teachers to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. In general, games can be divided into the following categories: Icebreakers and Warm ups; Active Games; Quite\Passive Games and Outdoor Activities.
Icebreakers and Warm ups Create friendly, relaxed atmosphere and give a good start for the lesson. Game: “ Blind Robot” Equipment: none Group: 4 + participants Duration: 3-6 minutes Blindfold one of the kids. Make sure they learnt the vocabularies: turn left, turn right, go straight, turn around, go across, etc. The blindfolded student must reach the target (another student or an object). All the students help him get there by saying where to go.
Active Games There are games that require students to move, be active and be physically involved in activity. Teachers can use these games during any part of the lesson or use them for unusual classes that would take place in any available school area. Game: “Pictionary” (picture + dictionary) Equipment: board, markers, flashcards. Group: 10+ participants. Duration: 5-8 minutes. One student reads the word from a flashcard, then must try to draw it quickly while the other students guess what it is. For a class of thirty-six divide them into groups of six and each group competes against each other. Any grammar can be used: “he is playing soccer” or “he played soccer” or just “soccer”.
Quite\Passive Games May use for repetition of lexical and grammatical material. These games don’t require students to run around the classroom and are not noisy. Game: “Comic Writing” Equipment: comic books. Group: 10+ participants Duration: 15 minutes. Take a page from famous comic books and copy the pictures so that they would have blank speaking bubbles. Then hand out comics to your students and ask them to write a story to fill in the bubbles. Let them work in pairs or small groups. They can use dictionaries, their textbooks or ask the teacher. Students are allowed to write about anything they want. Then ask your students to come up and read their comic stories in front of the class. This activity lets the students express their ideas and feelings in a fun and interesting way.
These games could be played outside the classroom. They are entertaining and bring up team spirit. Game : « Octopus » Equipment : none Group : 12 + participants Duration: 7-12 minutes An area about half the size of a basketball court is best for this game. Preset the boundaries on a field or blacktop area. Choose one or two people from the group to act as octopuses. They stand in the center of the court. Other participants line up on one end boundary. When an octopus calls “GO!”, every one runs from one end to the other trying not to get tagged by an octopus. If tagged, the person becomes a jellyfish. They are frozen to the sport where they were tagged and can move their arms only. They then assist the octopus in tagging the other children who are running back and forth. The last free person remaining is the winner. Outdoor Activities.
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