Разработка занятия кружка английского фильма.
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
В данной разработке представлены задания для просмотра мультфильма канала BBC Prime "Angelmouse" для учащихся 5-6 классов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Занятие кружка английского фильма
с использованием мультфильма канала BBC Prime «Angelmouse»
Класс 5.
Учитель – Севастьянова Е. В.
Просмотр данного фильма и разработанные коммуникативные задания – Pre, While, Post-Viewing – предлагаются учащимся 5 класса, обучающимся по интенсивной методике, (учебник «Hello, friends» В.Н.Филиппова) в конце первой четверти, когда их лексический запас достигает 450-500 единиц.
Pre-viewing activity
1. Dear children, you are going to watch a wonderful cartoon «Angelmouse» about a little mouse with wings and a halo over his head. Before watching it let us make sure we know all the words from the box. You will come across them in the film.
Wings Paradise gates rainbow properly to do a test message Look out! halo |
2. The main character of the cartoon Angelmouse is always here with us to help those who are in need. The mouse tries very hard to be good. It is not easy to be a proper angel so luckily for Angelmouse he has a lot of friends to help him. You know «A friend in need is a friend indeed ». Have a look at the list of proverbs and choose the ones describing friends, friendship and good deeds.
1. A friend is a gift you give yourself.
2. Time is money.
3. A true, true friend is like a rainbow after a storm.
4. Friends are angels, who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
6. No sweet without sweat.
7. It is better to do well than to say well.
Which of the proverbs did you like best of all? Try hard to learn it!
While-viewing activity
1. We haven’t got to know the main characters of the film yet, have we? Are you eager to do it? Of course, you do. Everybody does. But alas – I’ve lost the whole list of characters. Here is only the list of their names. So, we know who they are, but no idea of what they are. Don’t worry! Let’s watch the cartoon and match the names of every character with what he or she is.
a.Angelmouse | 1. a teddy bear |
b.Quilly | 2. a sweet-looking doll |
c.Baby Ellie | 3. a bird, Angelmouse’s best friend |
d.Spencer | 4. a duck with the love for high speed |
e.Little Petal | 5. Elliemum’s daughter |
f.Elliemum | 6. a mouse with wings |
g.Oswald | 7. a rabbit |
h.Hutchkin | 8. an elephant |
Answers: A 6 B 3 C 5 D 1 E 2 F 8 G 4 H 7
2. I’m sure, you liked the cartoon very much and don’t mind watching it again. This time try very hard to be attentive and remember as much as you can. We are going to check your memory after watching it.
As for me, I remember everything! Want a bet? I’m ready. If I am not right, correct me, please.
- It was such a sunny day, when Quilly met his friend Angelmouse.
- Mice don’t have wings.
- Angelmouse goes to Cookery school.
- At Angel School you learn how to paint rainbows.
- This time Angelmouse has to do a driving test.
- If you pain a rainbow, you become a proper angel
- Angelmouse has lost his message from «You Know Who».
- Angelmouse has passed his test.
Answers: 1 F 2 R 3 F 4 R 5 F 6 F 7 T 8 T
Post-viewing activity
1. Congratulations! Well done. You really try very hard to do your job like Angelmouse tried to do his test properly. But your test hasn’t been finished yet. I’ve got a message from «You Know Who», in which he gives us the task to decide which of the characters said the following words.
- – We can find someone to help, Mouse.
- – Look out! Look out! No breaks…
- – Congratulations! You’ve passed your Angel Test.
- – It was such a windy day.
- – So, I don’t know who to help.
- – If you do it right, you become a proper angel.
- – Yes, everyone knows «You know who».
- – But mice don’t have wings.
- – Sometimes I’m not good enough…
- – I'm Quilly, silly.
1-Quilly, 2-Oswald, 3-«You Know Who», 4-Quilly, 5-Angelmouse, 6-Angelmouse, 7-Quilly, 8-Quilly, 9-Angelmouse, 10-Quilly
2 We’ve done really a good job. Now it’s time to play. Let’s visit the website of «Angelmouse» www.angelmouse.com and try Cloud Game.
- We can find more games and funny activities online at www.angelmouse.com . Why not create a Good Deeds Certificate for your best friend, relative or teacher?
- Auditioning. The BBC Prime is organizing auditioning for the film. Would you like to participate in it and show your acting talent? Be ready to try the parts of the narrator, Angelmouse and Quilly.(See the filmscript)
6 Do you remember the proverbs we learned before watching the cartoon? One of them was «It is better to do well than to say well». I’m sure, you follow this principle and try to do only good deeds, don’t you? Will you prove it? Have a talk with your friend about good things you both try to do at home, at school, towards your parents, relatives, classmates, teachers and other people.
7 Writing a message. You want your friends to perform good deeds. Write a message to different people with the task to become a proper Lyceum student, a good son or daughter, a real friend, etc.
We have a model message from «You Know Who».
Dear Dolly,
To become a real friend you have to do your friendship test. Be reliable, kind-hearted, understand, respect and support your friends. Always help people in need.
You Know Who
Scene 1
- I’ve got wings just like you, silly.
- Mice don’t have wings.
- Well, I do. I’m learning to be an angel.
- How do you do that?
- I go to Angel School. That’s where you learn angel things like how to walk through the gates of Paradise…Oops, oops, sorry…You learn how to paint rainbows…And most important: you try very hard to be good…But sometimes I’m not good enough. And today I have to do my Angel test.
Scene 2
- Oh, yes. What’s that?
- Do you know «You Know Who»?
- Yes, everyone knows «You Know Who».
- To see if you’ve learnt properly he sends you out to help someone. If you do it right, you become a proper angel. But I’ve lost my message from «You Know Who». So, I don’t know who to help. And if I don’t help the right person, I’ll never ever become an angel. Then can take my wings away.
- I’m sure, we can find someone who needs help, mouse. Let’s ask around the village.
Scene 3
- Look out! Look out! No brakes! No brakes!
- He needs help!
- No. That’s Oswald. He is always like that.
- If I don’t help someone today, I’ll never be an angel.
- Oh! Help! Help!...Thank you, mouse, you really helped me. What’s that?
- What?
- Over your head.
- It’s a halo like angels have.
Scene 4
- Look! A message. It’s from «You Know Who». It says : «To pass your Angel Test you must help a bird called Quilly».
- That’s a message I lost. I’d better find Quilly quickly.
- I’m Quilly, silly.
- Oh, there is another one.
- It says : «Congratulations! You have passed your test!» Does that mean you are an Angelmouse?
- Yes! That is what I am. I am an Angelmouse, a real Angelmouse with a halo!
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