Тест на тему "Разделительные вопросы"
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Тест на тему "Разделительные вопросы"
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Предварительный просмотр:
- This jacket doesn’t suit me,-------------?
- Let’s go out tonight,------------?
- Nina has seen this film already,------------?
- Open the front door,------------?
- The news was depressing,------------?
- Mary’s got black hair,------------?
- She’s about fifty, --------------?
- Don’t close the window, --------------?
- You like modern art, ---------------?
- Oleg came from Murmansk ------------?
- We can ask at the tourist office, ----------?
- She isn’t listening to me, --------------?
- I’ve told you once, --------------?
- Listen carefully, ----------?
- You’d met Fred before, -------------?
- Mice like cheese, -------------?
- He’d never been there before, ----------?
- I shouldn’t have lost my temper, --------?
- There’s some milk in the fridge, ---------?
- You can’t stand heavy metal, -------------?
- Someone telephoned, -------------?
- He had to sell his house, ----------?
- Spain won the final, -----------?
- There aren’t any biscuits left, -------?
- You used to live here, ---------?
- You can hardly speak English, --------?
- You’d better smoke less, ---------?
- You’d prefer to stay in, -----?
- I’m late for the lesson, ---------?
- The police aren’t coming, ------?
- You aren’t cold, -------?
- I’m right, -----?
- He went to college, --------?
- We were late again, ------?
- It won’t be easy, ------?
- Her friends are French, ---------?
- My boss wasn’t angry, ------?
- You were early yesterday, -------?
- There’s a football match tonight, -----?
- She used to live in the country, --------?
- Mother’s very tired, --------?
- They’re on holidays, --------?
- I’m early tonight, ---------?
- You’ll give me a call, ------?
- We were all ill last week, -------?
- You’ve finished your test, -------?
- Mario has gone out, -------?
- I always do the wrong thing, -----?
- Teresa works hard, -----?
- My brother wasn’t late, -------?
- They shouldn’t be doing such things, ------?
- Let’s go roller skating to the park, --------?
- Jack used to be a good football player, ------?
- They didn’t need to be so rude, -------?
- The student need to pass the exam, ------?
- We don’t have to answer all the questions, -------?
- You mustn’t tell her the truth, ------?
- The girl had to leave early, ---------?
- You are never happy, -----?
- Everybody’s in the classroom, ---------?
- There’s a lot of traffic, -------?
- Michael should pass the exam, ------?
- I am right, -----?
- He apologized, -----?
- He’d never met her before, ------?
- You wouldn’t tell anyone, -----?
- You have been to Great Britain, ----?
- His sister is getting married soon, -----?
- Paul passed his driving test yesterday, -----?
- You really don’t understand what I am saying, ----?
- The computer’s crashed again, -------?
- You know my elder brother, -----?
- Alice never smiles, -----?
- There’s no milk in the bottle, -------?
- Don’t forget about her birthday, -----?
- Let’s have a party after school, -------?
- Nobody phoned me yesterday, -----?
- Don’t drive too fast, ------?
- Do have some more coffee, -----?
- Pass me the newspaper, ------?
- Everybody’s here today, ------?
- She has never been to France, -----?
- Nothing can happen with us, ------?
- Somebody’s forgotten their coat, -----?
- You never wrote a letter, -----?
- It wasn’t cold yesterday, -----?
- You speak Chinese, --------?
- She doesn’t work in the office, -----?
- The cake isn’t tasty, -----?
- Stop talking, ---------?
- Emily can’t roller-skate, -------?
- Everybody is ready, -----?
- I’m going to the disco tonight, ------?
- Somebody has brought a letter, -----?
- Pass me the salt, --------?
100.You agree with me, ------?
101. George left the party early, -------?
102. Let’s have a drink, -----?
102. Jack was born in Japan, ------?
103. Somebody has got to pay, -----?
104. So, you like working here, -------?
106. You will go to the country, -----?
107. I am not a typist, -----?
108. He hasn’t finished his work yet, -------?
109. Jane owns a café in London, -------?
110. You aren’t too bust tonight, -------?
112. The ticket to the theatre doesn’t cost much, -----?
113. You don’t need the book any more, -------?
114. Nobody knows who lives in this castle, -----?
115. Don’t forget to write me a letter, -------?
117. There is a lot of snow in the garden, ----?
118. They never celebrate St Valentine’s Day, ----?
119. They have met him this morning, --------?
120. They had to speak to the teacher about it, ------?
121. They have to get up early, -------?
122. There were a lot of people in the bus, ------?
123. It rained two days ago, -------?
124. It is snowing, -----?
125. There is no snow in August, -----?
126. It never snows in August, --------?
127. It doesn’t snow in August, ------?
128. It isn’t cold today, ------?
129. You will go there tomorrow, -----?
130. He can’t help you, -----?
131. The snowmen are funny, ------?
132. There are three big snowmen in the park, -----?
133. There was nothing funny there, ---?
134. There are no poems in Unit 15, ----?
135. You like funny stories, -----?
136. He won’t come on Saturday, ----?
137. He never comes on Saturday, -----?
138. They spoke to Kate’s brother, ------?
139. I shan’t write a test, -----?
140. They were never right, -------?
141. She lost nothing, ------?
142. The children felt sad, -----?
143. I’m your doctor, --------?
144. I’m a good swimmer, ----?
145. You have five lessons today, -----?
146. They had porridge for breakfast, -------?
147. They must stay at home, -----?
148. They had to stay at home, -------?
149. She had to see a doctor, -----?
150. She had a nice garden, -----?
151. He could skate well, ----?
152. He won’t stay at home, ------?
153. She comes late, -------?
154. I come late, ----?
157. He told nobody about it, -----?
158. The Browns never go to the circus, -----?
159. There is nothing interesting here, -----?
160. He couldn’t buy anything, -----?
161. We have got nothing to give him, ----?
162. There’s more food, -------?
163. No one knows me, -----?
164. Let me try it, -----?
165. They won’t go without me, -----?
166. This is our stop, ----?
167. You used to smoke, -----?
168. You want a pizza, ----?
169. He had an accident, ------?
170. There’s little point in listening to him, ----?
171. There are a few mistakes here, -------?
172. I don’t believe you’ve got it yourself, ----?
174. Let’s have a serious talk, -------?
176. I am rather intelligent, ------?
177. There’s been a car crash, -----?
178. The ambulance has just arrived, -----?
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